I want money back: man sues ex-wife

do u think the mother is good xev?

u told me that the image of ur man sleeping with another girl would kill u

i gess its hard to understand for a girl because it cant happen but how would u feel if u found out that ur man had had a child with another man?

do u think u would love the child with all ur heart or would her image turn bitter?

her very pressants becomes pain

i simpathise with this guy because i have HAD my fondest memories become the biggest pain
How to put your daughter in therapy

I can just imagine the conversation between mother and daughter in fifteen years or so:

Daughter: "What?! The guy who visits me as often as he legally can and put me through university isn't my real father?! Then who is? Do you even know?"

Mother: "Your real father? Of course, I know exactly who it is. Your real father is Bob. Or Fred, or Joe, or Doug. Or maybe the local football team. One of them, for certain..."

I've done so. The woman has proven herself untrustworthy,
How so?
By saying, "Oh gosh, what a surprise, I'm having your kid. No dear, I'm not a skanky whore, it's definitely your kid". Heck, being the filthy slut she is, and proven to be none too safe in sex, she could even have caught something terminal and passed it on to him. Anything might have happened. As I said, she's an untrustworthy slut.

Indeed, by impoverishing the mother, he is harming the child.
She seems to me (from the TV interviews and such) the kind of girl who ends up with 5 bastard children by the time she's twenty, supporting herself on welfare. However, that's leaping to a judgement a bit.

I doubt very much that his actions will help the child. If he wishes to support the kid's college education, he could establish a trust fund, rather than impoverishing the child's circumstances now.
The money from the case is to go into a trust fund. I doubt very much the mother has the money to pay anyway, in which case the state pays the money.

The most humiliating thing I experienced (save arrest) was going with my mother while she requested financial assistance from a certain charity. I cannot see ever inflicting that on an innocent child, no matter how much the mother offended me.
She could leave the child with a friend, or her latest fling, for half an hour while she goes to the welfare office.

The man I love could fuck the entire continental US in my presence and I would not harm him this way.

And never under these circumstances would I harm an innocent child.


No, it'd go something like:

Daughter: "Oh, you mean that the guy who fucked us over financially to satisfy his pathetic, slavish revenge isn't my real dad? Thank Cthulhu!"

Mom: "Yeah. I think one of these men (pulls out phone book) might be"
actully i have been to centerlink

i had to get a job seeker number (which is what puts u officaly on the list of the unemployed) because the job placement places couldnt get me a job without it

its just like going into any goverment place
By saying, "Oh gosh, what a surprise, I'm having your kid. No dear, I'm not a skanky whore, it's definitely your kid". Heck, being the filthy slut she is, and proven to be none too safe in sex, she could even have caught something terminal and passed it on to him. Anything might have happened. As I said, she's an untrustworthy slut.

What an assumption. Who says she's sleeping with more than one man?

She seems to me (from the TV interviews and such) the kind of girl who ends up with 5 bastard children by the time she's twenty, supporting herself on welfare. However, that's leaping to a judgement a bit.

A bit.

You know nothing of this woman.

The money from the case is to go into a trust fund. I doubt very much the mother has the money to pay anyway, in which case the state pays the money.

One that he could establish, if he loved or cared about the child.

She could leave the child with a friend, or her latest fling, for half an hour while she goes to the welfare office.

She'd still be on welfare. You think that's going to help the kid?
You think that's fun for a child?

ur the one who told me that no woman should expect a guy to pay for a child cause its hers and if she wants it or doesnt its her body

well fine

he wants his money back that acording to U he should never have paid at all

I don't care whether he's morally or logically right. Morality and logic are tools that serve me, not chains that bind me.

I care about the welfare of this child.

He has the right to his money back. He is still scum for harming an innocent to have it back.

What an assumption. Who says she's sleeping with more than one man?
Biology says she was screwing with more than one guy. The guy she told was the father of the kid, and the one who actually was. At the very least.

You know nothing of this woman.
I know she's cheats on guys, lied about the paternity of her child, and used some guy for five years.

She'd still be on welfare. You think that's going to help the kid? You think that's fun for a child?
I'm sure it's not fun. I think what would help the child is a stable set of parents. The mother guaranteed that would not happen by being a cheat and a liar. And also by being a heartless bitch by sending a mobile phone SMS message to the guy after the divorce telling him he wasn't the father.
i dont know

a trust alows for a child to be feed, clothed ect from it

for all i care the mother can stave to death

and where is the natural father as well?
Biology says she was screwing with more than one guy. The guy she told was the father of the kid, and the one who actually was. At the very least.

Should have read "other man". My bad, and a cookie to you for noticing the minor error in my english.

I know she's cheats on guys, lied about the paternity of her child, and used some guy for five years.

And nothing else.
And how was he "used"?

I'm sure it's not fun.

Yet you think it should be inflicted on an innocent.

I think what would help the child is a stable set of parents. The mother guaranteed that would not happen by being a cheat and a liar. And also by being a heartless bitch by sending a mobile phone SMS message to the guy after the divorce telling him he wasn't the father.

I've never argued that she's commendable. However, this is not about what was done but what can be done.

He can harm the child or he can be a real man and get past the pain.


a trust alows for a child to be feed, clothed ect from it

Depends on the kind of trust. The kind that would allow that would also allow the mother to buy a Mercedes, if she's halfway smart.

for all i care the mother can stave to death

Gee Asguard, I'm sure it must be fun to watch your mother starve to death.
so her mother should be prasised and the little girl grow up knowing guys are just there for money and sex?

Where did I say that? Quote me.

I say that the guy should stay in his child's life as much as he can, and get over the bitterness and resentment he feels. I say that if the guy was worthy of the epithet "human", he'd drop this suit and try to help his child out rather than harming his child by harming her mother.

I say that she is his child, just not biologically. I say that nobody who is worth anything would harm a child for their own selfish revenge.

I say that whether he's logically or legally in the right is irrelevent.


"Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun"

guys are just there for money and sex?

They AREN'T? :p
the mother deserves a bit of hardship

it shouldnt hurt the child tho

actully i would love to see that guy take the child away from the mother and her rot
the mother deserves a bit of hardship


it shouldnt hurt the child tho

Because it would be, to you, "wrong"?

Then are not his actions "wrong"?

actully i would love to see that guy take the child away from the mother and her rot

Contradicts your above statement:

"it shouldnt hurt the child tho"
There needs to be justice in the world. Germans now are paying for the actions of their fathers, and the world supports that. I don't, but the rest of the world seems to. The mother deserves to pay. The kid doesn't.

So how can she recieve some justice without it directly harming the child?

Perhaps a tattoo on her forehead marking her as a slut, liar, cheat, and thief? Just so guys know in advance that any kids she has aren't necessarily theirs, and she could be screwing any number of guys while with them, passing around diseases and such? Definitely bad for the kid, to have such a mother, to grow up under such a shadow. (Actually my younger brother is a big fan of the idea of tattooing people for certain things.)

Take her money? As you say, it harms the kid.

Ah, an idea. The amount of money that guy is claiming is recorded, and gains interest until she pays it off. Any time she earns any money whatsoever above the average wage, it goes to him, or to the daughter's trust fund, until the debt is paid. If she marries, her husband is responsible to that debt as well, and he'll know exactly why.
There needs to be justice in the world.


The mother deserves to pay. The kid doesn't.

So you agree that the man's actions are "wrong"?

Perhaps a tattoo on her forehead marking her as a slut, liar, cheat, and thief?

How about putting her in the stocks and having Cotton Mather condemn her sins?

If she marries, her husband is responsible to that debt as well, and he'll know exactly why.

Right, because women are chattel and I should shut up and get back to cooking and tending children.

I'm suprised you haven't chided me on being uppity with a man, Adam.

I humbly apologize to all and sundry for forgetting my place and will go back to serving my lord and master.

There needs to be justice in the world.
Because a world without fairness and justice, or without the hope of such, would be hell.

So you agree that the man's actions are "wrong"?
I agree there are better solutions. Perhaps such as the one I presented in my previous post.

Right, because women are chattel and I should shut up and get back to cooking and tending children. I'm suprised you haven't chided me on being uppity with a man, Adam. I humbly apologize to all and sundry for forgetting my place and will go back to serving my lord and master.
If she married again, her husband would deserve to know what kind of woman he was getting involved with. If she was a man who ahd done the same and was to marry a woman, then she would deserve to know what kind of man he was. Your grandstanding about sexism and all is pointless.
Because a world without fairness and justice, or without the hope of such, would be hell.

What is justice?

I agree there are better solutions. Perhaps such as the one I presented in my previous post.

Dodges the issue.

Are this man's actions not "wrong"?

If she married again, her husband would deserve to know what kind of woman he was getting involved with.

Prove it.

Your grandstanding about sexism and all is pointless.

If it's pointless for me to show you your prejudices, yes. I had, however, a rather high opinion of you. Perhaps I'm wrong.

It is only be examining our prejudices that we can defeat them, Adam.

What is justice?
Revenge in equal measure.

Are this man's actions not "wrong"?
If his actions would take resources away from the kid, then yes. But I doubt they would. I think any monetary award would be paid by the state.

Prove it.
Prove it? Okay... Suppose you decide you like a guy. Would you want to know he used to be a serial rapist? A murderer? What about if he used to be married, had thirteen kids, and stole all his wife's money and left his kids to starve? Wouldn't you need to know such things before making an informed decision?

If it's pointless for me to show you your prejudices, yes. I had, however, a rather high opinion of you. Perhaps I'm wrong. It is only be examining our prejudices that we can defeat them, Adam.
Sounds good, but ultimately hollow, since I already displayed quite clearly that I apply the same standard to everyone.