I Need Help! I Have Preminitions!

Halcyon said:
No offense, but I know people that have been saying the brain is uncharted territory for years, a philosophical head-in-the-sand type of attitude that keeps them blind to the progress being made. We know A LOT about the brain and what goes where. True, we're not even close to knowing it all, but we do know that every thought is physiological and can be traced to the activity of a few neurons, we know enough to have a guy put a helmet on his head and control a video game through the electrical activity in his brain, and we know that there is absolutely not enough room in the brain to contain the complexity of the entire universe.

No offense taken, ok 'unchartered' was an overstatement, although i still hold that there is probably more that we dont know about the brain that we do know.
Although i dont understand why youd think the brain would have to hold 'the entire universe' in order for a premonition to be acheived.
I can read anything on the internet that i care to; but that doesnt mean my hardrive has to accomadate the entire content of the internet.
heliocentric said:
No offense taken, ok 'unchartered' was an overstatement, although i still hold that there is probably more that we dont know about the brain that we do know.
I agree.
heliocentric said:
Although i dont understand why youd think the brain would have to hold 'the entire universe' in order for a premonition to be acheived.
I wasn't saying that I personally believed that. I had written on that particular idea in response to Man Of Jade's claims of the human mind being able to model the content of the entire universe within itself, presuming that the mind is unlimited when it isn't.
I've had weird experiences myself, I don't know how to explain them but I have decided not to pass them off as coincidences.

1. I remember I was in a strange kind of "zone" one day, better defined as a very strange mood where I felt I was in deep brainstorm yet there was nothing in my head and all there was was what I looked at........ hard to explain so nevermind.
I was walking down the street and came across a novely die (fuzzy one that you hang in your rear view mirror). I thought of a number and kicked it, the number was wrong so I guessed again and kicked it. The number on the die had been the number I guessed my first kick, so I guessed another number and kicked again. Sure enough it was the number I guessed the second time. This went on for some 12 in a row correct guesses before I was a little freaked out and kicked it into the gutter and went home.

2. One day at school I was in a similar mood as stated in #1 and everytime I was about to walk into a room I for come reason just thought of a number, when I walked into the room I counted the people (makes me think that on some level I knew that was what the number was) and there was the same amount of people as the number that entered my head. This happened all day for a sum of around 10 times, numbers varying from i think 5 to 27 was the largest. There was a period of time I sat in my principals office and every few minutes I checked over my shoulder into the main office to see the number of people I had just come up with. I think that was around the time I again got freaked out and pulled myself out of that zone. I was unable to guess the correct number of people in a room before entering it for the rest of day.

3. Sometimes I swear I hear the phone ringing and will go to pick it up and see that it's not ringing, so I walk away. It rings within the minute from that point.

4. On a different note possibly concerning telekinesis or ghosts. I was standing in the middle of my room a few weeks ago, again in the mood and talking on the phone with a friend. It was about 2 in the morning and all of a sudden out of nowhere a dime hits me in the back, I was standing nowhere near anything that could've had a dime on it, plus the dime seems to have been thrown, not just fallen judging by how hard it hit. I checked all upstairs and everyone was sleeping so I dismissed it and went to bed.

5. I'm a little bit touchy about this one so please no criticism. I have a journal in my room that I don't use in one of my lower drawers of my desk. I was sorting through old junk...yearbooks and such and I came across this journal. There was one entry in the beginning that I don't remember writing dated to about 4 months ago. I'm concerned as the writing is a little unsettling in the beginning and it is in my writing, as it progresses onto the other side of the page it gets VERY creepy and the writing....changes.....It looks much more like I had written it with a loose fist than the normal way one holds a pen. I have no history of any kind of mental illness and anyone you ask about me would tell you that i'm very normal, if not more happier than others. I get childish sometimes, what can I say? :p
The least to be said I'm worried about the journal entry more than the "psychic" events previously noted. If anyone would want to discuss this I'd feel better about it.
Plz and Thx
I definitely have days where i know premonitions are more likely to happen than others.
I also have days where there almost seems to be 'something in the air' and i know im going to meet a specific person who i havent seen in a long time by chance.

As for the dime hitting you in the back, ive only ever heard about things of that nature happening during ouiji board sessions. Who knows, it could be your subconscious, or it could be a ghost as you said...

I used to keep a journal too btw, i used to write in it before bed, and sometimes i would start to drop off while writing an entry. And so there are a few sentences here and there which are very spaced out and loosely written as you described.
Unless the content of the writting drastically altered in your journal, id probably put it down to tiredness.
Could be, but I don't remember any of it. Plus yah, the content and the writing both changed very drastically.
I would pin it on sleepwalking probably, I have been caught wondering around at 3 in the morning cooking meals before.....:p.
I'm not going to let it concern me too much, if it happens again I think I'll go see someone though.
I'm agreeing with you guys should go for a neurologist, not that i'm saying your crazy. I got epilepsy, and one thing i find that when i have a seziure is that when i wake up, i think i've had a bad dream, i mean, the first time it happened i could have told you what had happened, and i was sooo convinced that it was real i was out of it for ages. I'm medicated now, and it works 100%, but every now and then i get serious feelings of dread happening outta the blue, which can get a bit freaky occationally. Someone was telling me the other day that deja vu and epilepsy could be linked medically, there should be a post round here saying it, which surprised me as both my sister and i get it alot, and half the time i'm convinced i've seen stuff before in dreams. I haven't got deja vu since i've been taking the meds again, but it got me thinking there could be a serious link neurally there. I mean, we only use like 10% of our brains, what if there's a link to premonisions and epilepsy?
so yeah, i'm saying, get it looked at, cause even if they do find something, it's probably better fixed, and the solutions aren't all that bad. Let me know what you find out
Well, I would like to disagree with you decoy. I have had several premanitions my self over the past 2 years. What has caused this I am not sure. However I do remember when I was about 16 or 17 I had dreams that I could control. I have not controlled my dreams since then. Because to be honnest it scares the piss out of me, and I dont get good sleep cause it's like I am up but sleeping at the same time. Since this has happened I have had premanitions. And some of them are really pointless ones, while others are very important and sometimes life altering. I have discovered that like what you said you can not change the future.. ..(Depending on the severatity of the premenation).. .. if its not a real serious one you can change it by doing something elese instead of what is supposed to happen. However my latest premenation is still in the works. (not by chance cause I do not want this one to happen :( ) The current one I had is standing out side in around the Novermber/December months (possibly or maybe spring time).. ..as I am outside looking around I look down at the ground only to see that I am standing in the middle of a cemetary looking at my gf's tombstone with her name staring me right in the face. My gf currently has cancer and the doctors only gave her about 3 months to live :( But what I am trying to say here is that I know she is going to die.. ..(there is nothing I can do about it which sucks).. ..and I cant change the fact or the "Bigger picture" of things such as her death because that would be changing the future. However I can change the fact of me standing infront of her grave. I can do that by not going to see her during that time frame, thus I have changed that small portion of the future which in the end could cause a greater chain of events for the good or the bad. Along with having the premenation that day I had went into work on my day off cause they needed some help, I did not know what time I was working until. When my mother asked me I told her .."well mom I imagine I am working until when ever they want to let me go". . ."But I want to tell you that I will probably be working until 6:30pm"...which where I work is a very odd time to end or start a shift. So I went into work and one of my co-workers and I were talking and she said well they are keeping me here until 6:30pm tonight. So I knew my premenation was comming true. I normaly get them in clusters like that. So I am not too sure what exactly goes on to cause them. However this coming fall I am starting college for a Psychology major, so hopefully I will be able to figure these out a little more. Well I hope to hear from someone soon about this. If you would like to e-mail me you can do so at joe_stone6@hotmail.com :)
NanAutaben said:
But I know the future is not written in stone. But I don't understand how some events are already set to happen and can be seen before hand and sometimes changed.
as much as i dont like the idea...maybe the future realy is written in stone
For some reason I am not allowed to start a thread here ? I wanted to write about my experience of deja vu - so that i could get some comments and advice from members. but now its not possible :`(
you have premonitions to. sometimes they came be really scary. now i know others people no what i've been going through
srry but that is all the EXACT same thing i saw in this movie about flight 150 and like 10 years later some gurl has a big preminition of a car crash and when she tries to stop it every1 is gunna die and then like she has the same gasping and headache and junk
but maybe its real, i mean i've had like dajavou or however u spell it and dreamt something and then later it happens
Hi. I have had some experiences that kinda sound like what you are talking about. Just today my mom's friend and her son were supposed to be coming over and than a little later she called and my mom said now it was gonna be them and their dog too. And I said,"Mama, didn't hedie?" and then i said that it just seemed like someone had been sad about their dog dying recently. I blew it off and said that I must have just been confused with someone else.
A little while later they show up with the dog. We eat dinner and then my sister went outside to see how the dogs were doing.

Her dog had drowned in our pool.

I dunno why I felt like that but it just seemed to make the pain even worse bc I had had such a strong feeling and I thought a memory of them being so upset about the dog.


Sapphire_Girl_13 said:
I'm only 13 years old. I don't get preminitions, but they are simular. I read some where that they are called 'Premative Dreams' I've been getting them for just about all my life but have only really started recognising them for the past couple of years. Some times they are little things like meeting a friend somewhere or seeing some thing that is highly unusual. Sometimes they are big things, such as fights, where someone gets hurt. My preminitions happen in my dreams, then soon after (could be a day , could be a month) the things in my dreams happen. I herd my mum talking to my Nanna once and my Nanna was saying how she had a dream once that her cusin died, a week later it happened. The only time i get to find out any of this is when my mum is talking on the phone. My mum also stated that she had had preminitions before. Mum once had a dream that her dad (my grandpa) was giving her a really tight hug, she dreamt that she couldnt breathe, then she woke up, for a few moments she couldnt breathe. I'm not sure whether any of this has to do with my family having sort-of psychic abilitys or whether it's just coinsidence but I really do think that these 'Premative Dreams' have something to do with psychic ability. I have only really told one of my friends about them, she thinks it's 'cool' But I'm not sure what to think, I'm pretty used to them now. The thing is that I only have a 'premative dream' every now and then.:D

k - duno if it helps but I just felt like I had to tell someone who has an idea of what its like

AKA : Alicia
Dep724 said:
Posted by Daryl on December 31, 2002 at 01:04:22:

Hi. I'm a 15 year old kid. And I pretty sure I have major preminitions. I see events that are coming in the next hour, day, month, year. It comes out of nowhere. They don't come everyday, but wehen they do come they come with power. I get a headache first and then I get this burst of air in my lungs that makes me gasp. Then I see varios images, with emotions. The images takes place of the emotions and the emotions take place of the images. Like I might see a car crash. I'll see the car and then feel the attachment of it, like the emotions of what happened after. I've been having these since I was 8.It all started with this strange dream, that I never forgot. I was dreaming about my dead grandpa, who came down from Heaven and gave me a present. by the way he was accompanied by my grandma ( who at the time was not dead, but she died that same year ).Then I opened the gift and a huge green light came over me and then I woke up. I plan on keeping a journal to log my Preminitions. But am I have visions of future or not. I mean is there an expert out there or someone the same as me that I can relate to.And by the way. my dreams our the most powerful. No lie/joke. When I dream, it usualyy just my fantasies being played out. U know, I'm flying, I'm in heaven ( i don't thynk the heaven thing is a dream, I thynk I astral projected to heaven to talk to someone important. )but anyway, but when it's a preminition dream, It's like I'm there. Not fully there, but my soul is there, in the future. Sometimes the future is distant, or close. But last night. I thynk i saw the apocolyspe. Not the Bible one, but it was a huge comet. I walked out side my house, and then it all changed and everythyng changed, as if I was in the distant, distant future. About 60 or 80 years. I walked out onto my street, which was kind of an alley now in a huge city. And then I felt thys huge wind and I saw thys huge comet hit the ground. And everythyng died and I was watching it. Then I skipped more years and I saw the first grass being born and evolution started again. Can someone just talk to me, so I don't feel like the only teen in the world with a gift that I don't understand.Please, reply.

I'm 14 and I sometimes have sort of preminitions too. But I don't consider it a power, like how you are describing. Mine aren't quite as dramatic as yours sound like. I just get really strong feelings or thought and I feel real creepy when those things actually happen or when something really similar occurs. I dunno if this will help you any but I'm glad to know that I'M not the only teen out there either.
jstone05 said:
Well, I would like to disagree with you decoy. I have had several premanitions my self over the past 2 years. What has caused this I am not sure. However I do remember when I was about 16 or 17 I had dreams that I could control. I have not controlled my dreams since then. Because to be honnest it scares the piss out of me, and I dont get good sleep cause it's like I am up but sleeping at the same time. Since this has happened I have had premanitions. And some of them are really pointless ones, while others are very important and sometimes life altering. I have discovered that like what you said you can not change the future.. ..(Depending on the severatity of the premenation).. .. if its not a real serious one you can change it by doing something elese instead of what is supposed to happen. However my latest premenation is still in the works. (not by chance cause I do not want this one to happen :( ) The current one I had is standing out side in around the Novermber/December months (possibly or maybe spring time).. ..as I am outside looking around I look down at the ground only to see that I am standing in the middle of a cemetary looking at my gf's tombstone with her name staring me right in the face. My gf currently has cancer and the doctors only gave her about 3 months to live :( But what I am trying to say here is that I know she is going to die.. ..(there is nothing I can do about it which sucks).. ..and I cant change the fact or the "Bigger picture" of things such as her death because that would be changing the future. However I can change the fact of me standing infront of her grave. I can do that by not going to see her during that time frame, thus I have changed that small portion of the future which in the end could cause a greater chain of events for the good or the bad. Along with having the premenation that day I had went into work on my day off cause they needed some help, I did not know what time I was working until. When my mother asked me I told her .."well mom I imagine I am working until when ever they want to let me go". . ."But I want to tell you that I will probably be working until 6:30pm"...which where I work is a very odd time to end or start a shift. So I went into work and one of my co-workers and I were talking and she said well they are keeping me here until 6:30pm tonight. So I knew my premenation was comming true. I normaly get them in clusters like that. So I am not too sure what exactly goes on to cause them. However this coming fall I am starting college for a Psychology major, so hopefully I will be able to figure these out a little more. Well I hope to hear from someone soon about this. If you would like to e-mail me you can do so at joe_stone6@hotmail.com :)

My "preminitions" seem to be kinda similar to yours. Sometimes they are something big and other times they are something that just seems to be a funny coincedence. My mom has always said that like she thinks that I have an old soul or something. When I was three and she was trying to get rid of my baby clothes, I would dragthem back in the house and say "no, you can't sell them. My sister will need them." And another time when I was about the same age, I asked my mom if someday I could have the car we were riding in. And I said that I promise to drive my sister around in it. I was an only child until about the time I was 5 years old. That is the only thing that I can think of from when I was real young or maybe I just didn't realize that they were happening.But it seems like more recently I have been having lots of strange small cases of deja-vu or something. And it is not like these were real common coincedences. Like I will have a feeling that I am going to run into a person that I havn't thought about in years and sure enough I will see them that very day. But then I had a feeling that I was gonna run into this certain person for years. And when I first had this feeling I knew it was gonna be years and I carried around this feeling for a long time. Then, last week I finally saw them. Another thing happened also about a week ago where one of my teachers handed me a worksheet of a new topic that we were going to be studying, and I said to her," Didn't we do this like 2 weeks ago?". She looked at me kinda strange and then someone sitting next to said that maybe I was thinking of a similar lesson that we had had the previous year. I thought that all of those things could just be like strange coincedences until tonight. Tonight a family friend was coming over for dinner. She called to say that she was going to be bringing her dog too. Then, I looked at my mom and said, "I thought her dog died." No, he hadn't died yet. They came over and when we went out to check on the dogs, he had drowned in our pool.
Now I'm starting to really feel like that was a sign.
Well, anyways I was just wondering if since your major is pschology, if you would have any idea why so many things are happening so suddenly, that I knew about?
FFS, stop multiple posting. Use the edit button. Also you've bumped this thread - again. It was started in '02, so the starter isn't here any more.
Hi my name is david. i have being having preminitions for the last few years. as i have gotten older i have become more in control of when to have them but still can randomly occur. they started when i was 11 or 12 and now im almost 21. they are always about me and what i will do in the future. i just had one today and happened exactly as i saw them. i only realise the situation that i saw in my dreams moments b4 they happen. the dream i had about today happened months ago and only occured now. are our paths laid out for us? i believe they are and there are points along each path wer we can make a choice. im a perfectly healthy person...i had a normal upbringing...loved my childhood. however these preminitions started when my parents wer going through a tough time always arguing and fighting...many sleepless nights for me and tears cried. cud this wer it started for me? have i reached some 'higher level' of brain power or self believe? i have great friends a good job so i consider to be 'normal' (as social standards are concerned i guess). we are all different in different ways so what do you think? i would really appreciate some feedback

thank you
who ever said there is something wrong with your brain is a complete and utter lyer. i know exactly what you mean i have the same sort of thing i dont think mine is as intense as yours though. but the way u described it sounds simular to mine. you are not alone lots of people have it. the thing about the apocolipse and the comet..i duno if that is a preminision..it seams rather far out (iym not saying its true or not) but you just have to adapt your powers and realise wich ones trully are dreams and figments of the imagination..and wich are the future. i would realy like to get to know you some more, do you have msn? if so please reply. x
My "preminitions" seem to be kinda similar to yours. Sometimes they are something big and other times they are something that just seems to be a funny coincedence. My mom has always said that like she thinks that I have an old soul or something. When I was three and she was trying to get rid of my baby clothes, I would dragthem back in the house and say "no, you can't sell them. My sister will need them." And another time when I was about the same age, I asked my mom if someday I could have the car we were riding in. And I said that I promise to drive my sister around in it. I was an only child until about the time I was 5 years old. That is the only thing that I can think of from when I was real young or maybe I just didn't realize that they were happening.But it seems like more recently I have been having lots of strange small cases of deja-vu or something. And it is not like these were real common coincedences. Like I will have a feeling that I am going to run into a person that I havn't thought about in years and sure enough I will see them that very day. But then I had a feeling that I was gonna run into this certain person for years. And when I first had this feeling I knew it was gonna be years and I carried around this feeling for a long time. Then, last week I finally saw them. Another thing happened also about a week ago where one of my teachers handed me a worksheet of a new topic that we were going to be studying, and I said to her," Didn't we do this like 2 weeks ago?". She looked at me kinda strange and then someone sitting next to said that maybe I was thinking of a similar lesson that we had had the previous year. I thought that all of those things could just be like strange coincedences until tonight. Tonight a family friend was coming over for dinner. She called to say that she was going to be bringing her dog too. Then, I looked at my mom and said, "I thought her dog died." No, he hadn't died yet. They came over and when we went out to check on the dogs, he had drowned in our pool.
Now I'm starting to really feel like that was a sign.
Well, anyways I was just wondering if since your major is pschology, if you would have any idea why so many things are happening so suddenly, that I knew about?

Dreaming of a new tombstone foretells a new opportunity for you. Old tombstones forecast a renewed friendship. If you could read the epitaph (the writing on the stone), the dream means that you can solve whatever problems are facing you much more easily than you think. If you couldn't make out the writing, you can expect news of a happy family event.