I thnk it's the sun

Ah yes the great net purge of scientific data on the sun heating up. I remember the black helicopters visiting all of the solar scientist to hatch the plan to use the heating sun as an excuse for gloabal warming so that the Masons could destroy democracy and christianity.

I am sure the discussion about the sun heating up in 1985 - 1986 had nothing to do with the 11 year solar cycle - nope it was probably a world wide conspiracy.
except the stats clearly indicated that the rapid and consistant heating of the sun was totally out of charactor for solar cycles with historical data proving so.
The stats I am referring to were obtained via satelite or orbital measuring stations and not a land based gathering which can suffer distortions due to atmospheric conditions. At the time it was hugely indicative that something extraordinary was occuring.

yeah I know ... the great 1985/86 global warming cover up...
shhh! Dont tell any one that the suns going ballistic..
Wouldnt want people to panic now would we.
Just think of what it would do the global stock markets!
There is actualy nothing we can do about it any way!
USA refuses to sign Kioto agreement
Australia follows suit.
Hubble telescope launched with 2 billion dollar error! [no test before sending to orbit! aww - we believe anything yes]
Cold war ended
R Feynman of all people, called into investigate space shuttle Challenger disaster.
Acknowledgement of HIV pandemic, asthma pandemic, SIDS pandemic [ ahh! remember red nose day!]
Discovery of ozone hole in atmosphere - yep we believe anything
after all why bother as there is nothing any one can do about it..?
Just make sure no one finds out and we can all become extinct with a smile on our faces

But you know the rabbit of fear based intuition seems to keep popping up every where...

and all and a heap more "coincidences" on or about 1985/86
Don't you find it extraordinary that given the significance of the issue [climate change], that on the net today there appears to be not one single reputed web site that can provide adequate and comprehensive weather/solar details [naked stats] to support or refute reported global warming and weather change dynamics?
If you happen to know of a net resource that a University Environmental Science honors student may utilise let me know and I will pass it on.

As a contra to a solar conspiracy to hide info theory
If you listen to this podcast with Dr Alex Young of Nasa July,2012 carefully there appears to be no reason to suspect he is holding back information. There is no stress of major secrecy in his voice tone nor the language he uses.
this link: mp3 podcast c/o SolarIMG.com
If you consider that this Doctor should know given his speciality there appears no stress in his conversation and no sign of hedging etc.
reported last year in the local press here as a once in a 2 million year event.
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I read an article in National Geographic June 2012, about a solar flare appearing among some sunspots, and hours later, a significant magnetic fluctuation on earth.
I do not make the connection between those two events, but rather whatever happened on the sun at the exact time of the magnetic storm on earth.

The apparent connection between the flare and hours later event on earth, come from the theory of particles flying from sun to earth. In which case the flares observed were too insignificant, compared to other solar flares.
I read an article in National Geographic June 2012, about a solar flare appearing among some sunspots, and hours later, a significant magnetic fluctuation on earth.
I do not make the connection between those two events, but rather whatever happened on the sun at the exact time of the magnetic storm on earth.

The apparent connection between the flare and hours later event on earth, come from the theory of particles flying from sun to earth. In which case the flares observed were too insignificant, compared to other solar flares.
please explain:
Are you refering to one of the most recent star flares as discussed in the podcast release linked to in an above post, or the June 7 2011 solar flare as shown in the video?
recalling that Fukushima, Christchurch and Cyclone Yasi all occurred just before this video material was captured.
sorry for the confusion
I do not make the connection between those two events, but rather whatever happened on the sun at the exact time of the magnetic storm on earth.

refering to absolute time with out recourse to 'c' ? a hint perhaps?
please explain:
Are you refering to one of the most recent star flares as discussed in the podcast release linked to in an above post, or the June 7 2011 solar flare as shown in the video?
recalling that Fukushima, Christchurch and Cyclone Yasi all occurred just before this video material was captured.
sorry for the confusion, refering to absolute time with out recourse to 'c' ? a hint perhaps?

Nat geo 2012?

The background forces of matter operate faster than light, for all practicle purposes, instantaneously. So the universe is highly connected on some levels and distinctly separated on other levels.
Nat geo 2012?

The background forces of matter operate faster than light, for all practicle purposes, instantaneously. So the universe is highly connected on some levels and distinctly separated on other levels.
so what did you discover when you looked into the event mentioned in the 2012 Nat geo? Using the premise mentioned above?
so what did you discover when you looked into the event mentioned in the 2012 Nat geo? Using the premise mentioned above?
The flares should not have caused a magnetic storm on earth, because I think they were too small. However if the storm was caused by whatever happened on the sun at the exact same time then it must have been the background force in action.
A recent post by Pincho Paxton has me puzzled about the exact relationship between gravity and magnetism, and which force is involved with magnetic storms. So I don't know.

Sunspots are produced by a reservation of energy, and so is gravity. Sun spots have gravitational properties, flares produce the opposite - anti gravity, hence there is a gradient of a gravitational pull away from the base of the flare, explaining the mysterious acceleration of solar quake waves, instead of a steady propogation as on earth. It also happens that magnetism is highly present in a sunspot, so gravity and magnetism are associated.
According to what I understand of Paxton, magnetism follows gravity, so it may be a byproduct.
The flares should not have caused a magnetic storm on earth, because I think they were too small. However if the storm was caused by whatever happened on the sun at the exact same time then it must have been the background force in action.
A recent post by Pincho Paxton has me puzzled about the exact relationship between gravity and magnetism, and which force is involved with magnetic storms. So I don't know.

Sunspots are produced by a reservation of energy, and so is gravity. Sun spots have gravitational properties, flares produce the opposite - anti gravity, hence there is a gradient of a gravitational pull away from the base of the flare, explaining the mysterious acceleration of solar quake waves, instead of a steady propogation as on earth. It also happens that magnetism is highly present in a sunspot, so gravity and magnetism are associated.
According to what I understand of Paxton, magnetism follows gravity, so it may be a byproduct.
with in your observations of the sun did you build in a absolute time compensation of approx 8.3 minutes or did you "put aside" sciences light/information effect model altogether or do you do both and compare?
In other words how did you compensate for the time delay in information generated by the currently held space/time paradigm?
Quantum Quack;with in your observations of the sun did you build in a absolute time compensation of approx 8.3 minutes or did you "put aside" sciences light/information effect model altogether or do you do both and compare?[/QUOTE said:
I did not consider the 8 minutes of light travel, because the backgound forces provide an immediate response not governed by the speed of light, but I have not seen if there is such a relationship between earth and sun. If there was, then a solar flare would have the potential to cause earthquakes, because it is the same force at work - the one that causes matter to give off or express energy.

One of the signs of such an immediate reaction is sprites and the synchronisation of lightning on a global scale. Whether it is faster than light I don't know.
I did not consider the 8 minutes of light travel, because the backgound forces provide an immediate response not governed by the speed of light, but I have not seen if there is such a relationship between earth and sun. If there was, then a solar flare would have the potential to cause earthquakes, because it is the same force at work - the one that causes matter to give off or express energy.

One of the signs of such an immediate reaction is sprites and the synchronisation of lightning on a global scale. Whether it is faster than light I don't know.
Do you realise that any observation of the sun must be necessarilly delayed by approx. 8.3 minutes according to currently held scientific thought?