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Registered Senior Member
it was a bright light ! i didnt know for sure till it got small real fast and sped of and disaperred!! i was stunned @ first and like"noway" but it was real! idunno why but i didnt wanna blieve it @ first even though im a very strong bliever in this stuff ive neva imagined i would actulally get to witness one !! i mean ive always wanted to but i neva counted on it !!!
I also saw a plane last night. I was like 'WOW, THEY REALLY EXIST'. No wonder Boeing is so rich.
I'm wondering... with all those satellites we've got up there, isn't it really likely that some of them are scouring our local space with cameras (still and video) and if they are, I wonder who gets to check out the footage? Because there must be loads of shit going on up there if there really are alien UFO's
Well, you just described a plane. I don't see any reason to think it's something else.
1: you were high.
2: you were drunk
3: you were lying in the road.
4: a car hit you and you were taken to the hospital, you mistook it for a space ship and when you woke up out of your coma all you rememberd was a bright light coming down and weird people cutting you up and 'probing' you.

id say that explains about 75% of all abductee shit. the rest is just made up by idiots and fags.
as for the bright light disapearing phenomana:
you were stoned and walked into a street lamp, passed out and you mom found u and took ya home.
it was a UFO !!! not no damn plane !

im a very strong bliever in this stuff … i mean ive always wanted to…

So, what do you believe it was? Aliens?
It is unlikely that he is lying; he simply has nothing to gain from it. Alein, please describe the circumstances with more depth--

What time did the event take place?

What was the weather like?

How long did you see it for?

What was its shape/color/texture?

How quickly did it move?

Did it change direction?

What were you doing prior to seeing the event?

Have you witnessed anything similar to this before?
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I don't think anybody thinks he's lying... just that he probably saw a light, and didn't bother to think what else it might be because he already knows what he wants it too be
Guys, assumptions aren't always correct. As an example, go to the
Area51 thread started by AleinAllei on page 2. There's a link to her
picture there and and she shore ain't a he!
You recognized a democrat nominee for president? Never thought that would ever happen.
No, they're just rare. Now if you see a black female presidential nominee, then call the press.... oh... wait...
Wow, if that's you, you're a pretty 'un.
Anyway, howabout answering my questions?
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was it like a moving star and then it disappeared into the dark sky. thats what i saw a bunch of people in my school, but at different nights, it difintly was no plane
Re: lol

Originally posted by AleinAllei
Yeah i aint no dude! lol !! but yes it was an alein air craft !!
First, how do you know it was a craft?
Second, how do you know it was alien?
Third, wouldn't an alien craft be a 'space' craft... not an 'air' craft?

Beauty will get you laid... but without critical thinking it'll also get you a kid.

was it like a moving star and then it disappeared into the dark sky
We here on earth call them planes flying behind clouds. Realize that not all clouds are visible at night.
Planes can fly high enough that you can't even see them during the day. If it was solid then it was most likely a sat.

I don't know where you live, but I sure as hell don't get red clouds at night. And a planes lights are not bright enough to light up most clouds.
ahh cmon
threads like this should be allowed to sink as fast as it can.
at the very least some pics/vids/graphic and precise descriptions should be present

pehaps you could post pics of yourself instead? pretty please?

RAGET (the old man in the church from Blazing Saddles) spookz!
AleinAllei, I'm having trouble enough deciphering your English and then understanding what it means- but I'm sure I'd understand better if you were to post pictures of yourself 3/4 profile maybe holding diagrams of what you're talking about
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