I think it's fun to step on ants. So what?


Registered Member
It's not sadism or being a psychopath. It's just habit or boredom when I'm sitting a picnic with my girlfriend and I see them crawling on to my sneakers (annoying). Or when I'm playing soccer with my friends and I slowly stomp an anthill with one cleat to see how many I can crush at once. I don't do it for any particular reason... I just get a kick out of it. It's like asking someone why they kick a rock when they can just as easily not.

Why should I care about the lives of little bugs that just crawl around and move stuff? As far as I care, I'm a higher and much huger life form, so my temporary amusement is more important to me than their tiny little lives. If the last thing the bastards get to see over their heads are the bottom of my giant, stinking feet about to crunch their puny little selves into jelly because I think it's funny, then tough luck for them. It's survival of the biggest.

sociaopath on the lose:p

Crulty to animals is one of the first signs of a sociopath:p
We already had a thread similar to this.

What makes you think that your any better than an ant? The fact that you are bigger, or smarter?

If you were a rich genius would you be okay with killing the mentally disabled and poor, after all your bigger and better so why not?

Now I am no saint I used to kill ants when I was little, but now I see no reason. Killing something for no other reason than you can, does make you sound like a sociopath.
I do that too, it doesn't matter. Ants are parts of a colony, like a super-organism. They regularly sacrifice themselves for the good of the whole. The only reason they have so many offspring is because so many of them get killed for various reasons.
spider it doesnt matter about how the ants feel about it. The random desire to hurt or kill animals has been PROVEN to be an indicator for sociopathic tendancies
Well in this case it refers to the killing of animals (and incects) for no specific purpose or for "fun"

Things like pulling the wings off a fly, burning a cat, have been shown to be indicators of sociopathic tendancies.

This is why goverments are looking even MORE strongly at what they should do with people charged with cruelty to animals
I would never hurt a cat, but insects are different. In my case, they invaded my house, which is a capital offense.
have you ever seen the sidewalk covered with worms after a long rain? Would you stomp those or walk around them?
I see no need to kill animals unless they intend to harm you. Other than that we should all share this world together peacefully.
have you ever seen the sidewalk covered with worms after a long rain? Would you stomp those or walk around them?

You can just step over them, its easy its not like a bunch of ants walking across a sidewalk take up that much space.
You actually step on the earthworms and snails after it rains? I try to avoid them at all cost. Even when it doesn't rain. I never go looking for insects to step on. that reminds me of an episode of Robot Chicken "Weasle Stomping Day"
I have stepped on them when i was little, but I know their squishy because I work with them all of the time in lab.