I liked the earliest versions of belief in gods.


Where does it state that ?

The Word of God doesn't directly state it, but it does allude to a leviathan as well as dragons, which were most likely serpents or things of the sort, but the leviathan could have been the long-necked aquatic dinosaurs you hear about all the time possibly possessing Loch Ness.

Surely, you must believe people didn't paint on caves pointlessly.
The Word of God doesn't directly state it, but it does allude to a leviathan as well as dragons, which were most likely serpents or things of the sort, but the leviathan could have been the long-necked aquatic dinosaurs you hear about all the time possibly possessing Loch Ness.

Surely, you must believe people didn't paint on caves pointlessly.

In other words, this:

and the Bible states there were prehistoric animals (the descendants of Creataceous-dinosaurs and Jurassic-dinosaurs) still moving around on Earth

Was just you talking out your arse.

I didn't know that we confirmed anything unusual swimming in Loch Ness ?

Any cave drawings of dinosaurs ?

Either provide evidence as to this:

the descendants of Creataceous-dinosaurs and Jurassic-dinosaurs

in the bible or re-tract your statement.
No posts here have convinced me to pray to any gods other than the god of bridge, the god of golf, the god of good snow for skiers, & a few others that are ignored by those who call themselves believers.
No posts here have convinced me to pray to any gods other than the god of bridge, the god of golf, the god of good snow for skiers, & a few others that are ignored by those who call themselves believers.

I used to play bridge but tried to tough it out on my own without calls for intervention on my behalf. The other 'sports' I have mostly disdain for, but I acknowledge their gods are on the rise. I feel like a greek watching roman temples go up all the place - with the addition of herbicides and goretex.
Doreen: My pleas to the god of bridge seem to be more effective when I concentrate & less effective when I have not played for a week or so.

It reminds me of a friend who was accused of being lucky. He said that the more he practiced playing bridge, the luckier he got.
I am mostly atheist, but their is a little bit of the agnostic in me. In my surfing days and with my surfing mates, particularly on a stormy or wild day, part of our warm up ritual on the beach was to curse, denigrate, or just piss of any and all gods of the sea, wind, and weather. Its just as much fun cursing gods as praying to them. knock on wood LOL :tempted:
Prior to beliefs in more sophisticated gods, there was a god of the harvest, a god of the trees, a god who made the sun shine, a god who made the moon glow, et cetera.
How do you figure that those gods aren't just as "sophisticated" as ones described later? The gods are more than just the natural phenomena associated with them.

If you said the correct incantations or burnt some pleasing incense, you could ask for specific good fortune.
You can still do that.

In the absence of those ancient specialized gods, I am content to be an atheist.
What do you mean, absence? If you want to believe in those gods, then you can; there is an increasingly large number of people who do.
It is not that gods which became more sophisticated.
How do you figure that those gods aren't just as "sophisticated" as ones described later?
People became more erudite & created more complex theologies. Sorry I was not more explicit.

Blindman: I often make fun of the more commonly worshipped gods, but never risk offending the gods of golf, skiing, bridge, surfing, et cetera.
The Word of God doesn't directly state it, but it does allude to a leviathan as well as dragons, which were most likely serpents or things of the sort, but the leviathan could have been the long-necked aquatic dinosaurs you hear about all the time possibly possessing Loch Ness.

Surely, you must believe people didn't paint on caves pointlessly.
M*W: Maybe the serpent myth came about from ancient man's visualization the Constellation Draco.