If atheists are right - how come there are so few of them?

If Earth is so beautiful and alive, how come there are none like it?

I mentioned this in another thread. We've found over 200 extrasolar planets so far. The Milky Way galaxy alone has what, billions of stars, most of which could very well be hosting their own star system. So you're telling me, that given that we've found 200 extrasolar planets, along with the possibility of billions of other star systems in this galaxy, let alone the billions of other galaxies in the universe, that there is no other planet like earth. Come on now.
So few in terms of relative proportion to the believers of the world. Atheists like to complain about the religious, but they never seem to be promoting a decent alternative. It's always, "you guys are stupid - there is no God." Not, "God gets in the way of the true meaning of life, which is . . ."

Your thread is meaningless.

Imagine a myth that is false, yet everyone in the village believed it except for one person... Would you tell that guy: "If you think it's false, why do so many people believe it?".

Yes, everyone in the village may find comfort in believing in that celestial teapot, but what 'decent' alternative is that non-believer supposed to give?
Yes, everyone in the village may find comfort in believing in that celestial teapot, but what 'decent' alternative is that non-believer supposed to give?

The non-believers are only people who don´t believe in the Gods they have been told to exist.

The non-believers are just people who are in search for the truth behind it all. Some believers have found a higher truth than non-believers. Some non-believers have found a higher truth than some believers.

Who are any of us to judge who has the higher truth?
Those who don´t even mention God can be more religious than a person that goes to church every single day.

I have seen over and over again how a person who allegedly believes in God with all his heart can be so overwhelmed and/or offended when someone elses tells him there is no God.

If you get offended when someone tells you God doesn´t exist, then you are repressing a part of your true self, that wants to come out, but can´t. You express this as anger.

It is like Buddha said:
"We are only offended by things that are part of ourselves, things that are not part of us doesn´t disturb us".

I have doubted this many times, but I personally think this is correct, since I have seen it happen over and over again, almost in every person, including myself.

Yes, but if someone wants to murder and another doesn't and murders the one that doesn't, that person will still be stone, cold dead. So things can affect you and hurt you no matter what.
Ok your entire premise is flawed. Something being right or wrong is not dependant on how many people believe something.
There are few Atheists because;
1) It is a relatively new concept to be able to freely embrace, for much of the last 2000 years people were killed for not believing in god, kinda keeps the numbers down a bit really.
2) It's not a religion, it has no sets of beliefs, no doctrine, no holy book, it doesn't have any "spread the word, convert the world" ideas to it so it is far from widely preached as religion is always commanded.
3) It has no reward or comfort value, you aren't constantly being reminded of the joys of afterlife and the reward you receive for believing it, many religious people only believe for this value.
4) It doesn't scare people into agreement, there is no hell, no fearmongering to get people to agree with the view.
5) The majority of the world is brought up to follow a religion and most Atheists must break free of this, few people have the knowledge of alternatives, the reasoning ability to ignore brainwashing and adapt to new concepts, or the courage to follow convictions and break away from what they've always been told, let alone the desire to do so due to being happy, also fear of acceptance plays a part.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, also be aware in most developed countries the number of Atheists are growing whilst religious numbers shrink.
Yes, but if someone wants to murder and another doesn't and murders the one that doesn't, that person will still be stone, cold dead. So things can affect you and hurt you no matter what.

how did you get that from what I said man?
The more numbers of people who believe something, the more collective brain power is put into the problem, the more likely the answer is to be correct. How can Atheism be new, when we are all born Atheists with no conscious knowledge of religion? Isn't Humanism essentially an Atheistic belief system that attempts to give comfort? As for fearmongering by Atheists, what about communist Russia and China? I think Stalin and Mao might disagree about lack of fearmongering. Lastly, the majority of the world's population is not in developed countries. Atheists are outnumbered by the religious in these countries.
I disagree that there are few atheists. I think many people identify with a religion out of their culture, even if they don't really believe it.
It doesn't matter how many people believe. In the old days, people who ate salad were looked on as freaks and were discouraged by the majority as they believed it was bad for you even though the minority were enjoying better health. They were so used to feeling the way they were healthwise, they had no concept of anything better and were fearful of change. Lol, we now know that is just the opposite.
never underestimate the power of stupid people gathered in large groups

I don't.
I've been on committees.
The only thing they ever get close to agreement on is that "the problem deserves more study" and "we could do with some more coffee"!
I don't.
I've been on committees.
The only thing they ever get close to agreement on is that "the problem deserves more study" and "we could do with some more coffee"!

Oh my universe, one of those kinds of meetings is going on now...i'm lucky to be excused from it today.
Oli said:
I don't.
I've been on committees.
The only thing they ever get close to agreement on is that "the problem deserves more study" and "we could do with some more coffee"!

Oh my universe, one of those kinds of meetings is going on now...i'm lucky to be excused from it today.


The more numbers of people who believe something, the more collective brain power is put into the problem, the more likely the answer is to be correct. .
Brain power? We'd be in real trouble if they ever used it.
1 modern human v's 10 neanderthals, who has the greatest brain power; collective or otherwise? Numbers don't mean jack.
Also what problem? You're assuming they even think about it in any detail instead of following blindly. Let alone the concept of objectivity.

How can Atheism be new, when we are all born Atheists with no conscious knowledge of religion?
The key words were "to be able to freely embrace" as I pointed out there has been a long time where people were killed for this belief. Its acceptance IS new, and still hasn't spread particularly well in some places.
Isn't Humanism essentially an Atheistic belief system that attempts to give comfort?
You're in a way branching into sects, much like christianity has a wide variety.
As for fearmongering by Atheists, what about communist Russia and China? I think Stalin and Mao might disagree about lack of fearmongering.
You're confusing politics and government with religion. Would it be fair to say christians kill lots of people because the American government does and it's christian? Of course not.
The point was Atheism itself; unlike other religions, does not hold a concept of everlasting damnation to scare people into accepting it.
Lastly, the majority of the world's population is not in developed countries. Atheists are outnumbered by the religious in these countries.
I used developed countries for the reason that my knowledge would naturally lie here. They are ahead of these other countries, in matters of education, economy, acceptance(supposedly), freedom, the list is endless. They have had a great many years for things to grow from the stale attitudes of the 16th century or the like, lesser developed countries have not had the time required. I have no knowledge on these countries religious makeup and if it is growing or not. Atheists are still outnumbered in the developed world, but they ARE increasing in numbers.
The situation is also such that these people are brought up to believe in a god, if their country is less likely to see it as acceptable that someone breaks this belief they are highly unlikely to do so.
Well religion is in the business of making people feel comforted. Atheists don't do that - they have no attractive message.
And your point is...what, exactly? The fact that your religion is comforting, helps you deal with your fear of death, gives you hope, or makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside has exactly zero to do with whether or not it's true. It would be nice for me to believe that there will be a giant pile of gold bars waiting on my coffee table when I get home, but that doesn’t make it any more likely for the bars to actually be there.
My point is - isn't it discomforting to atheists that the majority of people think they wrong? Perhaps, the atheists need to reflect more closely on what they know and don't know. Science has not proven that God does not exist. While science does not give any meaning to life besides the consumption of energy given off by the Sun, a God would seem to give some meaning to life.
So few in terms of relative proportion to the believers of the world. Atheists like to complain about the religious, but they never seem to be promoting a decent alternative. It's always, "you guys are stupid - there is no God." Not, "God gets in the way of the true meaning of life, which is . . ."

Many Atheists value truth over psychological satisfaction and an alternative is therefore not relevant. For those athesits that do value psychological satisfaction equal to or greater than truth, their natural lives without religion provide it (I couldn't tell you more about thier 'alternative' as I dont fall into that category).

p.s. Don't get too hung up on that meaning of life question. If you know the meaning of 'meaning', then you'll see the answer is not very coherent to a human being.
My point is - isn't it discomforting to atheists that the majority of people think they wrong?

It would be if the majority was threatning; otherwise, I suspect most athesist are comeforted by the fact that 'reality' agrees with them.

Science has not proven that God does not exist.

As a generic concept of 'God' you are correct. For specific 'God's (i.e. Christian, Jewish, etc.) you are incorrect.

While science does not give any meaning to life besides the consumption of energy given off by the Sun, a God would seem to give some meaning to life.

Do you really mean 'meaning' or 'purpose'?