I AM an Astrologer!

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Registered Senior Member
As for astrology..it works. Can it be proven. I think I can possibly convince people of the fact.
As for astrology..it works. Can it be proven. I think I can possibly convince people of the fact.

What exactly is the mechanism by which the stars and planets affect us?

It just seems strange that objects that are billions of miles and millions of light years away could have any possible effect on us, other than their twinkling. :D
Actually.. why did you put this thread in pseudoscience when you claim you can prove it ??

Are you religious ?
Moderator: please move this to the Astronomy and Cosmology forum as soon as the evidence has been shown. And would someone please submit that nomination for the Nobel Prize.
What exactly is the mechanism by which the stars and planets affect us?

It just seems strange that objects that are billions of miles and millions of light years away could have any possible effect on us, other than their twinkling. :D

Coincidence does not necessarily imply causation - nevertheless, it does not necessarily imply randomness either.

Can you not accept the possibility that being born in a certain month of the year could affect your personality, disposition and inclinations?
Time of the year affects what food you eat - therefore what nutrients your mother was injesting when she was pregnant - not to mention that it could affect what food you will eat when you transition to food.
The temprature outside could affect how much you were outdoors in the first few months in your life - which could affect how much sunlight you recieved and how much stimulation your brain recieved.
The height of the sun in the sky could also affect how much sunlight you recieve at critical times in your development.
Being indoors in cold weather could result in more close physical contact with parents during certain critical developmental periods.

The constellations in the sky signify different times of the year.
Just because Virgo is in a certain place in the sky on your birthday, doesn't imply the that the constellation affects you directly and personally in any way (though power of suggestion most certainly should not be ignored), however, being born in the beginning of the harvest season, and it being winter when you are ust a few months old, very well could.

If Bill get's grumpy at 5:30 PM every day in rush hour traffic, that doesn't necessarily mean that the angle of the sun is making him grumpy, but you could time it that way, couldn't you?
How much vitamin B did your mother recieve from the sun when she was pregnant?
How much exercise did she have?
How was her immune system?
The possibilities are endless.

Your surroundings, during different develeopmental periods, are crucial aspects of your physical, mental and emotional growth.

None of this, of course, proves that Astrology is "true", but arguing it can't be because the stars can't affect is certainly does nothing to disprove it either.
There is a possible "mechanism".
But not one astrologer has ever demonstrated the ability to make a valid prediction based on "star charts" and the nonsense they claim reveals information about the individual's future based on their birthdate. Moreover, each astrologer fails to consider adequately the astronomical bodies and matter that aren't visible but have more chance of influencing a single individual on Earth.

The only force that has ever been suggested that could fit the astrology claim is gravity. And there is far more gravitational pull from the physicians and nurses that deliver a baby than even the Moon or the Sun much less the other stars and planets.

Astrology is bunk. For those able to do a good cold read and convince the gullible, its a good money-maker.
Why is gravity or some other "force" needed?
Did you read my last two posts?

Please respond directly to them.
As for astrology..it works. Can it be proven. I think I can possibly convince people of the fact.


Several of us are waiting...

And here's a test case for you. I know the FULL life's story of an individual that was born on July 20 - tell me what your predictons for that individual would be / have been. If you dare to try. I already know all of the details covering over 30 years - have you got enough faith in your ability to match your predictions with the reality? I honestly doubt it.
Why is gravity or some other "force" needed?
Did you read my last two posts?

Please respond directly to them.

I did read your posts. However, you aren't representing the core claims of astrology with them. Astrologers claim that they can know, by the positions of stars and planets (and their various alignments and associations with each other) at the time of an individual's birth that they can predict that person's personality.

While I can agree that various physical things in nature can affect the development of the prenatal child, this is wholly different than claiming that the alignment of stars and planets at the moment of birth (regardless of whether the light of these objects are reaching the individual or not -presumably not since most people are born in hospitals in the western world) has predictive power over the individual's personality.

For that claim, what other force besides gravity has the ability to reach the individual? And even that force is dismissed with even the barest understanding of physics.

So, to again answer your question above, I *did* read your posts and found them off-topic since they had nothing, apparently, to do with the claims of astrology. The OP is claiming that he has "proof" that astrology works. It is to that claim I write, not the claim that there are many prenatal influences that might affect the development of the individual -none of which, by the way, have been correlated such that personality predictions can be reliably made.

My own prediction is: the OP will fail to prove that "astrology works."
What's a Christian? One who follows Christ? The Bible? The church?

Just because Otho is a flake, that doesn't mean ghosts do not exist.
(Did you see Beetlejuice?)

Lots of people claim lots of shit - that should reflect on the people alone.

I know for a fact that palm reading works - there's a real science to it - however, anyone who claims to be able to tell your future by reading your palms is a fool.

Most astrologers do not claim to be able to tell your future.

Let me ask you this simple question...
If someone claimed they could give you a personality analysis based on your birthday, and claimed that others born under your same sign had similar personalities (which change a bit depending upon which date they were born) - and nothing more - would you be as adamantly denying it?
Let me ask you this simple question...
If someone claimed they could give you a personality analysis based on your birthday, and claimed that others born under your same sign had similar personalities (which change a bit depending upon which date they were born) - and nothing more - would you be as adamantly denying it?

Yup - I would. :D There are FAR too many factors that go into determining one's personality - some of which are rather obvious: the amount of attention one gets from parents (and the extended family like grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.), number of siblings (if any) finacial status of the family, personalities of teachers and classmates at school, attitudes of neighbors - the list is practically endless. Anything determined (if at all) by the position of celestial bodies at the moment of birth would have to be WAY down on that list. ;)
Anything determined (if at all) by the position of celestial bodies at the moment of birth would have to be WAY down on that list. ;)

Not determined by, signified by.
I didn't say anything about being determined by these things.
Did you read my posts about fetus and child development at different times of the year?
Not determined by, signified by.
I didn't say anything about being determined by these things.
Did you read my posts about fetus and child development at different times of the year?

Yes, I did. And I would agree that it might very well have some impact on physical development - but not on the development of personality. Besides, it's been a VERY long time now that most people (in the U.S., anyway) can have the exact same foods anytime of the year. Seasons make little difference in that. The same with indoor climate control. Few people take their infants outside before age one so I see no connection/relation to that either. Besides, the vast majority of kids today spend practically every hour of their lives inside. Exceptions, yes - but not very many anymore.
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