If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat ...


Valued Senior Member
If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat, what would happen to their religion/philosophy?

Would they still endorse eternal damnation for everyone who doesn't accept their ways?
If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat, what would happen to their religion/philosophy?

Would they still endorse eternal damnation for everyone who doesn't accept their ways?



Uh, what now?
Because being a vegetarian doesn't necessarily make one a peace loving pacifist nor does it ensure forgiveness.

I mean just look at Hitler.

Meanwhile the Dalai Lama eats meat every other day and he's a peace loving kind of guy.
What difference does it make if they are Christian or a muslim? Unless of course you believe that the diet creates there religious philosophy.
I believe that the diet has an effect on what religious philosophy a person will choose, and how they will present it.
I believe that the diet has an effect on what religious philosophy a person will choose, and how they will present it.

How does that work exactly? I mean you have James here who is a vegetarian and believes in animal rights but he's also an atheist.

I know many Buddhists who eat meat on a regular basis. Actually while living in Asia I have yet to find a full fledged vegetarian within those who are non christian or muslim.
Eating meat has nothing to do with Christianity. The New Testament says we can eat whatever we want. We do.
Catholics have a thing about meat. Born-again, Bible-based Christians do not.
If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat, what would happen to their religion/philosophy?

Would they still endorse eternal damnation for everyone who doesn't accept their ways?

1. Nothing.
2. They have no choice.
Eating meat has nothing to do with Christianity. The New Testament says we can eat whatever we want. We do.
Catholics have a thing about meat. Born-again, Bible-based Christians do not.
M*W: What thing do catholics have about meat? Even when I was a catholic, there were no strict dietary rules. Not eating meat on Fridays was more of a tradition and usually only observed during Lent by some of the older, more traditional catholics. You're embarrassing yourself sandy.
Say huh?

Signal said:

If Christians and Muslims stopped eating meat, what would happen to their religion/philosophy?

Would they still endorse eternal damnation for everyone who doesn't accept their ways?

Perhaps I'm missing something, but how does the one (consumption of meat) connect to the other (endorse eternal damnation)?
Eating meat has nothing to do with Christianity. The New Testament says we can eat whatever we want. We do.
Catholics have a thing about meat. Born-again, Bible-based Christians do not.

Catholics have a thing about meat? More than 'Christians'? I don't quite understand what you mean by that, so it would be welcome if you could elaborate on that notion. Thank you.