I Need Help! I Have Preminitions!


Registered Member
Posted by Daryl on December 31, 2002 at 01:04:22:

Hi. I'm a 15 year old kid. And I pretty sure I have major preminitions. I see events that are coming in the next hour, day, month, year. It comes out of nowhere. They don't come everyday, but wehen they do come they come with power. I get a headache first and then I get this burst of air in my lungs that makes me gasp. Then I see varios images, with emotions. The images takes place of the emotions and the emotions take place of the images. Like I might see a car crash. I'll see the car and then feel the attachment of it, like the emotions of what happened after. I've been having these since I was 8.It all started with this strange dream, that I never forgot. I was dreaming about my dead grandpa, who came down from Heaven and gave me a present. by the way he was accompanied by my grandma ( who at the time was not dead, but she died that same year ).Then I opened the gift and a huge green light came over me and then I woke up. I plan on keeping a journal to log my Preminitions. But am I have visions of future or not. I mean is there an expert out there or someone the same as me that I can relate to.And by the way. my dreams our the most powerful. No lie/joke. When I dream, it usualyy just my fantasies being played out. U know, I'm flying, I'm in heaven ( i don't thynk the heaven thing is a dream, I thynk I astral projected to heaven to talk to someone important. )but anyway, but when it's a preminition dream, It's like I'm there. Not fully there, but my soul is there, in the future. Sometimes the future is distant, or close. But last night. I thynk i saw the apocolyspe. Not the Bible one, but it was a huge comet. I walked out side my house, and then it all changed and everythyng changed, as if I was in the distant, distant future. About 60 or 80 years. I walked out onto my street, which was kind of an alley now in a huge city. And then I felt thys huge wind and I saw thys huge comet hit the ground. And everythyng died and I was watching it. Then I skipped more years and I saw the first grass being born and evolution started again. Can someone just talk to me, so I don't feel like the only teen in the world with a gift that I don't understand.Please, reply.
no worries kid. just chill. use this thread to write down your premonitions and we'll try to make some sense out of it

I'm not going to question whether or not you are who you say you are. Lots of people claim to experience what you are now. And if that's the case than I recommend you see a proffesional.

Just something to do with the way your neurons synapse.Go see a doctor as soon as you can. You could have some majors problems going on in your brain.

you may be epilieptic and your best off to see a trained proffesional before you hurt yourself or ask for advice here.
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One 15 year old to another

I used to have similar but not identical occurences, but they haven't occured recently and tend to occur in bursts every few months, when I'll dream about people I haven't seen in years and then I'll meet them the next day, or when I'll start thinking about something completely random and somehow the next day or even five minutes later it will no longer seem random at all.

I came to realize that it may merely be coincidence. My theory is that the earth, in its orbit, passes through some type of psychic nebula every once in awhile. It sounds crazy doesn't it?

Then again, what I was going through was also crazy. One of my friends moved away and did so completely abruptly, and I had a dream about him the night before. I rarely dream, and he had never been in one before. I don't remember the specifics of the dream itself, all I remember is that he was there. From there on in I dreamed about people and then the next day they would do something mundane but also unexpected, like say hi to me or come on the bus when they normally didn't do so at all.

It hasn't happened in quite a long time, they started when I turned fourteen or around that time. My problem was that I couldn't tell the premonitions from the normal dreams and that if they were in fact premonitions then they made usually made no difference at all in my life. That armaggedon thing could have been a normal dream, plus I would think that in sixty to eighty years we'd have the technology sufficient enough to destroy anything that would threaten our civilization, besides ourselves of course.

But if you take yourself seriously then write down every single dream or premonition you have and find some way to ensure that they are dated (you should figure it out on your own, but if there's a bank or something in the town or city you live in they might have the current date posted. You could just photograph your journal entry next to it, just make sure that the entry itself is easily readable). Please, keep telling us what you dream about.
thys is really to "spookz". U said sumthyng, like am I really 15. Ummmmmmmmm, yeah. why would u ask? And thank-u for ur comment and everybody else. I am going to take ur advice Sppokz. and I am keeping a journal of my dreams, to those who suggested that, I just started the night of the comet dream.
Having Trouble W/ Premontions. Help please.

okay, i was trying the whole meditation thing and at first it didn't work becuz my brain woiuldn't shut up. Then one day, i was doing some history work in my room and I had a premonition. I thynk of the past. I was reading about ancient civlizations in africa and then I looked at the T.v. and my brain just clicked an it sent me to the past, I guest. I can't remember what I was seeing. All I saw was people, happy, then a little war and then nothing. I came back. and it was strange cuz usually I get a vision that has something to do with me or sumone that i know. or like I said b4, the apocalyptic stuff. but anyway thys premonition was ifferent, it was bits and peices. all of them have since that last one. Does anyone who gets Premonitions or knows a lot about them know what's happening to me. or know how to control them or advance them. Help please if u can. thanks!:)
Heh I'm just as lost as you. I have premonitions a plenty since I got shot, I dont want them though, I see nothing good. Happy war then nothing.... heh shit always seems to repeat. Aint that sad. When we think things finally going to change its already happend before so whats the struggle for? But I dont know how to help you. How do you see your premonitions ? In dreams or do you have visions? For me its mostly visions. When I see a vision I don't pay it any real heed unless its one of those visions that sends me emotions. Last vision I had was me in a forest seeing this guy in a hooded cloak and he pointed at the sky. And I flew to the sky I thought I went to heaven cuz I saw a beautiful a city in the golden clouds and there was a big golden clock that stands out above anything else and that was last of vision.
I'll level with you guys. You're both crazy, but you don't have to be stupid. Go to a specialist and get yourselves checked out. It could be something *serious*.
Heh something serious, indeed it is.
Am I deranged ? Insane? heh maybe , But not from the whatever goin on in my head. I still feel the same think the same , nothing I can tell thats wrong. If I am crazy it wont last long....I won't last long... heh. But its all good.

Lucky.... erm shiiit. This isnt luck its a curse. Even if I can make good out of it I wouldnt. What would I say, I see people I know but dont, flying to heaven. Where I'm at if I tell someone they better watch out cuz I seen your death, they'll probly think im plotting something on him. heh

Besides when its time its time, thats probly why I just dont give a damn. Which is sad cuz I do but it just doesnt show.....
hey, I'm worse than you two, I talk to spirits, I see spirits, I talk to aliens, I see aliens, and I have premonitions. I wonder what it is like to be a 'normal' person

They are not premonitions. There is no mechanism for any such ability; it is physically impossible to model the entire complexity of the universe inside the limits of your mind.

People dream about things they think about, consciously or subconsciously. When those dreams come true, they remember them. When they don't come true, they think, "Huh, what strange dreams," and then they forget all about them. Thus, the illusion of dreams/daydreams that predict the future is preserved through selective memory.

Also, the dreams are almost always impossibly vague. If you dream about your friend, and then that friend moves or dies or starts up a KFC chain the next day, then it's pretty easy to imagine that you connected more meaning with the dream than you did; chances are, you also dreamed about lots of other things and people, but you only remembered the things and people that did something of notice in real life.

Finally, it is human nature to read too much meaning into things, especially when they involve one's emotions.
well, they may or may not be premonitions, but they are obviously there for a reason. predominantly, i think apocolyptic dreams are a way for our subconscious to work out deep-rooted fear, but dreams in general are very subjective.

if you feel that you are having premonitions, i would advise looking for a mentor or someone who experiences similar occurances. the first thing i would do is definately start writing them down. whether they are premonitions or dreams, they may not always appear to be what they really are...

don't stress out over them...just accept them for what they are, and if you feel like acting upon them to try to help someone, by all means go right ahead...you just never know...

Premonitions might be coincidences...Since your brain during REM sleep produces Random feeds of signals and thus might create any imaginative scenario that your Sub-consious brain inherently was thinking off or about it...

got it?

i dreamt once that something was stolen from one of the teachers in grade 2. THE VERY NEXT DAY, the principal told everybody that some money was stolen from that teachers room...
it is physically impossible to model the entire complexity of the universe inside the limits of your mind
Supposedly during sleep, whether realizing it or not, our soul temporarily leaves our body to go into an astral plane. At this point, i very much believe that it is possible to model the universe.;)
Stuff like that happens to me too.

I sort of have premonitions. I get feelings about things. It's like I meet someone and I think that they may have some talent and I tell them to try it out and they have a natural ability for what I told them they'd be good at. Sometimes I have dreams about things that aren't very vague and they seem to happen right after that. Once I dreamed I couldn't find any food and the next day the school wasn't serving any breakfast or lunch. Once I dreamed I met someone new and there was a new kid at school the next day. The weirdest one was a series of dreams I had. They were all about one person and he grew up as I grew up. It started when I was four and I didn't have too many after I was eleven. I met the kid from my dreams when I was thirteen.

I sometimes talk to ghosts/spirits. I've seen aliens but I don't recall talking to them. I think I might have been abducted by aliens once or twice. I have a cut on my foot and I don't know how it got there I said it was aliens probably, just joking with my friends.

I also have this weird wishing thing going on. I make wishes, simple things like for a new friend, or to go to a new school, and then they happen, and I hate them after it happens. I once wished I'd make a new friend and I did and he was the most annoying person in the world. I wished to go to a new school and I switched to a really horrible school right after. I wished my boyfriend and I weren't so serious and he dumped me.

Oh, and I've lived in a couple of haunted houses. I put some of them on webpages using expage but I haven't updated for awhile. You can click here to see Them.

And I like hearing about other people's experiences with stuff like that. I don't think anyone is crazy for what they see or believe. I think we should all keep open minds and not shun people as insane if they say they see or believe in things that most "normal" people don't think are real.
I also have this weird wishing thing going on. I make wishes, simple things like for a new friend, or to go to a new school, and then they happen, and I hate them after it happens. I once wished I'd make a new friend and I did and he was the most annoying person in the world. I wished to go to a new school and I switched to a really horrible school right after. I wished my boyfriend and I weren't so serious and he dumped me.

Yeah....yeah this type of thing happens to me as well, but it's very, very strange and unlike the premonitions. I may wish for little things now and then, "I wish this guy would shut up" "I wish she would come over here" etc etc, and in an extremely subtle manner most of them will come true, it takes a great deal of analyzation to first remember wishing for them in the first place, because they really are very mundane things. I've been experimenting with this oddity now, and with your mentioning this I shall continue to do so, I had actually forgotten...

I have never said the wishes out loud, I merely think of them, and then forget them, then they come true.

It really is wierd, it is just so strange, not only believing that you wield such a power, but also not understanding it. I don't believe that I have had any encounters with aliens or ghosts, I remember one OBE when I was a small child, that's it.

There is no mechanism for any such ability; it is physically impossible to model the entire complexity of the universe inside the limits of your mind.

I agree. From a third person perspective, If I could not empathize with me, then I would not believe me. By having premonitions I do not see the entire universe, I see an extremely small portion of it in a mangled and confused manner that relies on strong interactions with others to bring to light. If it isn't a strong premonition and if there isn't a strong and unlikely coincidence then nothing will come of it.

Something to consider: there are six billion people on earth, that means that every day six thousand people experience events that have a one-in-a-million chance of occuring. Pretty cool, eh?