I liked the earliest versions of belief in gods.


Tell that to a fly. Another stupid ignorant statement in a religious text.


"The strongest spider silk, made by the golden silk spider, Nephila, is the strongest fiber known to man! It is five times as strong as steel. It is also stronger and more elastic than Kevlar, the patented material used in bullet-proof vests. "
And what?
If we ever get around to making kevlar armor and buildings out of spider's web, you expect spiders to take up residence?
And what?
If we ever get around to making kevlar armor and buildings out of spider's web, you expect spiders to take up residence?
Point of contention Mr Chairman!
If it's Kevlar armour then it can't be made of spider's web, conversely if it's made of spider's web then it's not Kevlar. :p

Tell that to a fly. Another stupid ignorant statement in a religious text.


"The strongest spider silk, made by the golden silk spider, Nephila, is the strongest fiber known to man! It is five times as strong as steel. It is also stronger and more elastic than Kevlar, the patented material used in bullet-proof vests. "

The web is just as flimsy as any, and it breaks when touched by human hands or other things.

Don't be surprised, God is more knowledgeable than you are.
I'm happy to agree to disagree, i just don't agree with what you're saying.

What's it matter whether i say I? would i be more/less correct if i said we?

i define god as a being that can do anything, therefore if he wanted two of himselves it would be fine.

i don't know how we came about before natural selection occurred, having heard religious points of view i don't think i've come across the answer yet.

it has nothing to do with the properties of a web, your quote ridicules non-muslims. thats why i called it propaganda.

you're right - cloning is not creating life, that was intended as a joke. the quote it applied to is propaganda. "anyone who's non-muslim sucks" - ok. creation of life by god is a myth.

The Koran is for believers. What The Koran contains, has to do with believers and unbelievers. Two sides, don't make it seem as if The Koran is bias.

You are an incompetent fool.
The Koran is for believers. What The Koran contains, has to do with believers and unbelievers. Two sides, don't make it seem as if The Koran is bias.

You are an incompetent fool.

Yeah you're right, religious texts are not biased, what a fool i've been to think they have an angle. as for the ad hominem, raise the bar.

If you can't deal with the fact people will disagree with you, don't enter discussion.
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The web is just as flimsy as any, and it breaks when touched by human hands or other things.

Don't be surprised, God is more knowledgeable than you are.

So what your saying is that god said the web was flimsy, weak, and yet it was clearly a human perspective.

The fact remains the web is incredibly strong in relation to how thick the silk is. God should have known that don't you think.
Pick a god who allows or even encourages you to follow your natural inclinations. There are bazillions to choose from. Or make one up yourself, write a bible, and put it all online. If (IF!) the concept of a god is to embody aspects or ideals of humanity, there's nothing stopping you.
Yeah you're right, religious texts are not biased, what a fool i've been to think they have an angle. as for the ad hominem, raise the bar.

If you can't deal with the fact people will disagree with you, don't enter discussion.

LOL, you already made up your mind. Don't make your excuses for your sad life please. Go read The Koran and find me contradictions or something unfair. Do it, so you can shut your self up.
So what your saying is that god said the web was flimsy, weak, and yet it was clearly a human perspective.

The fact remains the web is incredibly strong in relation to how thick the silk is. God should have known that don't you think.

Well, it is obvious why you don't believe in God. The text is too hard for you to understand its actual meaning.

He is saying that if you believe in anything other than God (The One and Only) or don't believe, you are only building a temporary house that will eventually comedown. You feel safe and you feel well, but the truth of the matter is it's not everlasting.
Well, it is obvious why you don't believe in God. The text is too hard for you to understand its actual meaning.

He is saying that if you believe in anything other than God (The One and Only) or don't believe, you are only building a temporary house that will eventually comedown. You feel safe and you feel well, but the truth of the matter is it's not everlasting.

I know what it mean't to say. The point I am making is that it was a human perspective, god would know otherwise as we have come to learn about the spiders silk.

Why would god provide such a parable. Knowing it was flawed ?
I know what it mean't to say. The point I am making is that it was a human perspective, god would know otherwise as we have come to learn about the spiders silk.

Why would god provide such a parable. Knowing it was flawed ?

The quote is true on its own, spider silk or no spider silk. The silk is only what it says it can be if collected by bulk, which is impossible or near to. If you were able to make a steel web as thin as his web, it only means that the steel web will break first when put through tests than the actual spider silk web.

Did you really think spider web was really that strong? If the spider was human size, maybe he would be able to produce the web you are looking for. (Or Spider-Man's :p)
The quote is true on its own, spider silk or no spider silk. The silk is only what it says it can be if collected by bulk, which is impossible or near to. If you were able to make a steel web as thin as his web, it only means that the steel web will break first when put through tests than the actual spider silk web.

Did you really think spider web was really that strong? If the spider was human size, maybe he would be able to produce the web you are looking for. (Or Spider-Man's :p)

The bottom line is that an all knowing god would not have used that for the parable. It clearly was a human perception about the spider IE human created.
The bottom line is that an all knowing god would not have used that for the parable. It clearly was a human perception about the spider IE human created.

No, you are twisting the truth to your benefit. That is called bullshit.
LOL, you already made up your mind. Don't make your excuses for your sad life please. Go read The Koran and find me contradictions or something unfair. Do it, so you can shut your self up.

made up my mind about what? what does this have to do with my personal life? "go read the koran and find me contradictions" - so the koran contradicts itself? why support my argument with a flawed source? The quran is not the only source of knowledge, i think i'll pass on that offer.

i'm still happy to debate what i've said earlier with you, relating to what you quoted from the quran, but with your last two posts @ me i don't know what ur talking about. please make the meaning of your posts clearer, if only for my benefit. i also don't know why you're being hostile.
Allah | YHWH | God

ND: Which god?

According to what is accepted as the Abrahamic religions, or religions of the book, they are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism (because of the common monotheistic nature of these religions). --Of course I could argue Muslims don't follow the same God as Jews and Christians, but I won't create another controversy.

To comment on natural selection, the first wave of human existence on this earth was millions of years ago. Does the mean a Supreme Being didn't have anything to do with it?, no!; it just allows a greater compatibility between science and religion. Take the Cambrian Explosion, e.g., and how do you explain what seemed to be an extinction of man-kind (global-scale) leading to a literal start-over sequence for all humans. Sacred texts all agree on a global catastrophe, and the Bible states there were prehistoric animals (the descendants of Creataceous-dinosaurs and Jurassic-dinosaurs) still moving around on Earth. The source of these creatures can be debated- whether you believe in natural selection strictly as a result of adaptation and mutation or that the bad jinn (from the Koran) that came upon Earth corrupted animals and humans, bringing about weird, savage, carnivores millions of years ago and doing the time of Noah.

About the gods, according to Jewish teaching, there is a hierarchy of angelic (celestial messengers of God) beings (being Cherub, Seraph, Chayott, Powers, Dominions, Thrones- to list a few) who, believe it or not, are some of these gods that pagan cultures dedicated veneration and worship to, and if you believe in the balance stressed by Zarathustra's teachings, then there must be infernal rulers as well, the more darker gods, such as Baal and Asmodeus that are centers of worship for sorcerers and warlocks who sacrifice their children and kill themselves for the pleasure of these "demonic" gods.

There's much more theory concerning the existence of lesser gods (Valar according to Tolkien) that exist on various "spheres" or "planes" (in other realms), but they are in know way equal to or greater than The One, High-Father...:D:D:D
made up my mind about what? what does this have to do with my personal life? "go read the koran and find me contradictions" - so the koran contradicts itself? why support my argument with a flawed source? The quran is not the only source of knowledge, i think i'll pass on that offer.

i'm still happy to debate what i've said earlier with you, relating to what you quoted from the quran, but with your last two posts @ me i don't know what ur talking about. please make the meaning of your posts clearer, if only for my benefit. i also don't know why you're being hostile.

I'm sure you would.

and the Bible states there were prehistoric animals (the descendants of Creataceous-dinosaurs and Jurassic-dinosaurs) still moving around on Earth

Where does it state that ?