I have solved the theory of Everything

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Or just by using my theory on Quantum physic experiments, and comparing my results. But only in theory. The results are what you would expect to happen. Nothing strange about them.

Let's see your results on Quantum Physics experiments?
The two slit experiment...

1/ Top slit open. Observed. Single Photon (white hole) Opens for Electrons to travel from observer, and from Photosensitive paper. The electrons from the observer slowing down the Aether in a wide beam creates a situation where all paths have equal opportunity from the observer to the photographic paper. Electrons slows down Aether gates in a hexagonal path to photographic paper. They only slow down those in a hegagonal path similar to how Lightening would. So a sort of winding path, up, and down over a hexagonal structure. This is a wave of sorts, but really because the path is a wavy line.

because this path has all equal opportunities, and all of the spins are the same speed because of the observer, there is a single dot, from a small area of electrons firing in the photographic paper. When the electrons fire, the Aether down the pathway is rocketed up to full speed, like a lightening bolt.

2/ Same for bottom slit.

3/ Both slits open. The white hole allows two electrons to pass through. Two dots. Two lightening pathways.

4/ No observer. No electron pathways to observer mean no flattening of the spin speeds of the Aether. Now when the Electron fires at the end of the experiment, the Aether is left spinning at full speed. The second journey for the electrons is now interfered with by super charged Aether. Now you get a curve on the paper, as the Electrons dodge their last path.
Let's see your results on Quantum Physics experiments?

another oxymoron

quantum physics is math

the experiments are observable evidence

often the math is used to describe an experiment but most of them experiments don't fix the physics

and a specific arena to see this EVIDENCE and know the FACTS behind it, is in nano technology

ie.... look up nano tech (they create the environment but have no idea how the structures GROW)

it's still magic (or as i heard quoted by a PHD/NASA contract holder/instructor .........said........"the miracle")

or just read up on heisenberg............... it probably, perhaps, proportionally, randomly, and definitely an uncertainty to the cause is ........... dah

they never knew either/aether way
The two slit experiment...

1/ Top slit open. Observed. Single Photon (white hole) Opens for Electrons to travel from observer, and from Photosensitive paper.

are the electrons traveling? You must have that experiement in a vacuum, right?

The electrons from the observer slowing down the Aether
i thought you said the aether aint movin?

why the electrons slowing down somthun, i would tink it be seeeeedin up stuff

in a wide beam creates a situation where all paths have equal opportunity from the observer to the photographic paper. Electrons slows down Aether gates in a hexagonal path to photographic paper.
what if i put a filter to cut the hexs up, into polarized electrons? (are you sure them electrons doing the crusin?)

coool...... be careful with magnets and them electrons, is will just ruin your whole experiment (just helping)

They only slow down those in a hegagonal path similar to how Lightening would. So a sort of winding path, up, and down over a hexagonal structure. This is a wave of sorts, but really because the path is a wavy line.

hecks go wavin? cool

because this path has all equal opportunities, and all of the spins are the same speed because of the observer

so now the hecks are waivin but spinning coherantly?

, there is a single dot, from a small area of electrons firing in the photographic paper. When the electrons fire, the Aether down the pathway is rocketed up to full speed, like a lightening bolt.

that sound like a backfire and an old chevy

that is some really tough philosophy

and experimenting too
are the electrons traveling? You must have that experiement in a vacuum, right?

i thought you said the aether aint movin?

why the electrons slowing down somthun, i would tink it be seeeeedin up stuff

what if i put a filter to cut the hexs up, into polarized electrons? (are you sure them electrons doing the crusin?)

coool...... be careful with magnets and them electrons, is will just ruin your whole experiment (just helping)

hecks go wavin? cool

so now the hecks are waivin but spinning coherantly?

that sound like a backfire and an old chevy

that is some really tough philosophy

and experimenting too

You just answered without reading anything. That's no use.
If you need anything clarifying fine. I never said that the Aether moves, I said it spins. There is no such thing as a Vacuum when you have Aether in it. Electrons make paths.. see lightening.
If you need anything clarifying fine. I never said that the Aether moves, I said it spins. There is no such thing as a Vacuum when you have Aether in it. Electrons make paths.. see lightening.

Hey PP..... i love any who tries but you have soo many items that are all over the board (impoosible)

i said it spins

is beyond foolish

go read up on the electric universe, if that is the path you like

but this section is not the place, to offer a Toe without feet
Sorry, but the aether hasn't been shown to exist. You're conclusions are flawed. Please demonstrate the aether exists.

How about if I were to get lots of photos of woodlands, and add hexagon grids to them, and demonstrate that when perspective is equal to all trees in a row, their branches will all fit in the centre of hexagons?

If I did this, and got a percentage like 100% would that be the right way to prove it.
Or apple trees, and demonstrate that the apples at equal Z distances all fit into hexagons in the X?

Or grapes?

Of course you have to work out the correct lens distortion, and account for that in the process.
Dude, Pincho..for the love of god and all that it sacred...PLEASE give me your weed dealers name! I got to get me some of THAT stuff! I want to solve major sciency stuff that I don't know anything about...that would be cool.
Probably 1 day before I get banned, I'm used to it believe me.

More likely pseudo-scienced.

I have solved the theory of everything, but I'm an artist, and not a scientist, or mathematician.

A 'theory of everything' isn't a problem to be solved. Wrong use of english terms.

I have been solving problems using it for about 2 weeks now. It's incredibly flexible.

What kind of problems?

I think my IQ must be about 2000 by now.


I want a team of scientists, and mathematicians to get my theory out as paperwork. (Nobody will bother)

Of course not. You actually have to do work to demonstrate it.

To tell the truth I don't really know what to begin with. There is so much that has to be re-evaluated before science can even get the message.


You need to trust me at this point, but of course you don't.

Correct. *You* are irrelevant to the "theory". If your work cannot stand on it's own then it fails.

1/ I have the Aether sorted out.

Aether doesn't exist.

2/ Photons don't exist.

Incorrect. They are observable; hence, they exist.

3/ Electrons are actually playing the part of Photons

Incorrect. You would be electrocuted in "sunlight" otherwise.

4/ The Universe is a soup.. the primordial soup.

Useless analogy at this point.

5/ The two slit experiment is back to front, because the electrons are what you are analysing.

The two-slit experiment works with any small particle. Even carbon balls.

6/ The speed of light can't be examined like that, there are no Photons, and the mirrors are placed to get a result from the beginning of the test, and not the end of it.

Incorrect. Photons are observable; hence, they exist.

8/ Magnetism is the Aether spinning negative to positive like a screw thread.

Incorrect. It is an energy field.

9/ Hot air rises because the Aether spins slower when it is cooler, so there is more energy below the Aether than above it.

Incorrect. Hot air rises because it is lighter than cool air.

10/ Bose-Einstein Theory happens because the Aether stops spinning.

What is bose-einstein theory?

11/ The Milky Way is our universe, anything outside of it is another Universe.

Incorrect. The Milky Way is our galaxy. Anything outside of it is "outside our galaxy".

12/ We are Electrons, and our brain is where we work.

We are energy collection machines and our brain is an organ that governs our bodies.

13/ The Aether is Hexagonal in shape, and is linked in every direction, and looks hexagonal from every direction.

The Aether doesn't exist; however, space-time *might* be a have a smallest component that is a geometric shape (ex. triangles).

14/ The sun is an Aether around a Black Hole.

The sun is a star at the center of our solar system.

15/ There is no such thing as zero, you need to replace it with both there, and not there.

There are no such thing as numbers outside the scope of human minds. Numbers are symbolic representations of quantity.

16/ Nobody is going to take this seriously, and I will get banned.

Correct on the first part. On the second part, most likely your thread will get pseudo-scienced.

1000/ I could have carried on to here if I didn't think that I was wasting my time.

1...16 weren't in good shape and I suspect the rest would be in the same boat.
I know a way to prove it, I've figured it out. To eliminate lens distortion get a hexagon grid printed on some clear acetate that is flat. Then take photos through the acetate. I think you can eliminate the lens distortion then.
Well yes. That's exactly what it is. The Aether. There doesn't have to be such an obvious Hexagon. Everything is a Hexagon Fractal. Even us. But gravity rounds off our edges. We are nothing more than fractal bubbles, full of Electron Pathways. Our veins align to an hexagon too, they are also electron pathways. When you see something on Earth that isn't a Hexagon you can explain it by where it grows, like a fish with uneven forces on its sides, or a fruit that lies flat on the ground. Or a leaf that squeezes towards the stem. The stem is then hexagons at that next scale. Or things that grow in a nut, or pip, they have forces applied by the nut, or pip's outer shell. Or Oranges for example. They conform a bit to the hexagon, but on the inside mostly to their hard outer wall. But of course things should conform to a hexagon because of their atom alignment, but that does not account for trees metres apart, or galaxies.

It's the theory of everything, it does explain everything.
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Dude, Pincho..for the love of god and all that it sacred...PLEASE give me your weed dealers name! I got to get me some of THAT stuff! I want to solve major sciency stuff that I don't know anything about...that would be cool.

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