If atheists are right - how come there are so few of them?

I mean "purpose". However, what difference does it make whether I say "meaning" instead of "purpose"? Also, please explain how it is that science has proven that any specific God does not exist.
Are the majority always right? In the history of the world, how often has it turned out that a popular opinion turned out incorrect?
In the history of the world, the majority opinion usually turns out to be correct. However, we are most familar with the rare cases where they are wrong, e.g. the world is flat.
In the history of the world, the majority opinion usually turns out to be correct

Such as? (don't say ostriches burying their heads in sand/people using 10% of their brains etc).

If that were true, then Jesus who undoubtedly had far greater faith than any Christian you know would not have mentioned God about a zillion times

He was supposedly god and if so.. given his overwhelming desire to have everything worship him and bow at his feet, it is no surprise he mentioned himself a 'zillion' times.
... please explain how it is that science has proven that any specific God does not exist.

Prove that he doesn't exist? LOL. I guess I just have faith that he doesn't.
And yes, it isn't easy being an atheist. I have to think up my own reasons for things, not fall back on scripture. Its sad knowing I'm gonna die and this is it. Its lonely never having the fellowship of a church.
But I won't lie to myself just to make my life easier.
there are a lot of us who dont belive im heaven, god, jesus, its just that we dont have churches where we preach to the fact god deosnt exsist, I for 1 dont believe becuase the bible contradicts itself
Well religion is in the business of making people feel comforted. Atheists don't do that - they have no attractive message.

I think some do, but they focus on the message, not the atheism. Heard of Ray Kurzweil?


"Kurzweil was the principal developer of the first omni-font optical character recognition system, the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind, the first CCD flatbed scanner, the first text-to-speech synthesizer, the first electronic musical instrument capable of recreating the sound of a grand piano and other orchestral instruments (which he developed at the urging of Stevie Wonder, who was amazed by his OCR reading machine), and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognition system. He has founded nine businesses in the fields of OCR, music synthesis, speech recognition, reading technology, virtual reality, financial investment, medical simulation, and cybernetic art."
My point is - isn't it discomforting to atheists that the majority of people think they wrong?
Perhaps some, I couldn't care less how many people think something is right or wrong as it makes no difference, regardless of my opinion on it.
Perhaps, the atheists need to reflect more closely on what they know and don't know. Science has not proven that God does not exist.
Until something proves god does exist I'll continue to disbelieve in it, I consider that a very reasonable position as it's unreasonable to expect people to disprove something; burden of proof is on the claimant. I'm not afraid to say I don't have all the answers, something that scares the crap out of the religious though so they create "god did it" as the universal answer to everything. I'll instead wait patiently for something substantial.
While science does not give any meaning to life besides the consumption of energy given off by the Sun, a God would seem to give some meaning to life.
You have some strange preconceptions about Atheists. They tend to create their own meaning for life, much like some religions and specifically sects use a fair bit of creativity in their meanings. Difference is Atheism has no central belief system.
there are a lot of us who dont belive im heaven, god, jesus, its just that we dont have churches where we preach to the fact god deosnt exsist, I for 1 dont believe becuase the bible contradicts itself

Mmm, the Bible is not the only sacred scripture, there are the Bible Apocrypha, Upanishads, Vedas, Dharmapada, Qur'an, Tao-Te-Ching, Bhagavad Gita, Tipitaka or Pali Canon, Katha (The Gathas of Zarathushtra), The Avesta... The "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra" is awesome.
I guarantee you, every piece of ancient literature makes you have a clearer view of the Bible itself.
There is no more inspiring story about the origin of life on Earth and the rise of intelligence than the real one. The truth is stranger than fiction.
My perspective? Someone can explain alien abduction to me so clearly and completely that I understand what they are talking about. It doesn't mean I believe them.
there are a lot of us who dont belive im heaven, god, jesus, its just that we dont have churches where we preach to the fact god deosnt exsist, I for 1 dont believe becuase the bible contradicts itself

M*W: Yeah, and that's too bad that we don't have these places, because this is something that needs to be taught to the masses!
How would you define a "decent alternative"? Atheism is not an alternative to religion. Atheists simply do not believe. It is not an alternative but a complete opposite. And you cannot promote it. You either believe or you do not.

you can promote it by trying to crush other peoples religion. trying to make them not have faith.

im not saying anybody in particular does, but it does happen.
