I don't care

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Just a thought ....but if we helped everyone who needs help, would we ever have time to help ourselves?

As I see it, there are about a gazillion people in the world who need help, yet there are only a few to help all of them. What to do? And if you only help one, but not others, don't that make you something of a fuckin' hippo-critter?

Baron Max
Had a weird experience, saw an old lady struggling and I mean struggling to lift a heavy package into her shopping cart. There was a whole slew of people around, and no one, not a single person thought to move forward and help her.

Don't we care at all?
In situations like this I have feelings that I should and would like to help (I like feeling useful) which conflict with my inhibitions toward drawing attention to myself. Which one wins depends on how social and energetic I feel.
Had a weird experience, saw an old lady struggling and I mean struggling to lift a heavy package into her shopping cart. There was a whole slew of people around, and no one, not a single person thought to move forward and help her.

People didn't help her because they knew that she could be in disguise and holding 3 Uzis, 2 RPGs, 10 sticks of dynamite and 4 hand grenades.

Of course, if she was Muslim, then she'd be strapped with C4 explosives!

If she was Mexican, she'd have a switchblade knife with the intention of cutting a big slice on your face.

If she was Italian, she'd be trying to pick your pocket.

If she was..... (Okay, okay, I ran out of stereotype bullshit!) :D

Baron Max
People didn't help her because they knew that she could be in disguise and holding 3 Uzis, 2 RPGs, 10 sticks of dynamite and 4 hand grenades.

Of course, if she was Muslim, then she'd be strapped with C4 explosives!

If she was Mexican, she'd have a switchblade knife with the intention of cutting a big slice on your face.

If she was Italian, she'd be trying to pick your pocket.

If she was..... (Okay, okay, I ran out of stereotype bullshit!) :D

Baron Max

Sounds like American thinking alright. Its a wonder they don't shoot their families in suspicion.
Hey, I just happened to remember ....about a year ago or so, there was an "old woman" in New York City who did just about what you're talking about. She hobbled around, lugging "heavy" packages, etc, then when some nice guy tried to help "her", HE pulled out a gun and robbed the sucker right there on the sidewalk!

No, the cops never did catch "her" ...the poor, helpless, old "woman". :D

Baron Max
Sounds like American thinking alright.

You really just hate Americans, don't you? I mean, you hate all Americans just for the actions of a few people. You call me names when I hate all Muslims for the acts of a few, yet you do the very same thing without a thought. Shameful, Sam, shameful.

Baron Max
Lol, I love you Baron, you cantankerous old curmudgeon!.:)

Good, 'cause I hate you!!! Hopefully, that'll cause you some discomfort, if not outright pain. Plus I hate all Indians because of your posts here at sciforums.

Baron Max
Good, 'cause I hate you!!! Hopefully, that'll cause you some discomfort, if not outright pain.

Baron Max

No it won't, I love you anyway.:)

Ouch, I did feel a twitch in my toe, if thats ok?:shrug:
No it won't, I love you anyway. Ouch, I did feel a twitch in my toe, if thats ok?

Be sure to tell all of your Indian friends, if you have any, that I now hate them all because of your hateful posting on sciforums. And now I even hate all the poor, destitute Indians, too, and ain't sending them no more fuckin' money!! Fuck 'em, let 'em starve.

Baron Max
Be sure to tell all of your Indian friends, if you have any, that I now hate them all because of your hateful posting on sciforums. And now I even hate all the poor, destitute Indians, too, and ain't sending them no more fuckin' money!! Fuck 'em, let 'em starve.

Baron Max

I don't believe you!:cool:
I would have helped her. For as hateful as the liberals try to make me out to be, I would help most anyone I saw who needed it. When God tells me to do something I do it no matter how weird it seems at the time.

This was an interesting topic. It made me think.:)

Oh, really? I didn't think that was possible, blondie.
Human beings are selfish by nature. Some more so than others.

Pretty lame to not help an old lady that you see is struggling with something.

There was a case a long time ago in Melbourne (Australia) where a girl had been attacked as she was putting her shopping in her car one night. As she was being raped in the backseat, she was screaming for help and some people walked right past the open door as she was being raped and could hear her begging for help, and not one single person came to her aid.

In short, people are arseholes.

I dont even know how people can do that shit, i thought i saw a girl getting raped (or about to once) and i turned around and followed them down this alley. As it turns out they were just playing around and knew each other, better to be safe than sorry though!
Depends how you were brought up. I've noticed big city people could really give a shit, if you live or die.
I have a pretty solid never help anyone, ever policy. It works out great. Goes well with the kick 'em while he's down.
Also- sand in the eyes. Creates an ideal opportunity to snatch purses or wallets.

Sounds like a fun resolution

I hope that's fruit juice in those bottles. We've seen too many Muslims fall to the devilry of a refreshing bacardi breezer.
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