I used to be an atheist

SnakeLord said:
Your preaching is sweet, but what you're quoting are merely the words of ancient shepherds. People you don't know, never knew, and will never know.

So again, you're not in a position.. and the only reason you see the bible as the word of god is because you're currently stuck within that method of salvation. You require it to keep you going, just like an alcoholic requires a bottle.

I can guarantee you that a good shrink will do you a lot more good than your current method.

I am like a swordsman, adept at his art. A warrior well versed in the way of the sword. Line ye up against me! I will strike thee down! Again and again I parry your blows. Your frustration mounts as you cannot penetrate the shield nor the breastplate, nor the helmet but fight you may that you may become skilled, learning the way of the master.
I bow my head, let battle commence, yet mine is the victory for this sword is light and the darkness has never put it out.


I am like a swordsman, adept at his art. A warrior well versed in the way of the sword. Line ye up against me! I will strike thee down! Again and again I parry your blows. Your frustration mounts as you cannot penetrate the shield nor the breastplate, nor the helmet but fight you may that you may become skilled, learning the way of the master.
I bow my head, let battle commence, yet mine is the victory for this sword is light and the darkness has never put it out.

This is the thing with people in your position... They think they need to fight everyone. Take for instance and alcoholic with his bottle. Try taking that bottle away from him.

To be honest you can wave your sword around until you're blue in the face and it's inconsequential. Much better to flex your brain than your muscles.
SnakeLord said:
This is the thing with people in your position... They think they need to fight everyone. Take for instance and alcoholic with his bottle. Try taking that bottle away from him.

To be honest you can wave your sword around until you're blue in the face and it's inconsequential. Much better to flex your brain than your muscles.

It is interesting that you make out that I am hitting you with a physical sword when I actually am using my brain instead of my muscles. It is not I who puts store by the power of my muscles but you! Take that plank out of your own eye before you try and remove the speck from mine. The sword I speak of is the Spirit of God.


It is interesting that you make out that I am hitting you with a physical sword when I actually am using my brain instead of my muscles. It is not I who puts store by the power of my muscles but you!

It has nothing to do with the physical, but your very need to 'fight'. Your little story says more about your attitude than you'd care to realise. It is a sign of battle, and be that via any method, it is still a battle to you. It's amusing that those who shout 'love' from the rooftops, are also the very first to mention swords. jesus did exactly the same thing.

Take that plank out of your own eye before you try and remove the speck from mine.

Why? I do not follow the laws, rules or advice of an ancient jew.

The sword I speak of is the Spirit of God.

Yes, and it's still a sword. It's an image of battle, or hostility and war. Why is it not the "rose petal" or the "butterfly", or something pleasant? Why is it a sword? Feel free to answer that.
SnakeLord said:
Yes, and it's still a sword. It's an image of battle, or hostility and war. Why is it not the "rose petal" or the "butterfly", or something pleasant? Why is it a sword? Feel free to answer that.

The following is taken from this website >>

Much of the time we fight our battles as if they were completely materialistic in nature but the Bible is clear that much of it is of a spiritual nature. Paul was very clear on this issue:

"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world." (Ephesians 6:11)

The bible is painfully clear that we have an enemy, the devil, who has schemes to destroy us. We are not fighting a battle which is primarily physical but one which is spiritual. The new testament refers to devils, Satan and demons one hundred and thirty five times. Furthermore, they are to be defeated be the blood of Christ and the testimony of believers (Revelation 12:11). We are a long way from the understanding Paul had about "rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world", but we must start seeing beyond the material world if we are to have victory in spiritual things.

The battle between the only true God and the unclean spirits who inspire the gods of this world is seen in Israel's deliverance from Egypt. The exodus of Israel was for the primary purpose of worshipping God in a different spiritual environment. The same phrase is used nine times.

"Then say to him, 'The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the desert". (Exodus 7:16)

It is difficult for westerners to believe there is a cosmic battle taking place over and for humanity but God states it plainly as his motivation for the plagues over Egypt. The Exodus was a battle between God and the gods of Egypt.

"On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn--both men and animals--and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD." (Exodus 12:12)

The plagues were a combination of terrible natural disasters and onslaughts against the gods of Egypt. The water turning to blood is described literally as "blood in and on the wooden and stone things", i.e. idols.

The frog plague is a mocking of Heqt, the frog goddess who helped women in childbirth. The plague against animals showed the powerlessness of the bull gods Apis & Mnevis, cow god Hathor, and ram god Khnum to protect their beloved holy cows. The plague of darkness showed Egypt how powerless Ra, the sun god, was.

Even in Isaiah we seen the battle between God and evil powers continuing:
"In that day the LORD will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below." Isaiah 24:21

Daniel gives some details on the spiritual battle taking place over us.

"Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. So he said, "Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince. (Daniel 10:12,13,20,21)

"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then." (Daniel 12:1)

We see there the battle of the "Son of Man" with the prince of Persia. He only reaches Daniel after the angel Michael comes to His aid. Later also the prince of Greece also comes onto the scene.

From these passages we must learn that:

i) We are in a spiritual battle and thing are not what they seem.

ii) It is a battle of faith, character and perseverance.

iii) We are to use faith, the Word, prayer and the power of the Spirit.

Most of all we must remember and believe that we are in a spiritual battle and we have spiritual resources in Christ. Those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

Erik Momsen
18th November 2003

Comment by C20 - As for me Erik, I do see through the eyes of Paul but I understand implicitly what you are saying and agree with every word. Thank you for your service to God.
"..For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world."

How amusing that the battle is against authority and rulers.

No offence kiddo, but you sound all the more like a typical bunch of criminals. We see throughout the bible that the sole problem is with authority, and that's what the devil applies to. jesus goes around saying taxmen are going to hell, and even physically attacking one of them.

You're just criminals, nothing more.. Your biblical buddies are just whinging about the system in operation. Rulers, authority and taxmen. While none of us really like them too much, there is no evil there whatsoever.

It's like religious people dragged through court for murder, saying; "I answer to nobody but god"..

You're just a big bad bunch of whinging children. Pfft, sickening.

The bible is painfully clear that we have an enemy, the devil, who has schemes to destroy us.

Yeah - authority, rulers and taxmen. Awww bless.

We are not fighting a battle which is primarily physical but one which is spiritual.

That is the very first confession of fantasy. You have nothing physical with which to fight with or against. You merely say "spriritual" which is little more than "we're all mouth, and that's all we can fight with".

The new testament refers to devils, Satan and demons one hundred and thirty five times.

Along with taxmen, rulers and authority.

but we must start seeing beyond the material world if we are to have victory in spiritual things.

But you're doing the opposite. jesus smacked taxmen, and you're doing the same- which by it's very essence is completely materialistic. You're a bunch of hypocrites.

The same phrase is used nine times.

"Then say to him, 'The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the desert". (Exodus 7:16)

It was only used so many times because god hardened the pharoahs heart so he wouldn't let them go. Pharoah said: "ok, sure, let them leave", and then god was like "fuck that, let me make pharoah say no, such is my power and love for my people".

He kept these people in slavery so he could show off. Big pansy.

The water turning to blood is described literally as "blood in and on the wooden and stone things", i.e. idols.

i.e tables, chairs, walls, stone wells etc. Why just "idols" when it could relate to one of 50 gazillion things?

The frog plague is a mocking of Heqt, the frog goddess who helped women in childbirth. The plague against animals showed the powerlessness of the bull gods Apis & Mnevis, cow god Hathor, and ram god Khnum to protect their beloved holy cows. The plague of darkness showed Egypt how powerless Ra, the sun god, was.

And atheists show the powerlessness of all of them, including your particular version.

Most of all we must remember and believe that we are in a spiritual battle and we have spiritual resources in Christ. Those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

All in all, you've just agreed with me 100%. I said it was all about the battle, to which you at first debated against. Now all you're doing is concurring with me. You're here to fight, not give love.
c20H25N3o said:
Salavation is only possible through Jesus Christ. Not through any other means.

And personally, I think that God's wisdom is so perfect in choosing the suffering lambs to inherit His Kingdom. Who has made those lambs suffer? And what end shall be theres? As Jesus said "I come not to bring peace but a sword of division"

Let he who hath ears to hear ...
are you sure jesus has is fact straight,

... all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
- Matthew 26:52
c20H25N3o said:
Please take some time Michael to actually read some of my posts. I think you will find them thought provoking if you can just lay yourself aside briefly. I take your belittling of me as a compliment however such as I am want to do.


c20, ??

Sorry if you feel that way - but I was responding directly to audible, my post had nothing to do with any of your posts.

What I was saying is that when a person has a brain tumor develope they sometimes then "see" god and stop being an atheist - It does happen.

So again, sorry but nothing to do with your posts.
c20H25N3o said:
It is interesting that you make out that I am hitting you with a physical sword when I actually am using my brain instead of my muscles. It is not I who puts store by the power of my muscles but you! Take that plank out of your own eye before you try and remove the speck from mine. The sword I speak of is the Spirit of God.


No - BUT what is interesting is that you seem to think that your retort has made sense and furthered your position.

No, if anything you seem to be making SnakeLord's arguments all the more true!
With each and every post you make, your position becomes weaker and SnakeLord's more evident.
To the original poster:

I suggest reading Thomas Merton if you are interested in conversions to religion. "The Seven Storey Mountain" is his autobiography, but he has a wealth of work. Not so much the conversion of an atheist to a theist, but of a non believer to a believer.
kevincme: To the original poster:

I suggest reading Thomas Merton if you are interested in conversions to religion. "The Seven Storey Mountain" is his autobiography, but he has a wealth of work. Not so much the conversion of an atheist to a theist, but of a non believer to a believer.
M*W: Welcome to the wonderful world of sciforums, Kevin. I have read Thomas Merton, even through I'm far from religious, I like his style and thoughts about spiritual healing. I would recommend his books to both the religious and the atheists.
Michae: No - BUT what is interesting is that you seem to think that your retort has made sense and furthered your position.

No, if anything you seem to be making SnakeLord's arguments all the more true! With each and every post you make, your position becomes weaker and SnakeLord's more evident.
M*W: The blind can't see too much, can they?
mis-t-highs said:
this does not help audible, he needs you to tell him why your ar'nt now.
I already told mis, the 2 year stupidity was during the restive late teens. ;)
Michael said:
No - BUT what is interesting is that you seem to think that your retort has made sense and furthered your position.

No, if anything you seem to be making SnakeLord's arguments all the more true!
With each and every post you make, your position becomes weaker and SnakeLord's more evident.

Consider this. I am saying that the sword with which I speak is the Spirit of God. If you know how to test the spirits then I suggest you do so that you may not be embarresed any further!


c20 where in michaels posts has he said he was embarrassed, why are you trying to demean him, he's an innocent, he was only explaining your error.
you do have a lot of hate in you. I think you need to see a shrink, you are sociopathic.
mis-t-highs said:
c20 where in michaels posts has he said he was embarrassed, why are you trying to demean him, he's an innocent, he was only explaining your error.
you do have a lot of hate in you. I think you need to see a shrink, you are sociopathic.

If I am asking Michael to check his position to be sure that he himself has not made his own position weaker by ignoring my words, I can only summise that my spirit is for him. If I am for him how can I hate him or be against him? Now answer me that!


but your word are not for him, therefore not polite, filled with malcontents and hate.
you have to remember it's hard to put your feelings into print.

btw a sociopath will never see the error in there ways, without getting help.
everything looks rosie, does'nt it, c20.
mis-t-highs said:
but your word are not for him, therefore not polite, filled with malcontents and hate.
you have to remember it's hard to put your feelings into print.

btw a sociopath will never see the error in there ways, without getting help.
everything looks rosie, does'nt it, c20.

Do you not see your own double-mindedness?

You state that my words are not for him and are not polite and are filled with malcontents and hate

but then you doubt even your own conviction by saying

you have to remember it's hard to put your feelings into print.

And then you accuse me of being a sociopath?

I'll retort with scripture for it is wisdom for you ...

Matthew 7

3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."


if you read what she says correctly, shes saying she understands it hard for people to put there feelings in print, it has nothing to with her own convictions.
and she also say, quite rightly to I might add, "btw a sociopath will never see the error in there ways, without getting help.
everything looks rosie, does'nt it, c20. "
I to have said you should see a doctor, you have delusions of grandeur, you have a god complex, this could be psychopathic.