I think it's fun to step on ants. So what?

Meat is actually not necessary for us to survive, so that excuse for hunting doesn't cut it. Truth be told, vegetarians on average live a few years longer than meat-eating people due to almost zero risk of becoming fat and/or incurring premature heart disease. Now, I think we can safely say that living longer is just about the best indication of what is or is not "necessary for survival." I mean... like... duh.
Good for you man :)

Yes, killing is necessary to survive. And if this killing is causing the natural world problems (and it does), shouldn't we do something to minimize our impact (like decreasing our population through birth restrictions) ?

Do you have any idea of the impact slaughter houses have? The pollution and run off disgusting. Or the feedlots where those cows are kept before heading to the slaughterhouse.

Store bought meat is worse for the environment than hunting.
Do you have any idea of the impact slaughter houses have? The pollution and run off disgusting. Or the feedlots where those cows are kept before heading to the slaughterhouse.

Store bought meat is worse for the environment than hunting.

As things are right now, yes, you're right.
I am well aware of the pollution the meat industry causes.
But hunting is hardly an alternative.. if everyone would hunt from now on hunting would be far worse for the environment.
Actually, I was arguing for a smaller human population size in the post you quoted.
Perhaps if we hunted people we could take care of two problems at once.
Daniel Defoe had the right idea.

If we bring the global population down to say 100 million over the course of a few hundred years, we can all just hunt wild animals.. no problem.
Perhaps if we hunted people we could take care of two problems at once.
Daniel Defoe had the right idea.

Lets start hunting you down first. You got strip naked and run with the deer in the wild forest. Meanwhile I and Enmos here my buddy will load the bullets for happy hunting. :)
It's not sadism or being a psychopath. It's just habit or boredom when I'm sitting in my bunker with my wife and I see them worshiping outside my bunker (annoying). Or when I'm planning my invasion of France with my Nazi officers and I slowly suffocate them a gas bunker with one gas vent to see how many I can slaughter at once. I don't do it for any particular reason... I just get a kick out of it. It's like asking Russia why they try to space when they can just as easily not.

Why should I care about the lives of little Jews that just preach around and worship God? As far as I care, I'm a higher and much more divine being, so my temporary amusement is more important to me than their tiny little lives. If the last thing the bastards get to see over their heads are my huge gas vents, about to suffocate their puny little selves because I think it's funny, then tough luck for them. It's survival of the the most evil.

Hail Adolf Hitler part 2.
lol I think that might be the most vile post here ever...mostly cause we know nothing about him, but still.
Enjoying something like stepping on ants only proves one's innate need to recall a past evolutionary talent to eat ants, if the food supply situation called for such a talent to be reenacted.
Higher intellects strive not to return to a past lower evolutionary food supply situation, regardless of the amount of nostalgic fun gleaned from the act.
A higher intellect would not venture such an OP, to example a hidden motive of the developing of a meat-eating analogy conversation.
It is a mute point that ants are a crawling irritation to humans, when there are smaller creatures (and plants) on the human skin (and inside the human body) on a daily basis.
That's true.
He was fixing his level of intellect on a scale for the rest of us to observe.
So are you.
So am i.

Intellect is plastic, therefore cannot be entirely fixed...
Too bad for Zombiepwner, because his may need fixing.
Certainly something about him appears more than a little cracked.:p
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It's not sadism or being a psychopath. It's just habit or boredom when I'm sitting a picnic with my girlfriend and I see them crawling on to my sneakers (annoying). Or when I'm playing soccer with my friends and I slowly stomp an anthill with one cleat to see how many I can crush at once. I don't do it for any particular reason... I just get a kick out of it. It's like asking someone why they kick a rock when they can just as easily not.

Why should I care about the lives of little bugs that just crawl around and move stuff? As far as I care, I'm a higher and much huger life form, so my temporary amusement is more important to me than their tiny little lives. If the last thing the bastards get to see over their heads are the bottom of my giant, stinking feet about to crunch their puny little selves into jelly because I think it's funny, then tough luck for them. It's survival of the biggest.

What kind of music would you recommend to play while stomping on ants?