If atheists are right - how come there are so few of them?

John J. Bannan

Registered Senior Member
So few in terms of relative proportion to the believers of the world. Atheists like to complain about the religious, but they never seem to be promoting a decent alternative. It's always, "you guys are stupid - there is no God." Not, "God gets in the way of the true meaning of life, which is . . ."
So few in terms of relative proportion to the believers of the world. Atheists like to complain about the religious, but they never seem to be promoting a decent alternative. It's always, "you guys are stupid - there is no God." Not, "God gets in the way of the true meaning of life, which is . . ."
How would you define a "decent alternative"? Atheism is not an alternative to religion. Atheists simply do not believe. It is not an alternative but a complete opposite. And you cannot promote it. You either believe or you do not.
There are no few atheists man, people who say they believe in God are normally those who believe in Him the less... But they say they believe in God for personal, egocentric reasons (like I´m going to heaven and you´re not).
Why are there less good, more evil, less healthy, more unhealthy, less hungry, more hungry? There is less good and more bad at least up until and even still now. Maybe supertechnology will radically alter that in future.
Well religion is in the business of making people feel comforted. Atheists don't do that - they have no attractive message. I guess what you're saying is that Atheists do not feel compelled to spread the word, but are content to isolate their knowledge. This would explain why there are so few of them.
I find it hard to believe that people who say they believe in God believe in him less. Less than who? Those who don't even mention God? This argument needs some serious explaining.
It may appear as comfort but I would consider underneath as actually nurturing laziness, fear, and self-dishonesty on a deeprooted level.

What I've noticed is a pattern time and again that corrupt or unevolved people thrive on purposeful ambiguity, vagueness, miscegenation, doubletalk, contradiction, hypocrisy and emotionalism. Actually all that religion and god can feed them. I've noticed they are allergic and hate clearcut boundaries and real sincerity harder to be lazy, operate with obfuscation or dictate based on selfish greed, taking more than they should versus fairness simply because there is no accountability checking them.

That is why I strongly believe that it's actually not religion or belief in gods that will save humanity but actually technology, it doesn' discriminate. Technology is the most honest thing there is and in a further high tech world, these people have to deal with the world, us based on purer truth than emotionalism, religion, pathetic subjectivity of emotions of lust, prejudice etc. Meaning it helps raise humanity and keep things in the open and more honest.
It is comforting to think death isn't really death. It is comforting to think there is some grand design and plan to everything. It is comforting to think you are special and are privy to "the truth". It is the easy way out.

That is why there are relatively few atheists.
Well religion is in the business of making people feel comforted. Atheists don't do that - they have no attractive message. I guess what you're saying is that Atheists do not feel compelled to spread the word, but are content to isolate their knowledge. This would explain why there are so few of them.
I find it hard to believe that people who say they believe in God believe in him less. Less than who? Those who don't even mention God? This argument needs some serious explaining.

Those who don´t even mention God can be more religious than a person that goes to church every single day.

I have seen over and over again how a person who allegedly believes in God with all his heart can be so overwhelmed and/or offended when someone elses tells him there is no God.

If you get offended when someone tells you God doesn´t exist, then you are repressing a part of your true self, that wants to come out, but can´t. You express this as anger.

It is like Buddha said:
"We are only offended by things that are part of ourselves, things that are not part of us doesn´t disturb us".

I have doubted this many times, but I personally think this is correct, since I have seen it happen over and over again, almost in every person, including myself.
Technology can't remove emotions. And, if it could, what's left to motivate you? It seems technology is far more likely to make us lazy, than religion. I don't get up to switch the channel on the T.V. any more because of the remote control technology has brought us.
Laziness is simply lack of motivation. Religion seems to motivate many - not make them lazy.
Technology can't remove emotions. And, if it could, what's left to motivate you? It seems technology is far more likely to make us lazy, than religion. I don't get up to switch the channel on the T.V. any more because of the remote control technology has brought us.
Laziness is simply lack of motivation. Religion seems to motivate many - not make them lazy.
Religion also seems to brainwash people, which IMO is just as, if not more than technology making us lazy.
Lack of motivation is much better than motivation to go out and do harm (i.e. suicide bombers, abortion clinic bombers, etc.).
If that were true, then Jesus who undoubtedly had far greater faith than any Christian you know would not have mentioned God about a zillion times?
So few in terms of relative proportion to the believers of the world. Atheists like to complain about the religious, but they never seem to be promoting a decent alternative. It's always, "you guys are stupid - there is no God." Not, "God gets in the way of the true meaning of life, which is . . ."
so few in comparison to what,?
if your a christian which one of the 34.000 sect is yours?
if your wish to compare your god and religion to the rest of the world then yours is a clear minority. as two thirds dont believe in your god, and breaking it down further, your looking at approximately 000.1% of the worlds population is your denomination, which means 99.999% are unbelievers, to your doctrine, so who are this few your talking about.

we are all atheist, your are to the muslim god and the hindu gods etc etc..
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Persons in religions other than mine are still religious. And, they do comprise a large majority of the world's population. Atheists don't.
I always look forward to geeser's responses on these topics :)

I must point out that the popularity vote does not lend to the veracity of a claim. That is to say, being in the minority doesn't automatically make athiests incorrect.
If that were true, then Jesus who undoubtedly had far greater faith than any Christian you know would not have mentioned God about a zillion times?

He mentioned God, but if someone came and tell Jesus that God doesn´t exist, do you think Jesus would get mad at him? Jesus would be angry at him?

No, Jesus would pitty the guy, and would advice him, but not get angry, that is what non-believers do.
So few in terms of relative proportion to the believers of the world. Atheists like to complain about the religious, but they never seem to be promoting a decent alternative. It's always, "you guys are stupid - there is no God." Not, "God gets in the way of the true meaning of life, which is . . ."

If Earth is so beautiful and alive, how come there are none like it?