I am considering brainwashing to fix my son: religious experiment.


Who Cares
Valued Senior Member
Here's an email I just sent to my wife. We've been battling with my son's ODD since he was 5. This explains the reason why I am considering teaching my son about God. I believe this is one of the good uses of religion. This is in response to yet another issue he had on the bus. He will be 9 this November:

Teacher said:
I was not here yesterday and I am not sure if you have been aware that your son had some issues on the bus last night. Jimmy Dean (bus supervisor for DeKalb Central) has notified me that your son began to call other students names, pulled hair, kicked bus, hit another student with seat belt and spat on driver.He stated that he was going to kill his family.

Jimmy will be letting us know what the consequences are and I will let you know. He will be put back on HOLD in the classroom for the physical contact. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks!

MyWife said:
Great, I am sure this will mean suspension from the bus this time because it is his second offense. I just don't know what we are going to do about him. I am at a lost.

ME said:
Dear Wife,

There's nothing we can do. He's just not willing to fight his urges, and his behavior has long been justified to him as just a sickness that he has no control over. It's time to put a stop to this cycle and give him a wake-up call. He needs to know where he's heading if he continues to not care 60% of the time.

Religion might fix him...but, the problem is I don't believe, but I could pretend for his sake. Over time we could teach him about heaven and hell, right and wrong, peace and chaos, love and hate, and what it means to make a decision and take responsibility for it. He needs to learn about self-accountability and responsibility now.

It's time we scare the hell out of him, but nicely. It's time he had one of pastor Paul's sermons...but for little people.

I remember as a boy in the kindergarten. I had the hell scared out of me. We were watching a video or something and I started crying as I came to the realization that I might be going to hell. I cried to my mom who comforted me. I think we were watching touched by an angel or some show like that. The old one with Micheal Landon. Those are the type of movies that helped me understand that there are consequences to my actions.

He needs to see that he is broken because he doesn't get it, then the healing power of Jesus because he doesn't believe he can help himself, then he'll want Jesus and do what the Bible asks to get it. He may not believe he can help himself, but he can believe in Jesus. Should we try? I just don't know how to teach him any other way because that is how I learned. It was that and Santa Claus that helped me be a good boy.

I didn't do as good a job on our son as I did with my daughter because I wasn't as strong in faith to teach him about god when he was growing up. I couldn't teach him to believe when I didn't myself. But, it isn't too late.

So what do you all think about the experiment to see if there is use for religion? Do you think it will work?
Here's an email I just sent to my wife. We've been battling with my son's ODD since he was 5. This explains the reason why I am considering teaching my son about God. I believe this is one of the good uses of religion. This is in response to yet another issue he had on the bus. He will be 9 this November:

So what do you all think about the experiment to see if there is use for religion? Do you think it will work?

Are you being serious?
Or is this some hypothetical situation?

this thread is AWESOME, thanks for sharing jayleew.

without god there truly are no justified morals. all incentives to do good and avoid bad miss the absolutism that makes them fool proof, except god.

this doesn't mean atheists can't be moral, it's just that their morality would be a leap of faith, and not something objectively real.
I don't know whether this is fanatical overkill or a symptom of PC modern times. Who needs heaven and hell if you've got a decent mother.

If I misbehaved, there was no threats of eternal suffering just a moment of rather brief instantanious suffering, "TWACK, now don't do that again". Worked extremely well.
I don't know whether this is fanatical overkill or a symptom of PC modern times. Who needs heaven and hell if you've got a decent mother.

If I misbehaved, there was no threats of eternal suffering just a moment of rather brief instantanious suffering, "TWACK, now don't do that again". Worked extremely well.

As you have hinted, we can't do that anymore. All we can do is repeatedly punish over and over using a host of things, and encourage with the same propaganda to our son and hope that he will make a better decision. But, he knows he doesn't have to because he doesn't care about any punishment. It's only a minor and temporary inconvenience to him. He's very smart and even even manipulates the teachers to send him home. If he wants a day off, he knows just what he needs to do to do it and not get in too much trouble. The difference between my son and daughter (who is perfectly healthy) is that I brought her up with Christian teaching.
this thread is AWESOME, thanks for sharing jayleew.

without god there truly are no justified morals. all incentives to do good and avoid bad miss the absolutism that makes them fool proof, except god.

this doesn't mean atheists can't be moral, it's just that their morality would be a leap of faith, and not something objectively real.

Well, it's more like I or we lack the tool(s) to teach kids ethics, personal responsibility, and self-accountability without religion.
Are you being serious?
Or is this some hypothetical situation?


Yes, I'm dead serious. And the news is in, he's suspended for 5 days....again....like that is any punishment. Like I said, my daughter is the exact opposite, but was taught to be a Christian so she has a good solid moral compass and has a sense of self-accountability. It worked before with her, so why won't it work again?
I am hoping you are not serious.
If you are, you sould be arrested and your son should be taken from you as soon as possible. Even if this is a joke, it's certainly not funny.
I am hoping you are not serious.
If you are, you sould be arrested and your son should be taken from you as soon as possible. Even if this is a joke, it's certainly not funny.

It's no joke....what are you saying people who go to church should be arrested? People who need Jesus to help their sons and daughters should be arrested? Are you serious? I'm just suggesting family therapy. I don't want to do it, but my son needs it.
lew, find out what your kid is good at and focus on that. the kid does not like school...WHY is anyones guess BUT we cant answer that. the kid spinds like he is not maturing the same as is expected but that can change in a few years.
Where do you go in your mind when you are tempted to do evil? His psychiatrist has said that he physically has a disability to look from within to help. I am suggesting that if he can't look in, then maybe he needs to look to something external. His parents don't work, but maybe God, who may have my son's eternal soul in his hands will, when my son finds out about heaven and hell.
lew, find out what your kid is good at and focus on that. the kid does not like school...WHY is anyones guess BUT we cant answer that. the kid spinds like he is not maturing the same as is expected but that can change in a few years.

Quite right, he is changing and has changed. But, my fear is that he gets any older and becomes antisocial. He is on the brink. This is a pivotal time that I must do something. Therapy, pills, and a special school are not working because he falls back on them and believes they entitle him.

Any transgression against your fellow man, whether it's a white lie to murder. Most of us have something that stops us from doing wrong, but it is something internal. There is a handful of things that we draw from, not to determine that something is ethical, but whether or not to act regardless of if it is right or wrong. My son has this, but can get out of mind at times with emotion and irrationality. If he had something like the fear of God, perhaps that would help him make the right decisions, even if he thought whatever it was is right....like throwing a chair at someone. He does these things because he believes it is the right thing to do.

He doesn't have the ability to see that he walked into the pile of crap. It doesn't have any smell.
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Quite right, he is changing and has changed. But, my fear is that he gets any older and becomes antisocial. He is on the brink. This is a pivotal time that I must do something. Therapy, pills, and a special school are not working because he falls back on them and believes they entitle him.

Believe it or not that kid can be overly sensitive to things he experiences at home. Sounds like your wife and yourself are divorced and at that age he may think that his acting out will bring his parents together. I think you need to talk to him like an adult and be honest with him.
Believe it or not that kid can be overly sensitive to things he experiences at home. Sounds like your wife and yourself are divorced and at that age he may think that his acting out will bring his parents together. I think you need to talk to him like an adult and be honest with him.

I've been married to the same woman, his mother, for 13 years now and we are happily married. We have a perfect 13 year old daughter, who was brought up to believe in God.

I'm telling you we've had talks like an adult over and over and over for years. We try to help him, we have him in counseling, we are there for him, we always give him love and direction. He has our time and affection daily. Punishments are a wide variety, but none are really effective. Even if it taking away his favorite thing. He knows it temporary. We're way way way past the point of talking.

Literally, we have tried everything but this. He has little remorse because he always believes he is thinking correctly. What he needs I believe is an adjustment to his thinking and Jesus can modify it. Well, we'll see. My wife is all for going to church she said. She didn't say anything about me pretending to be Christian so it will be effective with him. She probably has hope that I will come around and is just happy I will return to studying the Bible and going to church. I am not looking forward to this charade.

In the name of social science, we must know the effect of religion when it comes to molding the youth.
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Speaking from personal experience because i was in a similar situation and by the time i got past 5th grade i realized that my plan was not working.
this doesn't mean atheists can't be moral, it's just that their morality would be a leap of faith, and not something objectively real.

Horse shit.

Atheist morality is the only true form!

It's objectively real, because we understand that actions have real world consequences, and choose to do as we would be done by.

Theists on the other hand try to act nice because they fear the retribution from some sky pixie.
Horse shit.

Atheist morality is the only true form!

It's objectively real, because we understand that actions have real world consequences, and choose to do as we would be done by.

Theists on the other hand try to act nice because they fear the retribution from some sky pixie.

Well, hopefully that fear of retribution will work and be assimilated into his existence, then later in life regress to normal altruism. It worked for me, my daughter is fine, I guess why not for my son.
Why not let him face some consequences now, instead telling him that he’ll face them in a make believe afterlife. Being consistent is always good.
Wikipedia said:
Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated". The term has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.

In my humble opinion, anyone who doesn't feel that this is child abuse...is crazy!

Crazy Christians...:mufc:

Crazy Christian Camp for Children

Pentecostal Youth Camp

Crazy American Christian Woman