I got a few hypothetical questions..

MarcAC said:
Woooa there Archangel
:D That's Right!!

MarcAC said:
I don't see where anything in the meaning of all powerful implies doing the logically impossible. I would also ask the question; 'Is God amused by such a silly statement?'.
Do you agree that God is bound by possiblity? God can ONLY do the possible? Should we then worship this thing called “possible” as it seems to have a leg up on God!

MarcAC said:
I would also ask the question; 'Is God amused by such a silly statement?'.
From my above answer:

God can not think therefore God can not be amused. That is if you agree God knows all “everything”. God can not by definition be amused. Amused occurs when one gains some information and thinks that information is funny. God can not gain information and God can not think so I’d say God can not be amused. So the answer is: God is never amused. God has no emotions. And as I said from above, I’d rather liken Him to a big Computer Hard drive.

Do you agree God knows everything?

Can God know the unknowable?
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Oh, and...
Michael said:
God makes sense huh . . . well well, per usual:

1) God is All Knowing
2) God is All Powerful (can do anything)...wrong

...answer these questions for me?

Can God NOT know something?
All knowing.
Can God learn something new?
Irrelevant question. All knowing implies complete knowlege. Nothing new to learn.
Can God make a mistake?
Can God be wrong about something?
God is the absolute Creator of all. All things are judged by His standard, God defines right and wrong.
Can God think?
Thought (as you seem to see it) is a process relevant to creatures bound by time and bound by limited knowledge. Well, if God is bound by time then maybe the word "think" would be applicable to Him. That is doubtful though.

Of course, if you look at knowledge on a scale of one to infinity, considernig there can be no thought without knowledge of some sort, then as knowledge increases to infinity thought goes to infinity. Thought is also a function of knowledge (but not in the sense that you seem to suspect); if you look at the world around us and how we understand it you will notice that every new 'element' of knowledge that we gain is fitted into the 'framework'. Knowledge of everything doesn't imply a static 'framework'. Knowledge (elements of) invoke(s) thought. There will always be interactions between each 'element' of knowledge (thought). If you apply those interactions to knowledge as the 'elements' of knowledge increase to infinty you get infinite interactions obviously (still thought). The most powerful computer; more powerful than the most powerful one which is beyond your imagination.
Can God make a round square out of a chopstick and not make ANY change to the chopstick?
In n-dimensional space, 5 to be exact, a sphere can be turned inside out totally revealing it's inner surface without any break in its surface. It seems, then, that if n-dimensional space does indeed exist, then a being existing as an n-dimensional being can do just that. Of course we here would see the surface of the sphere break... the n-dimensional being won't. This doens't answer the silly question of course.
Can God create a universe not created by God?
It's incredible the silly things that creep into ones mind when he mistakenly thinks all powerful means doing the impossible. Where do you people get your dictionaries?
…. God/Yehovah can not be All-Powerful AND ALSO BE All-Knowing, … as you can see by aswering the above questions.
Only if you don't know what all-powerful means.
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Michael said:
Oh, there is no misconception betrayed. I think you meant to write: This reveals a truth. God as ALL POWERFUL and ALL KNOWING makes no sense. God makes no sense. Nonsensical things don’t exist. There are no Gods.
You're not making sense - you're just preaching. I don't know that God is all-powerful and all-knowing - I only know that the bible says nothing is too hard for God, thus I infer the rest. Anyway, explain to me why something which is all-powerful an all-knowing makes no sense? You must also grant, since we are talking about God, that God is a CREATOR. So, even if God is ALL-KNOWING (He knows everything) He can still create some new thing, and since He knows what He created, He is still all-knowing. You discount the possibility of creating new knowledge. Saying that God is ALL POWERFUL and ALL KNOWING makes perfect sense.
I just asked you to give me an answer of what you think. Apparently you don’t like to think?
I think a great deal - just not your kind of nonsense. Just because something does not make sense to you does not mean it does not make sense.
Again, so what, I asked you a few simply questions of God. I didn’t say God was contained by this or that. I asked a few questions of God and yet you seem to be to worried you might learn something to answer them.

Anyway David, you said God was all powerful and all knowing – not me.
Yes, I think this is true.
Oh good, you’re making an attempt but to make sure we’re on the same page could you just go through the list placing a yes at the end of each question.

Which book would that be? When was it given? How did it come about? Who wrote it? When was it written? Are there any mistakes in it?

Here watch: This is called an answer, I’d appreciate the same courtesy from you regarding my questions. David, why come to a religious forum and not participate by responding properly to questions about God?

Why would God be slightly amused? As God can not think God can not be amused David. Using your own information of God I can tell you straight up, according YOU, God knows all and therefore God can not by definition be amused. Amused occurs when one learns some information and thinks it’s funny. God can not do that so God can not be amused. So the answer is: God is never amused. God has no emotions. As you have defined God, I’d rather liken Him to a big Computer Hard drive in the sky.
God cannot think? How in the world do you come to that conclusion? Perhaps because He knows everything? You can think about what you know and you can think about something new. When God thinks about something new, then He expands everything that is known and before as well as after He thinks of the new thing He still is all-knowing. Your conclusions are faulty.

God does indeed have emotions - lots of them (you have never actually read the bible have you? Psalms 2 specifically says that God laughs.). How can you possibly come to the conclusion that all-knowing means non-emotional? I specifically reject your definition of amusement. Amusement comes from either being happy or holding someone/something in derision. Neither of these has anything to do with what I know. If I know that someone can be more than they are yet they choose not to live up to their potential it might make me sad. If I tell someone to do something and they don't do it (even if I knew they would not) I might get mad - you don't have any children do you? Your whole premiss is flawed which in turn flaws your conclusions.

As to courtesy, you give me no courtesy, why should I return the favor?
Your comments about the Greeks sounded almost disdainful. Funny that? Given that Greece is considered the birthplace of Western culture. Ironically, similarly to today – many educated Greeks realized there were no Gods. I can see why you don’t want to think about God – if you do - you may realize it’s all bullshaeet like we have :)
Yes, I am quite distainful of the Greeks and of their philosophy. I consider much of what is wrong in Western culture today to be an outgrowth of erroneous Greek philosophy.
David, I’m sure you’re a nice guy but if you’re not the ideal case study for brainwashing in its entirely then I don’t know what is? To set aside your entire faculties of reason and intellect all for some promise of getting to live after you die, now THAT’S scary to me.
So wrong. I left the "church" thirty-five years ago and have largely refused to believe anything I was taught by men unless I first questioned it in every way possible. I am well schooled in science and I have found science quite wanting and largely false. I have studied the history and theology of several religions and have found all but Judaism to be horribly lacking. I have, however, found the pure religion of Torah-based Messianic-Judaism to be (as far as I can tell) true. There have been no men to brainwash me. I have rejected most of the teachings of men. I have found one book, the bible (which is actually a collection of books), to be true, fair, honest and trustworthy. I have found that I cannot listen to any man concerning this book but I must read it alone ( I will confess to reading ancient history with as sceptical an eye as possible because I have found it impossible to understand the bible without the context of history). I suppose you might say that the bible itself has brainwashed me, but then again, I have highly questioned it over several decades and it has always turned out to be truthful and consistent. Might it be otherwise at some time in the future? Perhaps, and I will not dismiss such an occurance, but until that happens, this is the closest to truth I have found after long, long searching (perhaps even longer than you have been alive?).

Exactly where would you say I have been brainwashed? What reason do you think you have to offer me? As shown above, it is quite easy to show the fallacy of your "logic".
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Michael said:
Do you agree that God is bound by possiblity? God can ONLY do the possible? Should we then worship this thing called “possible” as it seems to have a leg up on God!
Woa, again Arch. You really need to work on that grammar you know? I notice a lot of the misconceptions God thumpers have are all reduced to grammatical errors. When did possible become a thing? Possible is simply an adjective used to describe, effectively, what exists or can exist or can be done.
From my above answer:
God can not think...
You have not proven this Arch.
therefore God can not be amused. That is if you agree God knows all “everything”. God can not by definition be amused. Amused occurs when one gains some information...
So what? Amusement only illustrates your finite knowledge.
God can not gain information and God can not think
Thought also involves utilizing info already gained Arch. That's how we gain even more knowledge... see my other post...
so I’d say God can not be amused.
With your view of possible I'm not amused either.
So the answer is: God is never amused. God has no emotions. And as I said from above, I’d rather liken Him to a big Computer Hard drive.
Well no, not an empty hard-drive... see my other post... Hard drive which has information on it... lots...

Do you agree God knows everything?

Can God know the unknowable?
:D Does the unknowable exist? If something does not exist then it is not a "thing" and so cannot be included in the "set of everything". Gammar again.
TheMatrixIsReal said:
I have to concur with Michael. David sounds like a schizophrenic, I can just imagine him going around saying "Heh heh heh. What?!? My invisible god is not amused by your silly questions!! Heh heh heh."
By the way David: "The Athiests have nothing of their own to offer, they only seek to tare down what they do not understand - Get a Life!"
It is because we understand that we seek to tear it down. If you understood as we do, you would want the same thing.
No sweat. I know that my arguments are working and my opponents are desparate when they resort to personal attacks.
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Hmm... browsing over my posts... hmm... I'm more addressing atheists in general... so... take it all lightly o.k.?:)
Marc = Warlike Defender... A Warlike Defender of the Christian faith.
MarcAC said:
Hmm... browsing over my posts... hmm... I'm more addressing atheists in general... so... take it all lightly o.k.?:)
Marc = Warlike Defender... A Warlike Defender of the Christian faith.
Yes, I know... was referring specifically to TheMatrixIsReal (I know not to believe ANYTHING from someone who believes in the Matrix :D )

I would make one comment on your post. You said that God is all-knowing and therefore there is nothing he doesn't know (response to can God learn something knew). I am not quite willing to limit God by saying He cannot create something new to know, but if He did, He would still be all-knowing. I'm not sure this is learning though since it is created - but it would be considered "gaining" knowledge. The problem Michael has is he considers the universe as static and the body of all knowledge to be constant, which God is absolutely not.
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I am a little concerned about the concepts of ALL KNOWING and ALL POWERFUL. While I think these things are true, they are not actually in the bible. I don't want to (as it were) put words in God's mouth.

The closest thing I can come up with is Jer 32:27 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" (God says this kind of thing several places)... or perhaps in Revelations 19:6 Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. where the word omnipotent is translated from the Greek word "pantokrator" which means all-ruling.

Do these things add up to all-knowing and all-powerful? I think so. I find it unsatisfactory to argue my words rather than God's words so perhaps I should use what is actually in the bible rather than my interpretations - even if I am right.
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TheMatrixIsReal said:
It's my fucking screen name, infant. If your going to nitpick why not do it on something actually remotely intelligent, or would that be beyond your mental capacity?

Careful, your starting to rave! I guess, rational discussion is just not in your nature.
MarcAC, so you can do things God CAN NOT do? Is that true?

MarcAC said:
In n-dimensional space, 5 to be exact, a sphere can be turned inside out totally revealing it's inner surface without any break in its surface.
chopsticks exist in 3D space :)

MarcAC said:
It's incredible the silly things that creep into ones mind when he mistakenly thinks all powerful means doing the impossible. Where do you people get your dictionaries? . . . . .Only if you don't know what all-powerful means.
Can you define “all powerful” for us?

You seem to suggest that God can only DO the possible, is that correct MarcAC? God is limited by possibility? Are you saying God is Limited in His abilities?

(It’s funny that you a David worship the same God but have drastically different opinions on His capabilities.)

MarcAC said:
You really need to work on that grammar you know? I notice a lot of the misconceptions God thumpers have are all reduced to grammatical errors. When did possible become a thing? Possible is simply an adjective used to describe, effectively, what exists or can exist or can be done.
I see the point eluded you.

MarcAC said:
Of course, if you look at knowledge on a scale of one to infinity
Of course once you say God knows ALL there is no infinitely. Sorry Markey Marc but by the definition of God as ALL KNOWING the sequence representing the amount of knowledge that exists is finite and converges and would of course be encompassed by God. You seemed to suggest divergence, which can not be true as God knows everything there is possible to know (ALL of it!)

Or are you suggesting God doesn’t know all?

Because if God knows all then the “'framework'” as you call it is indeed static. Therefore God doesn’t “think” God only knows.

MarcAC said:
So what? Amusement only illustrates your finite knowledge.
Hey Markey you asked the question not I! :D

MarcAC said:
Thought also involves utilizing info already gained Arch. That's how we gain even more knowledge... see my other post...
I did see it, and the first sentence started wrong. That is unless God doesn’t know “ALL”.

Does your God know all or is He ignorant of some information (or structure of knowledge?)
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David F. said:
You're not making sense - you're just preaching.

David F. said:
In any case, God/Yehovah is an All-Powerful, All-Knowing, . . .

David F. said:
The answer to all your questions is that God can do anything but lie

David F. said:
I don't know that God is all-powerful and all-knowing


THAT'S why I would like you to go through the list answering each question so that I can see where the common ground is - if anywhere.

David F. said:
You discount the possibility of creating new knowledge. Saying that God is ALL POWERFUL and ALL KNOWING makes perfect sense.

No, there is no “new knowledge” for God – as God has ALL knowledge. Don’t worry MarcAC made the same mistake. Anyway, knowing all means God doesn’t think. Thinking is a process whereby you ponder information and arrive at a conclusion.

God is only at the conclusion state. There’s no “pondering” and no “processing of information” there’s only knowing ALL.

David F. said:
God does indeed have emotions - lots of them (you have never actually read the bible have you? Psalms 2 specifically says that God laughs.). How can you possibly come to the conclusion that all-knowing means non-emotional?
God can not change His mental state as God presently knows ALL. Therefore, God can not have emotions. God can not love nor hate nor be amused as that involves a change in mental state as well as being ignorant neither of which God can do because He knows ALL.

And your bible even tells you God is Unchanging: Ex. 3:14; 2 Tim. 2:13; Heb. 1:11-12 Ps. 119:90; Is. 54:10; Mal. 3:6 1 Sam. 15:29; Ps. 110:4; Is. 14:24, 26-27; 46:10-11; Rom. 11:29 Is. 40:8; Ps. 119:89, 152; Jn. 10:35 Num. 23:19; Is. 1:19-20; Heb. 6:17

Really if you start to think about it this God character (according to MarkAC) can not do some things you can do and as we see has no emotion. Really, this God thing seems rather creepy. It’s like you’re worshiping a big PC.

David F. said:
Yes, I am quite distainful of the Greeks and of their philosophy. I consider much of what is wrong in Western culture today to be an outgrowth of erroneous Greek philosophy.

That’s ironic, because many consider the rise in the Christian Religion as the precipitous to the Dark Ages and the discovery of ancient Greek Philosophies as the dawn of the renaissance.

David F. said:
I have rejected most of the teachings of men.
But you use books written by PEOPLE. There are no writings from God’s Hand – all of these books come from PEOPLE. (And as you may know many are just a rehash from earlier writings about OTHER gods and goddesses – in some cases almost deliberately copied; ex: Gilgamesh)
David F. said:
I would make one comment on your post. You said that God is all-knowing and therefore there is nothing he doesn't know (response to can God learn something knew). I am not quite willing to limit God by saying He cannot create something new to know, but if He did, He would still be all-knowing. I'm not sure this is learning though since it is created - but it would be considered "gaining" knowledge. The problem Michael has is he considers the universe as static and the body of all knowledge to be constant, which God is absolutely not.
I base this on a few things I commonly hear about God

1) Is not bound by ANYTING (including time)
2) HAS all knowledge
3) HAS the power to do ANYTHING
4) Is unchanging

so of course God can NOT learn new information God has ALL possible information! It can only know. The ramifications of which include God: not learning, not thinking, not loving, not hating, etc . . .
Michael said:
I base this on a few things I commonly hear about God

1) Is not bound by ANYTING (including time)
2) HAS all knowledge
3) HAS the power to do ANYTHING
4) Is unchanging

so of course God can NOT learn new information God has ALL possible information! It can only know. The ramifications of which include God: not learning, not thinking, not loving, not hating, etc . . .
Can you crawl & behave like a child now ? Yes, you can. But there is no need or compulsion to do that. :D
everneo said:
Can you crawl & behave like a child now ? Yes, you can. But there is no need or compulsion to do that. :D
sure, maybe I will :D and accordingly God can as well. I think? Can God? Can God crawl around? It must be hard when you're omnipresent! In any case that misses the point. I think the questions I posited were poignant and perhaps thought provoking - this is a religious forum after all?
David F. said:
I am a little concerned about the concepts of ALL KNOWING and ALL POWERFUL. While I think these things are true, they are not actually in the bible. I don't want to (as it were) put words in God's mouth.

The closest thing I can come up with is Jer 32:27 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" (God says this kind of thing several places)... or perhaps in Revelations 19:6 Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. where the word omnipotent is translated from the Greek word "pantokrator" which means all-ruling.

Do these things add up to all-knowing and all-powerful? I think so. I find it unsatisfactory to argue my words rather than God's words so perhaps I should use what is actually in the bible rather than my interpretations - even if I am right.

Is that true?
Can someone else confirm this?
Because, if so, I don't think it does faithfully translate to omnipotent.
All ruling, could very well simply be "authority of all life on Earth".
Michael said:
Can God crawl around? It must be hard when you're omnipresent!
May be if you demand Him to do that, He might crawl into Himself, after all He is omnipotent and omniscient also to know how to do that. :D
robtex said:
Jenyar, I feel that by taking out the math you are unquantifing what I quantified. I believe math is a natural aspect of the universe and that it has relevance in everything.

Mathematic is just a way to describe certain phenomena; it is not the only way. Statistic is an inductive method and the percentages that are considered as relevant are not something that would go without saying; those percentages are often a matter of agreement, and vary in accordance with the phenomenon they are about.

For example, the hormon levels that the pituitary gland sends to the thyroid can vary even for 100% within a few days, and this still doesn't mean that there's something wrong.
Here in schools, we have the rule that if 30% of the students are absent, new matter is not worked on.
And so on.

Statistics can be a powerful tool, but they usually don't say much about the nature of the observed phenomenon.

"I believe math is a natural aspect of the universe and that it has relevance in everything." -- you argue for math in a manner that eventually leads to numerology and astrology. Math certainly has relevance for us as a tool, but if you claim it has "relevance in everything", you are no different than a numerologist.

robtex said:
When you said, "God did not set out with percentations in mind, that's just ridiculous"
As ridiculuous as it does sound within the paradign of God is omnipotent and the believers to go Heaven the others to hell that is exactly what he does. If he knows all beforehand and judges some to heaven some to hell he does know the percentages. In the parterhood of an omnipotent God and heaven or hell becomes souls at life's earthly end pre-destination ( a common concept in Christianty) says that he knew all along from infancy until death.....and if he knows there is to know about yesterday today and tomarrow as was the creater of math than he does know the precentages up front. The paradign is incorrect as formulated above or he does, as you stated, the ridiculous.

You are arguing from Pascal's wager again, this time against God.

Look, you cannot blame God that you don't believe in Him! What you're saying is basically, "God, you have been bad, with all the calculations and percentages, you knew ahead that a lot of harm is going to happen and you did not prevent it. That was mean of you. Therefore, I don't believe in you, God!"

You are being unfair.
Michael said:
MarcAC, so you can do things God CAN NOT do? Is that true?
Where'd I state that?:)
chopsticks exist in 3D space :)
Can you define “all powerful” for us?
You seem to suggest that God can only DO the possible, is that correct MarcAC? God is limited by possibility? Are you saying God is Limited in His abilities?
Another misconception. Are you hinting at some thought that the impossible exists (is possible)? You seem to think that God's ability to do everything that is possible means there is something impossible that God can't do. However, there is no real limit there if you try to think about it for 5 seconds. God's ability to do everything possible simply means God defines possibility. What God can't do cannot be done. Simple. God Is The All-Powerful.
I see the point eluded you.
There was no point made there. Not even an elusive one. Do you care to clarify what you stated previously then? You didn't discount my response. You just stated my inability to understand your way of thinking. Explain please.
Of course once you say God knows ALL there is no infinitely. Sorry Markey Marc but by the definition of God as ALL KNOWING the sequence representing the amount of knowledge that exists is finite and converges and would of course be encompassed by God. You seemed to suggest divergence, which can not be true as God knows everything there is possible to know (ALL of it!)
Interesting, but, nowhere did my post even suggest divergence of knowledge (irrelevant anyway). That, I cannot know. My post stated "as knowledge goes to infinity". Regardless of convergence or diveregence all functions to which such thinking is applied tend to infinity. So, I see you grasp the possibility of God knowing all there is possible to know? Good
Or are you suggesting God doesn’t know all?

Because if God knows all then the “'framework'” as you call it is indeed static. Therefore God doesn’t “think” God only knows.
So you disagree that thought is a function of knowledge then? Well, I'll leave you with that notion. You should debate it among your atheist friends and let them set you straight (s(x) = mx + c). Also, see below...
Hey Markey you asked the question not I! :D
So you have no idea why you carried on about God's inability to be amused. Why state it then? It just wastes time and space: or did you have some thought in mind?
I did see it, and the first sentence started wrong. That is unless God doesn’t know “ALL”.

Does your God know all or is He ignorant of some information (or structure of knowledge?)
Well, seeing is not believing... definitely not understanding. Let me clarify thought as it would be applicable to God (as I see it of course). As far as we are concerned and should ever care to know, God is All-Knowing. Thought (in the (3+1)D sense) is not a neccesary application to God - especially since God would most likely not be bound by time or space. The relevent aspect of God's Knowledge to us is the creative aspect of it. God knows, God creates according to God's All-knowing. That is the dynamic aspect of God's knowledge, God's thought if you wish, far from static. Of course God knows God "will" (as we see it) create. I'm almost certain you know of the Uncertainty Principle(s) (or one of them at least). The famous Heisenberg one is useful here (Also see the Copenhagen Interpretation link at the bottom). It would suggest that uncertainty is built into the universe itself. The fact that God's "thought" can be reflected in God's creation is seen in the dynamic nature of the creation itself. Of course the Uncertainty principle seems to be subject to temporal progression (which is another matter in itself), so God's All-Knowing which spans all time would therefore encompass the results of the uncertainies - think of Scrhodinger's Cat. So in the future, it's certain, in the present, uncertain. God's knowledge of all time compensates for the uncertainty in the present. It also means, since God's knowledge spans all time, that the uncertainty may exist in the "mind" of God along with knowledge of the certain future. Any problems? Take it up with a Physicist.