I have solved the theory of Everything

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And when is this fork change useful? It is useful when a photon has to hit a target. It creates all of the variables in a lot of Quantum Mechanic experiments, like the two slit experiment. The photon has 2 choices in direction (Hexagon side), and one in the middle if there is no atom there. (Not sure about this bit) and nothing is calculated for those choices. The photon can create a wave if those forces are not equal.

To be continued...
Ok last one...

Why wouldn’t they be equal? What would propel the Photon to create the wave? The last path of the photon alters the state of the Pinchon. It unbalances the following journey by the next photon. However, an observer is altering the journey in another direction, balancing the forces out again. Only if the pathway for the photon is not observed does it remain in the Photon’s last state.

I do have 1 last thing to say, and it is maybe a little bit important.....

I think that we don't really want to create a sun near earth. Just a small point. It would alter our gravity. If it was quite big it would alter our orbit too.
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I do have 1 last thing to say, and it is maybe a little bit important.....

I think that we don't really want to create a sun near earth. Just a small point. It would alter our gravity.

Thanks for that important safety tip..I'll be sure to remember it next time I'm thinking about creating a sun.
It'll start with a whirlpool by the collider, and then work outwards. You wouldn't want to be near it. I suppose I have to sit back and wait, I'm just an artist.
Mind you that's only if you create a sun. Being as we aren't that near a membrane, it's just more likely that you would expand a whole area of matter. It has nowhere to expand to. So What happens? outward shockwave, with photons, and electrons being produced, followed by the collapsing wave after it.
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I'm just an artist.
That much is clear, given you have absolutely no grasp of how science works or any notion of any of the phenomena you need to describe.

You dismiss previous work without even understanding it. Infact, it doesn't look like you have even tried to understand it. Why do you think the best way to do science is to be completely ignorant of it?
Because knowing science effected Einstein's theories. He couldn't avoid using some previous knowledge in his theories. I wanted a clean slate to work with, so I avoided science mostly. I was interested in experiments, and their results, and how the experiments were performed. I made my theory like Columbo would solve a case.

The thing is now that I seem to have predicted possible mass destruction. That concerns me. Do you think that i should at least say something to NASA about it?

I'm pretty sure that I have the theory almost exact, but obviously I don't have all of the plasmas sorted out yet.
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So, wheres the proof that aether exists?

I have to go by what I see, and I can see the Aether in nature. Everything on Earth has been shaped by it, with gravity combined. Every shape of every creature, and every plant, and tree conforms to a hexagon combined with gravity. I can't really go through all of them. But if you start with the snowflake, and get that pattern, and then look at the temperatures, and how nature works, combined with photosynthesis, and you can see that everything is using the Aether as a way to grow. For example, everything that is round, also has a very slight Hexagonal lean. Things that aren't hexagonal have other forces applied to them from the ground, or from a nut, or a shell. But if you could grow an orange without its skin it would change to a more hexagonal structure. That might be a good experiment.
'Exact' yet you can't give an exact answer to anything. Have you ever even read any science?

I have read a lot of science for about 15 years, but had to adjust it to my model slightly. I mean keep everything that is proven, and not change it, but change things that behave oddly, and that nobody can answer. I don't swing my theory around to fit. I have posted it, and it is a single theory, not a wishwash of changing variables. It is a single solution to everything. The fact that it doesn't have formulas doesn't mean that I changed any of the known formulas. I kept them, but I just added the information required to make them fit into Quantum physics.
If you keep current models and just add wordy explainations to them you don't have a theory of your own, you have an interpretation of someone else's work.
If you keep current models and just add wordy explainations to them you don't have a theory of your own, you have an interpretation of someone else's work.

Well if you read my theory you will see that it is not an interpretation, it keeps the numbers, but for example The mass of a Sun's core is not a body, it is mass inside a black hole. What this changes is the solar wind. Smaller holes have higher solar winds, because the pressure is compacted, like a funnel.

Anyway, my theory explains the Higgs Boson without them bothering to look for it.
Nice sun isn't it?

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