I Need Help! I Have Preminitions!


Just a reminder... post those preminitions as you get them. It
would be quite interesting to see if the 'future' ones come true.

Trust me kid, yer not alone. I have had several premanitions myself. But ya know what? You don't realise they are premanitions until they have actually occured. And then you think their just dejavou's. Or at least thats what I had. I still have premanitions, visions, or whatever you wish to call them. I have learned however, that you cannot change the future. Things that you see, will happen as you see them. I have changed so many things in my life in the hope things would not happen as I saw them, but they did. Some things in the form of a person coming in the room tellin someone else he/she forgot something, and an accident still happens (girl knocked a guy from a ladder at work, just as I saw it a week before it happened), or because you misinterpreted and someone is driving TO work instead of FROM. It happens kid. And there is little you can do about it, but just see it happen. But please, warn people, so that at least they know what might happen. Not too obvious though, or they might think you lost yer mind. Just a little remark can often be of great help. I once said 'drive safely, mom' before she went off to work (I usually dont say anything but 'bye'), and she wore her seatbelt, which she usually doesnt. She hit a kid on a bicycle, and no damage but mental and to the car and cycle. See my point? Try it, it might help.

Some things that people tell you, or apointments you make, stick in your mind, but you forget them. The mind has a funny way of remembering certain things, so maybe its just your subconscience mind telling you something. But I doubt it...
Similar Experences

I have had a similar type of experences, It started when I was about 15 (I'm 19 now) and I would have a dream about a coversation between me and my friend......no big deal, until a couple of weeks later the conversation happened. After that I had random dreams about different stuff, sometimes spaced out over weeks sometimes a year. But lately the dejavu (spelling?) experences have become more frequent. I hav found someone in my school who is also like I am, we know by observation what is happening, but we would like to understand it more. Of anyone can recommend any books or websites(preferably free) that would be great.......Thaks for listening,
About this feeling

I have preminisions about the future too but in the way that you describe. I have this feeling of impending doom that I can't shake. I feel that something very bad is coming. I sometimes have dreams to but mostly it is a message from God. An answer to my prayers. I have had these feeling about people as well. I can walk by a stranger on the street and for no reason feel that I should give them a hug. Mostly I feel when people are bad. I get this chill down my spine and have hard time breathing. I am suddenly scared to death of a total stranger.
Hi guys and gals.

I've never been able to understand why others would say that premonitions are impossible. I've had premonitions over the years (and it seems I'm at least twice the age of most of you).

I hadn't had one in a few years until last month. My sister and her husband visited us for a week. The day of their flight back home, a clear vision flashed in my mind. I saw my sister and her husband walking into their house which had clearly been robbed while they were away. I was also able to feel their fear and their feelings of violation as they walked into their home and realized what had happened.

They called as soon as they got home to tell us they got back safe and sound. (No mention of a robbery). I told my husband that I was glad that everything was O.K. with them, of course, but that I couldn't understand why I had such a vivid vision and strong feeling. Until they called, I was sure it was another premonition. It was the first time that I was mistaken about what felt like such a strong foreboding and it made me feel uncomfortable and confused.

Here's the rest of the story - My sister called again two days later - all upset - because they were robbed while away on a day trip THAT day. She described the condition of their house and expressed how scared and violated they felt upon opening their door and realizing that their home had been robbed. It was just like the vision and the feelings I had days before.

Don't know how or why it happens folks, but it does happen. Like someone else said - it's always bad news.
Premative Dreams

I'm only 13 years old. I don't get preminitions, but they are simular. I read some where that they are called 'Premative Dreams' I've been getting them for just about all my life but have only really started recognising them for the past couple of years. Some times they are little things like meeting a friend somewhere or seeing some thing that is highly unusual. Sometimes they are big things, such as fights, where someone gets hurt. My preminitions happen in my dreams, then soon after (could be a day , could be a month) the things in my dreams happen. I herd my mum talking to my Nanna once and my Nanna was saying how she had a dream once that her cusin died, a week later it happened. The only time i get to find out any of this is when my mum is talking on the phone. My mum also stated that she had had preminitions before. Mum once had a dream that her dad (my grandpa) was giving her a really tight hug, she dreamt that she couldnt breathe, then she woke up, for a few moments she couldnt breathe. I'm not sure whether any of this has to do with my family having sort-of psychic abilitys or whether it's just coinsidence but I really do think that these 'Premative Dreams' have something to do with psychic ability. I have only really told one of my friends about them, she thinks it's 'cool' But I'm not sure what to think, I'm pretty used to them now. The thing is that I only have a 'premative dream' every now and then.:D

k - duno if it helps but I just felt like I had to tell someone who has an idea of what its like

AKA : Alicia
pesky futrure getting in the way of now

:D I don't think that our brains or spirits actually predict it, more like the future is leaking into now and we catch bits and pieces if we are lucky

I think that premonitions are possible however they are glimpses of what COULD be, there are infinite possibilities of what could be. Who is to say which one will occur?. I think certain people just have the luck to see which one has the highest probability of occurring, and if the event has a powerful impact on the person, they are might be more likely to see it?

I had some strong Dea-vu the other night get it allot lately, but this one was not happening at the same time as the event as most deja-vu does.

Get a call from one of my co werkers, and then it started I knew exactly what he was going to tell me, That one of my Tools/machines was failing one of its tests, what he was going to do. As I started to interrupt him to tell him what he was going to tell me, the phone died, I could still hear him but he could not hear me, he kept saying "hello? hello? where'd you go?" My brain shutdown and I kept thinking "why was I stopped why was I stopped" I started saying "hello?" seeing if he could hear me, my mind lost track and he said, "that was weird, well anyways NVW702 is failing for minimum thickness, I am going to try it on the other metrology tool and run another wafer to see if it comes in and passes" .... exactly what I was going to tell him.

My head hurt and I felt dizzy, I said "oh, ok cool" and hung up, the two phones we were on had never had connectivity problems, they are in the same building even!

I still keep thinking... "why was I stopped from telling him? :confused:
Originally posted by Dep724
But am I have visions of future or not.

Well, here is a simple question...

Do any of these dreams or visions actually come true?
Do they really come true?

Just clarify one thing for me...do the things you see actually without a shadow of a doubt come true? Do you have proof?

Can you state an example where more than 3 people can testify that what you have seen ahead of time has come true? Not just something simple, but something major...like a car crash?
i talk and see spirits too. and see future events. and they do come true. it has happened many times.
good god. The body of scientific data rests on the explanation of dreams being a funtion of the amygdala laying down short term memories into long term memory. period.
Man Of Jade said:
Supposedly during sleep, whether realizing it or not, our soul temporarily leaves our body to go into an astral plane. At this point, i very much believe that it is possible to model the universe.
first off, there is absolutely no reason to believe in the existence of a soul as there is nothing as far as human functioning that needs it's existence to explain itself. Secondly, tell me why that even if such a thing were necessary, or even had a speck of evidence for it's existence, whywould it leave our body during sleep/what evidence would there be for it doing so. Next; What astral plane? Lastly, why do you smugly assume that any mind/soul under any condition would be anywhere close to having the ablility to model an ENTIRE UNIVERSE within itself.
celeron3466 said:
Just clarify one thing for me...do the things you see actually without a shadow of a doubt come true? Do you have proof?

Can you state an example where more than 3 people can testify that what you have seen ahead of time has come true? Not just something simple, but something major...like a car crash?
I can! When I was about 17, for some reason, for a few months I had dreams of future events that came true. I had about 7. the 1st was the strongest(clearest). It bothered me so much that I told everyone that morn. at breakfast. They told me it was just a dream.About 3hrs later it came true! The dream was of my dog being killed right in front of me by a lg. truck. When I reliesed I was witnessing my dream step by step just as I had seen it. Before I could change the outcome it was to late. I payed attention to them after that. Thank God I did, because about a month later I saved my folks lives. If my Dad wouldn't of heeded my warning they would of lost control of their car and crashed through ice on a river and drowned.Instead, they did lose control, but my dad steared sharper to the right then he would of normally and slid to a stop about 75ft before the river. I was so worried it was going to happen that I had begged my boyfriend to follow them home.(11miles).We saw the whole thing and was there to help them. I haven't had any dreams like that in a long time. But I know the future is not written in stone. But I don't understand how some events are already set to happen and can be seen before hand and sometimes changed. Huuuummm???? I swear to God what I have said is true and I do have people to back me up.
I guess Halycon doesn't have a clue what to say next, huh. I had one of these dreams when I was very young, and I swear I never want to have them again...because that dream half scared me to death. I thought it was just a dream until it started happening in real. And I guessed everything that occured before it happened, One of my friends witnessed it and I totally freaked out. It was about my best friend in school who was beat up by a russian kid for flirting with his girlfriend. Of course I had many Deja Vus where things seem to be happening again, and I know that that is just short term memory being placed into long term memory. And I know the difference between actually dreaming of something happening a couple days in advance and a Deja Vu. I believe in story told by Nanautaben, because it happened to me once. And that's when I started studying the paranormals.
Stinger said:
I guess Halycon doesn't have a clue what to say next, huh. I had one of these dreams when I was very young, and I swear I never want to have them again...because that dream half scared me to death. I thought it was just a dream until it started happening in real. And I guessed everything that occured before it happened, One of my friends witnessed it and I totally freaked out. It was about my best friend in school who was beat up by a russian kid for flirting with his girlfriend. Of course I had many Deja Vus where things seem to be happening again, and I know that that is just short term memory being placed into long term memory. And I know the difference between actually dreaming of something happening a couple days in advance and a Deja Vu. I believe in story told by Nanautaben, because it happened to me once. And that's when I started studying the paranormals.

First thing, didn't your mother tell what happens when you make assumptions?
Listen to your mother, she knows what she's talking about. Next; You need to know that I've had lots of seemingly precognitive dreams. So have many people I've known. The difference between me and you is, I know why my mind placed the meaning to the experience that it did, and I know that what I perceive as precognition is nothing more than a glitch. You say you've read over fifty books on the body and how it works(some of them chinese...whoopty-doo) but that means nothing. Get yourself a solid college education in neurology and then you can start acting like you know what you're talking about. The whole thing is common mental phenomenon, nothing extraordinary or supranormal about it.

Say, while you're spending all this time making cracks me, shouldn't you be trying to come with a defense for your other post in this forum?
To everyone interested,
I havn't studied all the latest stuff about the workings of the mind and what proof exist that there is nothing paranormal, still I would like to give my opinion.

For starters untill science can create for me a pill that can tell me the future like some of you have described through dream's etc then I would say keep all options open.

I believe in God and therefore in my frame of thinking nothing is impossible. The Bible has many examples of dream's been used for various reason's. The Book of Revelation has been the most controversial and I believe should be read as point of reference if things start becoming true.

Science has no right to speak about the spirit world because it's not something you can poke a stick at. Many people still practice various crafts involving spirits and I would be very wary of anyone using it without God as they guide.
Prayer is the safest I feel so if you have any problem's that might be paranormal pray to God and be patient don't get involved in any cults, they are becoming more and more prominent and if my hunch is correct many powerful people rely on these crafts and or are part of cults that seeks to gain power of everything and everyone.
Whatever you do make sure it's pleaseing to God. Also, not all spirits are good, some are know to deceive and to lead people astray making them think they are special because they have great powers.
Spirit/Angel's in general should not be trusted. If the spirit is from God it won't be playing game's with you. The Bible has information on testing spirit's but I suggest to not play with fire. We should always try to be true and careing to people and never be tricked into useing some spell to gain power and glory.
Regard to all,
Ps ask me what ever you like.
Xerxes said:
I'll level with you guys. You're both crazy, but you don't have to be stupid. Go to a specialist and get yourselves checked out. It could be something *serious*.

Your an idiot...and a specialist what exactly? your average gp/psychiatrist/neurologist knows about as much of premonitions; if not slightly less then the average person.
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LaoTzu said:
They are not premonitions. There is no mechanism for any such ability; it is physically impossible to model the entire complexity of the universe inside the limits of your mind.
You're talking rubbish, for one thing your acting as though time is absolute, its not its relative and as such it certainly would not break any
physical laws to see the future. And given that the brain is still pretty much unchartered territory to say that there is no mechanism for such an ability is just pure speculation at this point.
As for anyone that could help you with your abilitys, unfortunately not many people in the west have expertise in premonitions and how to practically deal with them.
The only people i know of that are used to dealing with visions in an open and practical way are shamans indigenous to the amazon and siberia (and no doubt other regions that im not aware of).
I know, you cant exactly hop on a plane and go today, but its something to think about for the future. : p
heliocentric said:
You're talking rubbish, for one thing your acting as though time is absolute, its not its relative and as such it certainly would not break any
physical laws to see the future. And given that the brain is still pretty much unchartered territory to say that there is no mechanism for such an ability is just pure speculation at this point.

No offense, but I know people that have been saying the brain is uncharted territory for years, a philosophical head-in-the-sand type of attitude that keeps them blind to the progress being made. We know A LOT about the brain and what goes where. True, we're not even close to knowing it all, but we do know that every thought is physiological and can be traced to the activity of a few neurons, we know enough to have a guy put a helmet on his head and control a video game through the electrical activity in his brain, and we know that there is absolutely not enough room in the brain to contain the complexity of the entire universe.
If you have premonitions, why not check out the [thread=41022]Sciforums Nostradamus[/thread] thread?