I don't care

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I think we give more as we get older. We learn how to be less selfish. We learn we cannot possibly use all the stuff we have in our homes.:)

I am taking a seminar that includes "giving selflessly" as one of the topics. It's a kick in the spirit.

I'm trying to be even more giving and generous now. I think if we all did this, the world would be a much better place.;)

Right now I'm working on being nice to muslims.:cheers:
I remember when I was about 4 years old (in kindergarten) I witnessed a car accident and refused to give my water bottle for the victim. It made my mother very sad. So I was actually born wicked, I've improved with age.

Well, you still seem pretty wicked. Posting nearly nude frontals, feckless aggrandisement, name-calling, Sean-Connery-adoring. I'll bet you ride a broom to work. Evil woman.
We learn we cannot possibly use all the stuff we have in our homes.
If I couldn't use it it wouldn't be in my home...
I am taking a seminar that includes "giving selflessly" as one of the topics.
You need training to give away stuff you don't want? Sheesh.
Right now I'm working on being nice to muslims.
Try being nice to PEOPLE instead of breaking them into categories.

“I care not whether a man is good or evil; all that I care / Is whether he is a wise man or a fool. Go! put off holiness, / And put on intellect.”
Wm. Blake
No. Giving selflessly is God-like. It's giving something despite what your mind tells you. Like if someone loves/wants/needs your favorite leather jacket and God tells you to give it to them, you just do. You don't bargain with God or make up excuses.:worship:

Or when you're driving away from someone's house and God tells you to go back and give their kid all the money in your wallet. You just do it. And don't question it.

God puts His will into my spirit. I do stuff for people that blows me away sometimes when I think about it afterwards.:eek:

I'm already nice to people in everyday life. On here--not so much.:D

And I have a hard time being nice to someone who might be here illegally.

p.s. Giving away stuff you don't want is not giving selflessly. It's smart but not selfless.
Right now I'm working on being nice to muslims.:cheers:

Sounds like a fun resolution
No. Giving selflessly is God-like.
Been there, done/ do that.

It's giving something despite what your mind tells you. Like if someone loves/wants/needs your favorite leather jacket and God tells you to give it to them, you just do.
So god says "they're a greedy little sod, give them your X, Y or Z because they want it more than you want it?"

I'm already nice to people in everyday life. On here--not so much.
Then you're failing at "holiness" aren't you? If you're nice to someone you should be nice to EVERYONE, surely.

And I have a hard time being nice to someone who might be here illegally.
But isn't that an obstacle to overcome? A character flaw? Judgment is yours? Love thine enemy, hmmm?
Hi sandy,

God here - how's it hanging, sweetheart?

Listen, you know that forum you troll on the internet? Skyforums or something? Yeah, well there's this 'guy' on there - redarmy11. Don't know if you've come across him?

Anyway, he really needs your help. Is there any chance you could send him $10,000 through PayPal? His poor granny needs this operation, see. You'll get your reward when you get to my place. Yeah, yeah, he's white, he's got his own passport and that.

Cheers sand - who loves ya?

The G-Man
Sounds like a fun resolution
But there are some exceptions... :D

Anti Tayeba, Saiyyadati? Seen my new Snot'wuh? Waddaya think?
But there are some exceptions...

Anti Tayeba, Saiyyadati? Seen my new Snot'wuh? Waddaya think?

Ana Kois ya Sheikh, wa anta? :thankyou:

Yeah I saw the snot'wuh, you know my views on long distance titillation.:spank:
LOL red...;)

Why don't you just post your checking account number here and I'll get right on it.:D

I will NEVER be nice to a criminal alien. The nicest thing I will do for him is kick his parasitic ass back across the border.:mad:
I will NEVER be nice to terrorists either. Unless I have a LAWs rocket on my shoulder. Then I will be extra nice to him.:D
LAW not LAWs rocket. Light Anti-tank Weapon. 66mm for information.
So the "love thine enemy" thing isn't working? Kill rather than understand? Negotiated peace not on the list of possibilities? :shrug:
You don't negotiate with terrorists. They are satan's children. They don't understand reasoning-- only death, destruction, and taking over the world.

Look how well negotiating worked for Jimma Carter.:rolleyes:
No. Giving selflessly is God-like. It's giving something despite what your mind tells you.

God puts His will into my spirit. I do stuff for people that blows me away sometimes when I think about it afterwards.

Unless I have a LAWs rocket on my shoulder.

Did you time travel here from the Crusades?
You don't negotiate with terrorists. They are satan's children. They don't understand reasoning-- only death, destruction, and taking over the world.

Funny, they would think very much the same of you. You appear to have more in common with them than you think.
Their method of negotiating with us always involves sawing our heads off or blowing up our buildings killing innocent civilians. They suck.

And to (Q)- remove that quote in post #37. You altered it to make me look like a moron. Foul play.:mad:
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