i want help on this astral projection

exsto_human said:
I'm sorry to decline your challenge Crunchy. It's realy not worth it because of several reasons. Among these being that I don't have the time, will or money to take an unsechedueled trip to the USA. $500 doesn't nearly cover the expenses of such a trip. Also the fact that it's unlikely that I will even project successfully under the conditions (jet lag, stress, out of practice). It would all be pointless.

Perhaps the 'limitation' lies in the concept of the conciousness being a result of mere brain activity. Obviously the opposite cannot possibly be proven using conventional measuring instruments, so the only way is to prove that the conciousness can exist and move beyond physical boundraries, ie astral projection.

If you say that astral projection is not true because the brain needs stimulus your are using the biological definition as an axiom. It's not an axiom, but a theory like all else. Right now it seems to be the most likely one, but it's not an axiom.

Well, I certainly can't do much to affect the lack of time or will; however,
I would be willing to pay for the entire trip and give you the extra $500 if
you were successful. We could schedule it several months from now so
you could have plenty of practice as well and find the time (and perhaps
motivivation) to do it.

In regards to what constitutes conciousness, yes, if Astral Projection
was proven to exist in the manner that it is popularly described then it would
definatly support the notion that conciousness may not be a function of the
brain; however, no such proof exists (although the experiences show an
exact correlation to lucid dreams).

Any way you look at it, the brain will not function without electrical impulses.
Your emotions, your memory, your eyesight, your muscle control, your
hearing. Everything. Numerous experiments have been done by stimulating
the brain with electrodes. Memories are recalled, sounds are heard, things
are seen, emotions are felt, sensations are experienced, etc.
Crunchy Cat said:
Any way you look at it, the brain will not function without electrical impulses. Your emotions, your memory, your eyesight, your muscle control, your hearing. Everything. Numerous experiments have been done by stimulating the brain with electrodes. Memories are recalled, sounds are heard, things are seen, emotions are felt, sensations are experienced, etc.

Memories of what though? Could be past lives. Sounds, sights, emotions, sensations of what? Could be an alternate reality. The mind could be a link between realities. Probing the mind could activate the link.

Of course I can make up anything I want and you can’t prove that it's false. The reason why I do not describe my AP experiences as all in my mind is simply because they have the same realism as the reality in which I now find myself. If I accepted that those experiences are all in my mind then I’d have to likewise accept the possibility that this reality is in my mind on some other plane of existence. Perhaps my mind (or some mind) is being probed there “now” and as a result I’m having the experience of writing this. Since I cannot prove it one way or the other, a better description of AP is an alternate reality.
zanket said:
Memories of what though? Could be past lives. Sounds, sights, emotions, sensations of what? Could be an alternate reality. The mind could be a link between realities. Probing the mind could activate the link.

Of course I can make up anything I want and you can’t prove that it's false. The reason why I do not describe my AP experiences as all in my mind is simply because they have the same realism as the reality in which I now find myself. If I accepted that those experiences are all in my mind then I’d have to likewise accept the possibility that this reality is in my mind on some other plane of existence. Perhaps my mind (or some mind) is being probed there “now” and as a result I’m having the experience of writing this. Since I cannot prove it one way or the other, a better description of AP is an alternate reality.

Memories of anything... whatever is there. Yes, if course you can make up
anything you want. It's logically impossible for me to disprove any claim
you make; however, I can very well contradict such claims with known facts
and / or theories based on known facts. Keep in mind, that if you claim
something, but don't show factual evidence supporting the claim then you
accomplish nothing except the begininng of negative reputation for yourself.

The assertion:

"If I accepted that those experiences are all in my mind then I’d have to likewise accept the possibility that this reality is in my mind on some other plane of existence."

translates to a claim made by yourself about yourself. What you feel obligated
to accept in liu of accepting something else is a personal decision and does
not have to be based on logic. Be warned though, nature / physicics is self
enforcing and if you accept something that violates their laws then the
automatic self enforcement will serve as a factual contradiction to your
acceptance. For example, if you (for whatever reason) accept that you will
not be harmed by sleeping naked on hot coals then your acceptance will be
contradicted (i.e. you will be harmed).
Crunchy Cat said:
Well, I certainly can't do much to affect the lack of time or will; however,
I would be willing to pay for the entire trip and give you the extra $500 if
you were successful. We could schedule it several months from now so
you could have plenty of practice as well and find the time (and perhaps
motivivation) to do it.

In regards to what constitutes conciousness, yes, if Astral Projection
was proven to exist in the manner that it is popularly described then it would
definatly support the notion that conciousness may not be a function of the
brain; however, no such proof exists (although the experiences show an
exact correlation to lucid dreams).

Any way you look at it, the brain will not function without electrical impulses.
Your emotions, your memory, your eyesight, your muscle control, your
hearing. Everything. Numerous experiments have been done by stimulating
the brain with electrodes. Memories are recalled, sounds are heard, things
are seen, emotions are felt, sensations are experienced, etc.

That is certainly very generous of you! And I will definately keep this in mind,
I'm a bit unsure of my capabilites right now, I wouldn't want to fly over there on your expense and simply fail to project. I will certainly start practicing nightly, so that I can become sure of myself and then take up your challenge later, I don't want to scheduel anything being unsure of the future.

This seems like a relatively serious endeavour, may I ask exactly why you are so keen on doing this experiment? Are you a perhaps a serious researcher? Either that or your loaded and bored. :D

Thanks for the compliment :). What you have proposed sounds reasonable.
Take some time to practice, and if you feel proficient enough for a good
demonstration then we'll make it happen.

I am not a professional paranormal researcher nor am I 'loaded' and bored;
however, I do have an interest in many sciences and I feel that if I don't
give fantastic claims a chance to be proven then I may be missing out
on some important knowledge. Just for your knowledge, I have performed
one paranormal experiment with bluemommaphish (on the forums), but the
testing of her claim failed; however, she was one person who stepped up
to the challange out of a lot of people (who flaked). She was very brave
to do this. I also facilitated the transfer of a sound file that was the result
of an experience that someone claimed to have that sounded quite
paranormal in nature (another scifi member). Unfortunately, the nature of
the experience as well as the sound file strongly suggested the individual
had a specific type of seizure as he experienced identical symptoms to that
type of seizure. That was just unfortunate.

Anyhow, let me know when you're ready at a later point.
