i want help on this astral projection


Registered Member
Trying to get in touch with my spiritual side...I've been mainly physical in my life, time to experience (wthout the use of drugs haha). But i'm going to be honest, I'm intimidated and kind of scared by it.

Is there anyway you can get "stuck" or even die? Is there anything harmful at all that can come out of this? I'm pretty convinced that if you're a mentally weak person that this could affect your state of mind. But I'm able to overcome troubles pretty easily.

So just let me know please.
Oh also, if possible could somebody tell me how to get started. Like, a specific process or way that it would work well. Do I have to get deep in my mind while laying down etc?

Haha sorry I'm an amatuer to all of this...
suffer said:
Trying to get in touch with my spiritual side...I've been mainly physical in my life, time to experience (wthout the use of drugs haha). But i'm going to be honest, I'm intimidated and kind of scared by it.

Is there anyway you can get "stuck" or even die? Is there anything harmful at all that can come out of this? I'm pretty convinced that if you're a mentally weak person that this could affect your state of mind. But I'm able to overcome troubles pretty easily.

So just let me know please.

I think you`ll find you`ve been physical all of your life. You won`t "get stuck" or "die" because absolutely nothing is going too happen. Its all a little fantasy in your head, i suggest you do smoke some drugs, because thats the nearest your gonna get to the state you desire.
Drugs are indeed more powerful then self delusion. You aren’t going to "get stuck" or die, because despite what you think you are a very superficial person, and you seem to think that you are going to sit down, meditate, and leave your body as a sort of translucent version of yourself and cruse around the spirit world having all sorts of enlightening adventures. If this is the experience you are seeking, then really, go for the drugs.
My suggestion is that you trust yourself and your own experiences.

Personaly I claim to have experienced astral projection. It truly is a wonderfull and mind-expanding experience. I can't prove this to you, but you can prove it to yourself by trying it, if you sincerely try it and experience nothing, then it's fake and doesn't exist. But if you don't try it, you will never know.

Drugs are indeed more powerful then self delusion.

- If my experiences indeed are self delusion, then self delusion blows the socks off of drugs by miles!

Now if the world-model presented by the views of some of the posters above is true. This being that life is no more or less than what we see - there is no purpouse to life but to live life itself (please correct me if I am wrong), there is no mystical or spiritual reality, only atomic and sub atomic particles going arround at random.

Then what's the point of life if you can't have a load of fun? Astral projection I promise you is as fun as it gets, and it's about as safe as sleeping.

So wether astral projection is a spiritual truth or a figment of my imagination. There isn't one reason besides not being interested to not try AP.
i've heard that u must be careful when u do it because when u leave your body you leave an empty shell that can be taken over by others while you are gone. before u just dive into to it read up on it as much as u can and most of all u have to belive in it if u dont nothin will ever happen. good luck!
OMGWTFBBQ I know wat u r talkig about! This 1 time i wuz at home chilling when i accedentaly astraily like, projected and shit. Then a demon wuz all up in my body and i told it "u get outa that beyotch" but he didn't and it wuz vary mystical.
If a demon tries to inhabit your body while you're projecting, then you still get to make a saving throw with your willpower dice pool to resist the possession.
Mystech said:
If a demon tries to inhabit your body while you're projecting, then you still get to make a saving throw with your willpower dice pool to resist the possession.


That one left me in tears.
U all know that this is probably a side effect VERY SIMILAR to taking hallucinogenic drugs right?! I mean, it is probably a creation of the mind. Astral projection, like every single other paranormal event or occurence, has never been scientifically proven!

I'm sure many of the health and spiritual benefits associated with are true but I'm surprised to hear so many people taking it so seriously and literally!
That’s because lots of them have experienced firsthand, like I have, that AP is a blast. Whether or not you really leave your body seems irrelevant. What is relevant is that you have an incredible experience that feels like you have left your body and feels extremely real (not dreamlike). To be science the experiment must be repeatable. Science does not say that the results must be observable by everyone else in the room. AP is an experiment that anyone can perform and see for themselves that it works.
If u read my post carefully, I said that I believed in the benefits of doing this exercise. What I also said was that it has never been scientifically confirmed to be the soul leaving the body. I never said it has to be observed by everyone. Like u said, it would be great if the results were repeatable (showing that it IS the spirit leaving) but I'm afraid we can only deduce from this that it is all in the mind :)
Actualy I'm a very scientificaly minded person. Not in the conventional sense as my views aren't taken from a scientific journal or the result of a consensus among scientifically educated researchers. But rather it's a personal science that I practice as I try to live by the fundamental scientific principles: objectivity and doubt. I simply observe facts, but obviously out of my own perspective only - essential it's all I have (solipsism anyone?). From my personal viewpoint, what I have experienced has convinced me that the phenomenon of astral projection is something beyond the physical mind, because for example I am able to gather information about the physical world that I did not know before the experience. Yes there is a chance that it is simply an unlikely coincidence, and as far as you are concerned I might aswell be lying. I question my own experience but cannot find a reason besides coincidence for some of the things that have happend, coincidence is not good enough when it is repeatable. Therefore I do the unholy thing that separates me from the scientific community and I doubt conventional science itself because it does not want to explain what I have experienced, and even if it did there is no reason not to doubt it any way because everything is doubtable, nothing is so holy that it can't be doubted atleast once.

I don't demand that anyone listen to me, and I don't expect anyone to believe me either (Unless you have actualy experienced it of course). All I'm doing is offering this as a possiblity for others to explore, I don't believe in limiting one's possibilites because of a belief no matter what that belief may be.

I don't demand this either but it would be nice if more people were brave enough to find things out for themselves instead of waiting for someone else to tell them what to think is real and not real. And by this I don't mean that people neccesarily need to find out that AP is real, they might aswell find out that it isn't real, just as long as they don't say 'Those guys say it isn't real so it must not be real' rather say 'I have personaly disproved AP so I know from experience that it is not real'. If everyone had an open and objective mind that would be great, but it is alot to ask, so I don't ask for it.

BTW I myself am open to the fact that it might all be in my mind and it might all be a coincidence, I won't be moved by this because if this is the case then thats reality and theres nothing more to it. But my personal experience tells me that it is reality, and I have to doubt both that which tells me that it isn't and that which tells me that it is.
John Connellan said:
If u read my post carefully, I said that I believed in the benefits of doing this exercise. What I also said was that it has never been scientifically confirmed to be the soul leaving the body. I never said it has to be observed by everyone. Like u said, it would be great if the results were repeatable (showing that it IS the spirit leaving) but I'm afraid we can only deduce from this that it is all in the mind :)

OK, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The results are repeatable; they just don’t prove that the soul leaves the body. That it cannot be proven that the spirit is leaving does not prove that the AP experience is all in the mind. The reality in which we are in now may preclude proving that the spirit can leave our body; that is, it may not be possible to prove given the boundary conditions in our reality. All we can say is that we do not know whether or not the spirit leaves the body during AP. I think the question is irrelevant. Consider that in the reality we are in now, we define what the mind is such that things can happen outside of it. But the definition could just as well put all our experiences in the mind. How do you know if the monitor now in front of you is really there or if your mind just presents its image to you? And the same with your other senses, for your conversations even. I could be in your mind. You cannot know for sure; we--or you alone if everything is in your mind--just define it a certain way. Thus whether or not reality is all in the mind, including whether or not I exist outside of your mind, is superfluous.

If you experienced AP yourself and had a scientific bent, then you, like I have, may instead come to the conclusion that AP puts you into an alternate reality where different boundary conditions apply (for example, in AP you are weightless). As an alternate reality it is no less real than our current one.
John Connellan said:
U all know that this is probably a side effect VERY SIMILAR to taking hallucinogenic drugs right?! I mean, it is probably a creation of the mind. Astral projection, like every single other paranormal event or occurence, has never been scientifically proven!

I'm sure many of the health and spiritual benefits associated with are true but I'm surprised to hear so many people taking it so seriously and literally!

why dont you keep to your side of the anlytical fence and watch and learn, u are dealing with a topic that you obviously have had no personal experience in, and subjects of a metaphisical nature tend to be open ended and therefore resilliant to scrutiny. in all scientific observation there is a control and an experiment... as soon as you analyse it, you become the experiment and lose control....YA?

I consider myself a rational objective scientific person, yet i have exprrienced dozens of puzzling incidents in the course of my life to know that the strict reasoning that i have been trained with is insufficient to accomodate these blatant trangressions of reality.

'no man is an island"....this means that the more you think you can be an objective observer, the more likely you are being influenced by the position yu hold as the observer.....absolutely paradoxical in essence

be that as it may....can anyone tell me why when i have been in that astral plane, that things are completely silent, and bluish? :confused:
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Headache, I don't know why that is but I also have had that. Yet it seems like when I get further from my body, and start interacting with the world more it all becomes a bit more vibrant and alive.

Some claim that just as we project leaving the body we first enter the etherial plain, which is something between the astral and the physical. But my experience is still too limited to know if this is completely true.