I wish I was religious and had true faith.

I do not believe in religion but I have faith. I believe in god. I know what I am. I have no religion only belief in conscious morals and in myself. You are right, but faith leads a man into his life by the leash, but not by the dog.

Just remember everything you do resonates in time forever. This life is the next and the last. It is the paradox.
I do not believe in religion but I have faith. I believe in god. I know what I am. I have no religion only belief in conscious morals and in myself. You are right, but faith leads a man into his life by the leash, but not by the dog.

Just remember everything you do resonates in time forever. This life is the next and the last. It is the paradox.

Imo, the different between the religious one who have faith in God with the one
who don't have any religion but have faith in God, is that the one who have
religion have the basis for their act. The rule is establish in the religions, be it
Islam, Christianity, Hindu, Buddha, etc. I do not believe in any rule set up by
human or even by ourselves. Because, if I am a God and I create human, I am
the one who knows what rule best for human. It's like when you create computer.
Certainly the creator of the computer knows better then the computer itself.
That is in great distaste because my three sisters were raped before the age of 6 by their step father for my whole sister, and their father for my two half's. At any point a child may deny their mother, as I did, therefor I chose the father as my god.
That is in great distaste because my three sisters were raped before the age of 6 by their step father for my whole sister, and their father for my two half's. At any point a child may deny their mother, as I did, therefor I chose the father as my god.

Huh?? :confused:
My father was superior to me in every way, he now has MS (Multiple-scrolosis) it is the deteration of the milan sheething around the nerves throughout the entire body.

I have walked though hell... Now I love life... One of my sisters would rather not live... It makes me sad. This is my mothers fault. God and god have many meanings, what one will you take?
My father was superior to me in every way, he now has MS (Multiple-scrolosis) it is the deteration of the milan sheething around the nerves throughout the entire body.

I have walked though hell... Now I love life... One of my sisters would rather not live... It makes me sad. This is my mothers fault. God and god have many meanings, what one will you take?

Sorry, I do not understand your definition about God.
God, the lord almighty
god, a superior being
god, thine mother
my god, my father

I believe in all but my mother for she is worse than the devil to me.
God, the lord almighty
god, a superior being
god, thine mother
my god, my father

I believe in all but my mother for she is worse than the devil to me.

I am sorry to hear that. Anyway, I believe this thread is about the God, not the god..
Im trying to have faith in god and believe in him fully but I can't seem to do it, does anybody have suggestions that would help me believe?.

If I can trust things people tell me without having evidence for and have faith that what they tell me is true even though you never truley know what other humans are thinking inside there own mind, why is it so hard to have faith in gods existence?.


It is called faith for a reason. I really do not understand what you are trying to do. Do you think you have to join a cult?
It is called faith for a reason. I really do not understand what you are trying to do. Do you think you have to join a cult?

What do you mean, you just one day decide to believe in God ?
That would be like walking into a video store with your eyes closed and just pick up the first video you stumble upon.
I have lived my whole life listening to my own mind and not what others tell me, thats why im daoist. Im not asking for people to tell me what to believe but more along the lines of what gives other people faith?, what gives you trust that there is a god and how do you overcome the problem of not seeing what you believe in.

I want to have faith and I want to believe in god.


Theists were indoctrinated as children, that's why they believe and have faith. If you haven't been indoctrinated, it's not very likely you'll force yourself to believe in gods or gain anymore faith.
Enmos: What do you mean, you just one day decide to believe in God ?
That would be like walking into a video store with your eyes closed and just pick up the first video you stumble upon.

I never though that it mattered that much. I think that in, in some ways, you can have an edge. IOW, you can be more conscious, more aware, more able to call upon things that you cannot always see. Has little to do with being more intelligent or as if there is going to be some prize for it. There is an understanding that comes sometimes naturally and sometimes from other methods but really we have no control over this. So i believe (my belief, may not be the right one) that belief is one thing and searching is another.

At this point we get into - is there a connection between this world and another, could be the next world, could be parallel but i think personally that it is related to this one.
Theists were indoctrinated as children, that's why they believe and have faith. If you haven't been indoctrinated, it's not very likely you'll force yourself to believe in gods or gain anymore faith.

The twelve disciples weren't children.

Children most commonly are taught faith, but there are also converts. People whose lives suck and want something higher to live for, turn to faith.

It gives them peace of mind and comfort, I don't see what the problem is:shrug:
The twelve disciples weren't children.

Adults are the ones that start cults/religions.

Children most commonly are taught faith, but there are also converts. People whose lives suck and want something higher to live for, turn to faith.

Stop peddling religion as something "higher". There are people who overcome drugs, win awards, hit homeruns and don't need to thank god for it.

Your posts wreak of trying to make those people second-rate humans because they aren't living for anything "higher".
Im trying to have faith in god and believe in him fully but I can't seem to do it, does anybody have suggestions that would help me believe?

I couldn't begin to understand why you would try and believe in something you don't believe in.
How this lot?

To understand God, you must understand yourself. To do that requires that you abandon concepts of "your self", or become selfless. To become selfless, there is selfless action, and selfless thought.

Only after you have learned that yourself is not that which you seek, can you find it again.

And you should not believe this, simply because someone says it, you should (in fact you have to) believe in your own desire to find yourself. Then you will (even if you aren't aware of it) find that which you seek, grasshopper.
Im trying to have faith in god and believe in him fully but I can't seem to do it, does anybody have suggestions that would help me believe?.

If I can trust things people tell me without having evidence for and have faith that what they tell me is true even though you never truley know what other humans are thinking inside there own mind, why is it so hard to have faith in gods existence?.


What is stopping you?
