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okay i understand that i do use alot of "bad grammer" as you call it but that dosent have anything to do with what i saw! I dont exactley know how many feet high it was , all i know was it was an alein aircraft okay. and i am always open to others opinions its just when your trying to be sarcastic on a serious subject i dont respect opinion.
it might've been United States property, if u see a UFO in the west , most likly it is. If u see one in the east its probably alien.
Why is it more likely to be US property when seen in the West?

Is there something we should know about UFO's spotted in the East? They have a thing for the East, or so?

Just curious...
THat's a good question. So if it is seen around here it most likely belongs to the US Military, but it if is seen somewhere in the East is isn't. Strange logic...
Alein, I just backtracked and saw your pic...maybe I should start hitting on you...

j/k :)
Re: okay

Originally posted by AleinAllei
okay i understand that i do use alot of "bad grammer" as you call it but that dosent have anything to do with what i saw! I dont exactley know how many feet high it was , all i know was it was an alein aircraft okay. and i am always open to others opinions its just when your trying to be sarcastic on a serious subject i dont respect opinion.

Look, you're only 12, but your language skills are pretty poor even for a 12 year old. For starters, it's spelled A L I E N, so even your handle is incorrect. The rest of your posts are badly capitalised, have poor punctuation, and other spelling errors.

People judge you not only on what you write, but how you write it. If you don't put the effort in to make things correct, folks will just think it's a lazy wind up.

People assume that other people with bad language skills are also a bit stupid, and so their testimony is dubious. If you want to be taken seriously, learn to write properly. You have time to fix this, you're still young. So stop wasting time here, and get learning.
Wow, that was unnecessary roughness.

English might not even be her first language.
Originally posted by Walker
Wow, that was unnecessary roughness.

English might not even be her first language.

If you think that was rough, you need to get out more. Note the lack of insults and rude words, and the inclusion of friendly advice. Hardly rough. Criticism isn't being rough, quite the opposite. We can either correct people, or let them carry on making mistakes, and let them be quietly judged by others.

English as a first language, well, according to the profile, she's 12 years old, lives in St Louis, and doesn't mention anything about other languages. So it's fair to assume she's just a typical kid with lazy grammar and spelling.
I think at age 12 one can expect their spelling and grammar to improve over time.

Hey, on the positive side, at least this is a forum where some relatively educated/well-read people post...maybe it'll be a good, "interactive" and constructive writing experience.

She could be posting at some Avril Lavigne site.
Yeah, at least it's just bad, not deliberately bad, and she's not using txt spk like sum ppl use, etc. And yes, mixing with adults, rather than other 12 year olds has to be better!
BTW, I feel really bad about that "hitting on" comment right about now...I'm not big on minors, most of the time. I promise I'm not creepy in real life. Basically.
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