I have solved the theory of Everything

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The thing is now that I seem to have predicted possible mass destruction. That concerns me. Do you think that i should at least say something to NASA about it?

Absolutely, you should fly down to Johnson space center immediately, don't hesitate one moment. GO NOW!!!
Of course a sun would really be called a white hole, but it is just the other side of the hole. Some holes are funnels, and I would suggest that our sun has a funnel, because we orbit quite a lot of it.
Maybe more like this...

Except that black holes aren't fed at a constant rate, yet suns burn at a predictable pace. The 'other side' of a black hole would only spit out what the black hole ate. The Sun burns are a rate which can be predicted from its mass and nuclear physics. That falsifies your claims.
In my opening papers I said that some bubbles contain mostly matter, and the bubbble next to them contains mostly anti-matter. That is quite an even balance of materials, and I did explain why that happens. Besides which there is the pressure to take into account. Anything under extreme pressure will hit a limit of how much pressure they can withhold. This will create a material which has a constant density.
Except that black holes aren't fed at a constant rate, yet suns burn at a predictable pace. The 'other side' of a black hole would only spit out what the black hole ate. The Sun burns are a rate which can be predicted from its mass and nuclear physics. That falsifies your claims.

And that inconvenient fact that we understand stellar evolution and know our Sun is a 2nd gen star,.... how does this theory of his account for the differing spectra of 1st and 2nd gen stars,....
It's possible that the entire bubble has been sucked into the sun. Leaving a core. But nevertheless the procedure would be the same. And you still need a black hole to start a sun. I do however expect a constant flow, from white hole to Black hole. You need this flow to keep the gravity equal. So therefore we would need a sun somewhere that is feeding our Milky Way. So the collapsed black hole at the centre of the sun would stop the flow, and gravity would slowly diminish. If our sun has stopped feeding us, I would look for another one nearby.
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It's a circular flow you see. from the Milky way, a flow going right the way round, and back to the beginning. Like a buch of bubbles with passage ways between them, and a flow all the way around.
You could most likely find this stream be examining the angles of distant funnels, and finding the circular path back to the milky way, or back to us inside the Milky Way.

Well that's mathematics for you.
Pincho Paxton = 1
Everybody else = 6 billion.

Who is right?

Maybe mathematics is the failure to accept low probability.
In my opening papers I said that some bubbles contain mostly matter, and the bubbble next to them contains mostly anti-matter. That is quite an even balance of materials, and I did explain why that happens. Besides which there is the pressure to take into account. Anything under extreme pressure will hit a limit of how much pressure they can withhold. This will create a material which has a constant density.
Firstly, posting on an internet forum isn't a 'paper'. A 'paper' is one which is written in a format which is submittable to a journal and which meets basic standards like referencing other works, justifying claims, developing results in a clear and concise manner from plainly stated postulations. You have none of that. I suggest you check www.arxiv.org to see what a paper actually is.

And we know the Sun isn't creating its energy from matter/antimatter reactions because it wouldn't be 'slow burning', it would blow itself apart. The Sun is 75% Hydrogen and the rest mostly Helium. This is an observational fact. Given the known mechanics of nuclear material, thermodynamics, magnetohydro-dynamics and quantum theory the Sun's core is at the right temperature and pressure to weld together Hydrogen into Helium. This is confirmed by the neutrino radiation it gives off and which we observe. Matter/Antimatter processes don't give off neutrino radiation.

You claim your work doesn't remove current ideas but your claims are in direct contradiction to current knowledge, ideas and experimental fact. You make claims about te Sun when you know nothing of the experimental observations physicists have made and you know nothing about the work they have done in describing it.

Well that's mathematics for you.
Pincho Paxton = 1
Everybody else = 6 billion.

Who is right?

Maybe mathematics is the failure to accept low probability.
You seem to be suffering from what a great many other cranks suffer from, the idea that you are special. That you, in all the human race, just know how the universe is, even though you've not learnt a single thing about it, you just 'know'.

Perhaps rather than thinking of yourself as 1 in 6 billion you might like to entertain the notion you're just another nobody in a sea of mediocrity. We are all, every one of us, bland and homogeneous in our ways. Yes, we might stand out in a small crowd for some reason, be it our appearance, our views or our actions but that's only because we don't have a big enough vision to see others like us. It's like all the bloody emo kids thinking they are being unique and different. Them and all their other emo friends.

You are not special, I am not special. The difference is I realise it. I realise I can't make a unique contribution to science but I can make a contribution. It'll be along side tens, hundreds, thousands, millions of other contributions but that's how science works. Cumulative knowledge. Occasionally someone will change the course of those millions but for every one of them there's a million people who think they are 'the one'. The internet is awash with them and you, PP, are just another face in the crowd.
And we know the Sun isn't creating its energy from matter/antimatter reactions because it wouldn't be 'slow burning', it would blow itself apart. The Sun is 75% Hydrogen and the rest mostly Helium. This is an observational fact. Given the known mechanics of nuclear material, thermodynamics, magnetohydro-dynamics and quantum theory the Sun's core is at the right temperature and pressure to weld together Hydrogen into Helium. This is confirmed by the neutrino radiation it gives off and which we observe. Matter/Antimatter processes don't give off neutrino radiation.

hydrogen, helium, would only be results of my combined forces. You aren't seeing the forces, just the results of the forces. I mean that they both have spooky properties, so that means that they have been altered already. Water is spooky.

Oh well, I guess I can never sort all of this information out. But I was really talking about the pure properties before they were altered. High pressures etc, will just confuse the matter.

What you call matter, and anti-matter are probably something 10 times bigger than they started, and I was trying to start from the weakest forms. I was starting with forces that explode when forced together.
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hydrogen, helium, would only be results of my combined forces. You aren't seeing the forces, just the results of the forces. I mean that they both have spooky properties, so that means that they have been altered already. Water is spooky.
So during my time as an undergraduates and then a postgraduate in mathematical physics I've missed 'seeing the forces' which you have magically seen by doing no science at all and have only obtained from the internet?

And we're back to you believing you have magical god given insight into a universe you know nothing about.
High pressures etc, will just confuse the matter. .
What's the matter, aren't you familiar with condensed matter, nuclear physics and magnetohydrodynamics? I work with people who do things like that every single day, high pressure is not problem.

But then they and I actually read books, learn information and don't claim divine knowledge.
So what creates Hydrogen, and Helium then? What combined forces create those? Then when you tell me that I can do some studying. If you can't tell me, you have them as basic elements of the universe, but they have spooky properties. No basic element can have spooky properties.
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