I want money back: man sues ex-wife

i know u dont trust those u love xev

its to protect from this sort of hurt

dont u think that this guy deserves to hit back a bit??

u wouldnt feel "vengful" if u found out that some other girl was having ur guys child?
Revenge in equal measure.

I like this definition very much. Thanks.

If his actions would take resources away from the kid, then yes. But I doubt they would. I think any monetary award would be paid by the state.

Fair enough on his "moral" stance. However, this raises the question of why the state, having done nothing wrong, should pay.

Why make the taxpayers suffer?

Prove it? Okay... Suppose you decide you like a guy. Would you want to know he used to be a serial rapist? A murderer? What about if he used to be married, had thirteen kids, and stole all his wife's money and left his kids to starve? Wouldn't you need to know such things before making an informed decision?

There's a difference between these things and adultery, isn't there? The degree of pain adultery causes is negligable compared to the degree of pain murder causes.

That said, these allegations would be in the divorce proceedings, which may or may not be sealed. Any man interested in marrying this chick could look them up.

Which raises another interesting question:

How much do we have a "right" to know about the one we love?

Just to muddy the waters a bit: :)
Cheating is common to humans and indeed, exists in most pair bonding animals. Thus, when we fall in love or marry we accept the possibility that our partner will screw around.

Does this mean that if we are cheated on, we "get what's coming to us"? If we do have the "right" to know anything about the person we love, do we have the right to know about past infidelities or only past crimes?

dont u think that this guy deserves to hit back a bit??

I actually don't think anyone deserves anything. He will hit back, that much is clear. And his method of doing so is "wrong" by conventional standard.

u wouldnt feel "vengful" if u found out that some other girl was having ur guys child?

No, I don't think so.
I know that I would not dream of attacking the child for this, as I know that I would not actually harm him for his actions. How I would feel is uncertain to me.

Why make the taxpayers suffer?
On the one hand: I don't like paying for the crimes and mistakes of others. They should pay.

On the other hand: Society should keep paying through the nose until people in general start behaving decently.

Thus, when we fall in love or marry we accept the possibility that our partner will screw around.
I don't accept that at all.
On the other hand: Society should keep paying through the nose until people in general start behaving decently.

In other words, she should be punished in a way that garners no harm to her and makes my wallet suffer?

For what purpose?

"Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish
is powerful." --Friedrich Nietzsche

I don't accept that at all.

I don't accept football saturday in my town, but lo and behold, traffic is tied up for some reason and there are drunk people littering the streets (well, okay, there aren't. But it'd be cool if there were!)

I don't accept the existance of stupidity, cruelty, death or boy bands. However, all these things do exist. It's up to me to deal with them.

My point stands, regardless.
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