I suggest that gravity is caused by space expansion energy.

Very interesting MacM, I will emidietly go and buy pampers now.

Your pun seems bizzar but I'll not comment on your spelling "emidietly"?

BTW JR: I merely linked another thread you started here on the subject of UniKEF and to appropriate information of that concept which parallels the one being proposed.

Interesting how another member can assert that form of gravity but if I do so it is advertising - Shssss. Get a life.
You mean I should have written imidietly? I was just lazy and wrote the word in my little google search and found that it existed there.
1/3 uses it atleast.
I find it irrelevant.
You mean I should have written imidietly? I was just lazy and wrote the word in my little google search and found that it existed there.
1/3 uses it atleast.
I find it irrelevant.
Ever try spellcheck here? It is still wrong and 1/3 wrong is still 1/3 wrong.

My comment is in fact more relevant than your insult toward me. My work includes a calculus evaluation by a real physicist and supporting physical testing. How about yours?
There's no need to comment that.

Though, given that space is somewhat 3D, and everything came from a dot. Wouldn't it be obvious that the inside of the dot (or singularity) was much bigger then any space with the same size?

And wouldn't it be obvious that matter in the same way contains more space then a room of the same size?

So purely hypothetically, a continous "adding" gravity field should be increasing the mass through acceleration in relativity, and not reducing it.

Given that the mass is bigger after then before, the mass should also contain more space after then before.

Given that, it has absorbed something, and the gravity comes from outside and not inside.

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Given that, it has absorbed something, and the gravity comes from:
and not


Most of your post is pure gook to me. That just means it makes no sense not that you are wrong or right.

Only the last comment seems valid. My work involves push gravity (external) not mass attraction (internal) in origin.
I think I understand very well.

Neutrinoes, right?

Forget it.

Or something else?
Definitely not neutrinos. I suspect what is now theoretically called Dark Energy (unmeasured or seen) that is expanding the universe is what I originally dubbed UniKEF. That is Dark Energy may well cause gravity AND expand the universe if you look at the possible physics involved.
SEE. space expansion energy, there's no need to name it "Spunk" or "R2D2" or "POW energy".

Now having said that, we know that the universe originated in a dot.
A dot contained all this, so there was more too the dot then what first meets the eye, right? Given that it is quite clear that SEE can originate from that dot, and that matter is also some kind of dot that is more then what meets the eye, more then space is anyway, it can also convert to space expansion energy, SEE, since it can convert to more space then its expresion in the room. What causes gravity and thereby an increase in mass for gravitational objects, is the decrease of mass elsewhere. Given that gravity is almost evenly distributed, it cannot origin anywhere else then from the big bang.

In the same way, the weak force works in a similar way, caused by a higher covered angle of gravity. Possibly.
Now having said that, we know that the universe originated in a dot.
A dot contained all this, ........

Actually no. We don't know that. It is a theory called Big Bang. I personally (as do many physicist) discount the reality of singularities.

I favor a Big Rip view where the initial enception occured over a finite volume of some unknown but larger finite dimension.

The enception in my view (theory) is this:

Where "N" is Nothingness" and ""S" is Something".

N---------------> [(-S) + (+S)]

Existance is bifurcated nothing and hence there never has been a creation because collectively nothing exists. This very much parallels what we see in the vacuum foam of virtual particles coming into existance and vanishing, etc.
Room has dimensions, all things have dimensions. Time is a dimension, length is also a dimension. Giving time a length in the beginning is equally novice as a bike to one who has ridden it merely twice.
You mean it's to gasply to discuss? oh, come now camel avatar guy, it would have happened eventually anyway...
"camel avatar guy"... I take that is me....

Hey! Don't make fun of my pet!

Anyways... no, I just mean that we don't have any concrete evidence pointing towards that specific scenario. The data we have can also explain other scenarios. Maybe it IS expanding inwards, who knows? :shrug:
Room has dimensions, all things have dimensions. Time is a dimension, length is also a dimension. Giving time a length in the beginning is equally novice as a bike to one who has ridden it merely twice.

Pardon me but these don't seem like orginal thoughts. You are reciting what you have read or been told. The fact is I doubt rather seriously if time is a dimension at all. It appears more to be a product or attribute of a dynamic 3D universe.
"camel avatar guy"... I take that is me....

Hey! Don't make fun of my pet!

Anyways... no, I just mean that we don't have any concrete evidence pointing towards that specific scenario. The data we have can also explain other scenarios. Maybe it IS expanding inwards, who knows? :shrug:

Actually for anyone wanting to look SRT predicts a rather strange set of circumstances. i.e. - If you have substantial distance between you and another observer and you accelerate into relavistic velocities you will find mathematically the faster you receed the closer you get!!!!

Such that the "Accelerating Expansion" of the universe may well be anti-Lorentz Contraction due to a slowing of the expansion. Chew on that for a while.

i.e. - If you decellerate from 0.9c (gamma = 2.294); l ' = 0.4359 * l to 0.85c, (gamma = 1.898) or l' = 0.5268 * l in 10 years time. You'll find that

0.5268/0.4359 = 1.208, such that if we consider the universe to be 13 B lyr today in 10 years at the lower velocity it would appear to be 15.7B lyr. That happens to be 2.71B lyr expansion in 10 years of an expansion at the rate of 271,000,000 c!!!!

Still believe in SRT.?

Good luck.
You're crazy, man.... :p

Right. That is why I have accumulated more than a half dozen priori's. How many do you have smart ass.

BTW: This BS post of yours does not acknowledge much less address the VALID mathematical issue I raised. Try doing that next time. :spank:
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About cleverness and crazyness:
"You would be suprised how much they coincide" - captain Jack Sparrow.
Particle & Field, MIcro & Macro Mix

Auxiliary to 'gravity is caused by space expansion energy'.
Micro & Macro Mix


A positive charge omnidirectionally emits an outgoing electric force, and, a negative charge omnidirectionally absorbs an incoming electric force (paraphrased).

Indeed. Moreover. Sometimes opposites do attract, and sometimes they repel. Newton says gravity may be an impelling - or a repelling - force (What this record calls, 'The gravitational alternative'). Einstein says gravity (the cosmological constant) is - at least sometimes - a repelling force; adding furthermore that gravity may be both a repelling and an impelling force.

Truly Yours tends to observe that gravity is usually a repelling force, on or near major gravitational masses, and an impelling (aquatic, terrestrial and atomospheric) tidal force (for example) at greater distances (And with 'microcosmic tides' interacting between subatomic 'particles'). Summarizing that, since Newton introduced what he fully acknowledged as a mysterious, occult force of gravitation, usually - but not militantly - to be thought of as an impelling force, this record sees no reason why Einstein is disallowed from introducing a repelling force acting parallel to Newton's impelling force ('For every action, there is a reaction, equal & opposite')... Summing up a tandem (Newton-Einstein) repelling and impelling force, with each man offering major contributions to understanding the universe; neither of which men - or forces - are mutually exclusive.

The dilemma of macro gravity in alternating contention and agreement with micro phenomena -presents a qualified history...
(Circa 1900 thru 1930 and ever since).. on Max Planck's - Helmholtz inspired, Rubens confirmed - 'Quantum Mechanics'.

The 1897 dated observation of black body radiation led Planck to attempt to observe an invariable increase in entropy, which resulted in null thought and laboratory experiments; leading to Planck's 1900 revision of Boltzmann's alternately continuous and discontinuous statistical interpretaton of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (later paralleled by Heisenberg's Principle of Indeterminacy).

It is only obscurely known or recognized that, although there are indeed opposing - J.J. Thompson-electron-launched - arguments on this subject, Einstein and Planck were in the same camp, along with Schrodinger, regarding the much controvesied if not misunderstood 'problem' of microcosmic 'continuity' of wave ('mechanics')-field theory, and 'discontinuity' of so called 'particles'.

Leading to an undrained, ever rising swamp of determinacy and indeterminacy, dog-paddling entanglement, water ripple & (Copenhagen Christened) shotgun pellets rolling sideways and speeding linearly through vertical and horizontal slits, in the ever imposing shadow of assumptive continuous wave eclipsed by the non-prevailing 'ultraviolet catastrophe' and the newly incumbent black body radiation - vocabularized in electrical theory and thermodynamics: introducing the circle of broken lines forming a sought-after curve but still leading to an apparently non discardable discontinuous 'quantum leap', because energy in discontinuous portions cannot be infinitely divided; establishing that radiant energy is not quantitatively infinite - in unequal units, Planck resolved that the frequency of the considered discontinuous wave is directly related to its duration, or more specifically, its length.

This was unexpected because it defined a seemingly antithetical, self contradicting equality in discontinuous and continuous energy packets - 'quantum', which, literally translated from Latin equals 'what quantity'. It came to pass that, depending on how these units are measured and otherwise evaluated, they alternately manifest as 'waves', and, as 'particles' - continuity, and discontinuity.

By and by from this, arose a further quandary of defining the dynamics of what was projected, compared to the method or conditions of projection; such methods and conditions are still developing and the subject of much heated and cooled contention and agreement.

Quantum Mechanics (perhaps better understood as 'quantum dynamics') was not altogether contradictory to the at that time, much established continuous wave theory - often confirmed in delicate laboratory observations as well as more pedestrian observations such as the often exemplified fact that a swinging pendulum loses its momentum in a continuous declination of kinetic energy...

Quantum Mechanics contests
(if not gainsays) this.

Contingent black body radiation occurs in discontinuous packages of microcosmically indivisible energy units of erg seconds, where the individual, indivisible unit is designated as 'h', for the numerically expressed value of:

.0000000000000000000000000066, or, 6,6 x 1027

Establishing that ordinary sizes as perceived by human observers were not the end measure of what was occuring in the much smaller realms of physicality and dynamics.

Max Planck had not excluded the previous standards of observation and measurement, whereas, he certainly had established that the characteristics of the larger physical world were not aligned with those of the smaller physical world, and that the Latin statement, ut infra, ut supra and conversely ('as above, so below'), was a generalisation, but not a law.

Atomic (microcosmic) physics was understood to be in its early stages and the Planck dynamics were a portention that many other unexpected discoveries were due, as the science of observing and measuring microcosmic reality progressed. The evolutions of which were alternately championed and challenged, by Planck, Rutherford, Einstein, Bohr, Shroedinger and a retinue of others...

(It may be correctly observed and stated that: 'Long posts' are generally discouraged in most every communications exchange on the net? In any event, this location is subjecting the large and small, pro and con considerations for a TOTAL FIELD THEORY)

There is a trend of asking big questions, parallel to short attention spans reserved for and impatiently projected upon whatever - however abbreviated - extended response
(Hence, the relative abbreviation of this dissertation?).

Moving right along while shifting gears:

It's been said by this record before and may be called upon to be repeated any number of times:
There are two kinds of math. Metric, and, non-metric. The first is obliged to be responsive to and directly determined by measurably real conditions; with or without mathematical descriptions of them. On the other hand...

Non-metric math is, for example, not obliged to conform to any existentially (conditionally, physically, spatially, dynamically, phenomenologically) manifest state or process of observed, measurable reality. Been said before: an exemplary pair of non-metric mathematical formulas can be equally correct, while reciprocally and mutually disproving each other. Numbers only. Who needs reality to do non-metric mathematics? Has little or nothing to do with 'science'.

('If you can't explain it to your grandmother, you don't understand it.' - Einstein)


To be continued.
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