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the sad thing is that I think she's probably half our age.

Hi, first time posting but I've read through a few threads and find many of the topics interesting.
I'm not so sure on where I stand on the whole "do they exits" question I don't feel that to present date I myself have seen enough proof to prove or disprove the existance of alien life. I feel that the odds of life existing off our planet are very good just given the vastness of the universe but is that life intelligent or aware of us I am unsure.
My question to anyone knowledgable or interested in this topic is this. About a month ago some friends and I (There were four of us) where sitting on my porch enjoying the evening ( Around 11pm ) the sky was very clear. One of my friends pointed out two bright lights in the sky. These lights seemed to be much closer than any star and were a bright yellow in color. After veiwing this for a few seconds the two stationary lights began to move. The lights moved in perfect unison across the sky. The speed of the lights slowed after moving for about twenty seconds. Once slowing to what was a near stop the two lights moved in a slow circular motion around each other and a third light seemed to just appear among them. After the third lights appearance the brightness of the lights began to decrease and the lights began moving in a new direction (about a 45 degree change) and moved off in that direction until faded out of view. The entire viewing time was about 60 seconds.
What could this have been? Drugs or alcholhol were not factors. None of the four of us had ever seen anything like it before in the sky. I'm not about to say it was alien in origin but none of us had a clue on what it was and any explanation would be considered.
Thanks for your time.
Yes i did see this in St Louis on Satuday Sept.27 !! And i am probley half your age

ahh cmon
threads like this should be allowed to sink as fast as it can.
at the very least some pics/vids/graphic and precise descriptions should be present

pehaps you could post pics of yourself instead? pretty please?


What you'd rather me just post pics lol !
And i am probley half your age
is about the most hilarious comment I've seen on these forums.

BTW, I see aliens all the time. Most of 'em operate convenience stores. Or Krispy Kremes.
Originally posted by AleinAllei
Yes i did see this in St Louis on Satuday Sept.27 !! And i am probley half your age

Uh... What does age have to do with it? If it really matters, you're probably closer to one third of my age. I was just wondering if it was the same thing I saw a while ago while out using my telescope (I’m in St. Louis too) but the date is wrong.
I just think it's funny, because it sounds like "you guys are all old". I know that's not what you meant. But it's still funny.

I bet you're about 70% of my age.
I said "the sad thing is that I think she's probably half our age" because everyone is hitting on her, and she still looks like she's a young teen.
...I guess I'm the only one who sees the humor in the fact that that comment made everyone sound really old :( anyway, that's all I meant.

And Alein, I think I missed something...am I supposed to be hitting on you?

I'm so confused...
Originally posted by Walker

BTW, I see aliens all the time. Most of 'em operate convenience stores. Or Krispy Kremes.

:D :D :D . Very good Walker, Very good indeed. This thread is not getting anywere. Back to the topic. You my friend AleinAllei, well you are a very interesting person....i suggest many, many counseling sessions. Good Luck.

I am interested.Do you have any clips or photos to support this?.Also what was the distance between the two lights approximately?Do you live near an Airbase?what was the height at which you sighted the objects?50 ft?100ft? more ?
Could you explain in detail,as to how the lights moved in circular motion exactly?
Did you hear any noise of a Chopper blades moving?May be they were lights on chopper blades and the third light was turned on?is that possible?

Re: not even close

Originally posted by AleinAllei
it was a UFO !!! not no damn plane !
This is why many people disbelieve you, if you are not open to other suggestions then you are just as hopeless as almost everyone else
Also, just a little added help, good grammar, usually makes you more credible, or at least spell things right
Buster, the "circling lights"phenomenon has been seen by other observers
on different occasions. Whether it is "ball lightning" or whatever
is unknown. The lights have been observed to increase in numbers
after the circling.
Zion and 2inquisitive Thanks for your replies

Sorry, no photos or clips were taken.
The distance between the two lights I cannot say for sure. They appeared to be close together. Maybe even both connected onto the same object. The way that they moved in perfect unison suggested this to me. But as I mentioned previously as the lights slowed they did move closer together and that makes me question if the lights were one object or two and then three.
I do not live near an air base.
The lights that were viewed could have easily been mistaken for very bright yellow stars if they had not been moving. I cannot say exact height but they appeared to be roughly as high in the air as any plane I've seen.
The two lights moved in a slow cirular motion and almost revolved completely around each other before the third light appeared. After the thirds appearance the lights turned around each other a little more and then stopped then moved off in a different direction (about a 45degree change from before) and moved on until fadeing out of sight.
There was no noise at all being made that any of us could hear.
I am quite certain by the way of the movement of the lights that it could not in my opinion have been a helicopter. I have viewed helicopters in the night sky and this was definately different and louder.

Ball lightening is an idea. I am not certain though if ball lightening has the ability to change in speed or direction. Do you know if it does?
A friend of mine's father once said to me that one day as he and some others were working they witnessed a small ball of light (basketball sized) come down from the sky bounce on the ground and then disapear. He said he thought that it was ball lightening. I cannot say if this really did happen but if it did that would have been a strange sight.
Buster, i can give you a link with tons of ball lightning information,
including scientific papers and eyewitness sightings. Of course,
the lights are sometimes attributed to UFO's and sometimes ball
lighting. Balls of lightning have been reported to divide into more
balls, but I'm not sure about the circling maneuver. One report:
"I was living on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in September of 1961 and attending Gulf Coast Military Academy. It was about 8 PM at night, and a squall line was approaching from the south out of the Gulf of Mexico. I was waiting for my parents to pick me up from an honor ceremony and passing the time sitting on the front porch of the old barracks. As I looked up, a lightning bolt began as a large ball moving slowly through the sky amongst the clouds. The ball divided into two balls, and then branched out into more and more small balls. As the balls moved and divided, the pathway they took continued to glow. Each bolt lasted several seconds and then faded away. The really odd thing was how slowly the balls moved. The ball lightening was also accompanied by a faint hissing sound. I can now estimate the altitude of this event as about one thousand feet AGL. This repeated over a period of several minutes and drew quite a crown on the gravel drive.
Joseph Chambers <jchambers1@aol.com>
Bartlett, TN USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 13:28:39 (PDT)"
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