I am afraid to die


Valued Senior Member
Death is frightening to me,
if I dont exist after death, will it be so sorry?
Death is frightening to me,
if I dont exist after death, will it be so sorry?

If you don't exist after death then whether or not you are afraid now doesn't matter, so why spend another minute worrying about something you aren't going to worry about later because you are dead?

The only thing you can worry about is now and where you are going in the future.
I am not worried, I am Scared, Frightened.
I dont want to die, I want to live forever. But this is not possible. I will die and become nothing, very scary.
Your first mistake is pretending you know what exists after death.
Agreed, You assume you cease to exist because that makes sense to you, but in reality death is a passage, it's a door, assuming that what you fear is on the other side of that door is foolish and a waste of time. You should consider life and how wonderful it is and delve deeper into just what made life and creation, understanding death is only possible if you can understand life, you obviously understand neither.
Imagine what it was like for you in the many years before you were born.
That's what I imagine death to be.

The process of dying is scary to me... the pain, misery, suffering, missing out on the next round of "X Factor", or on George Lucas' 27th reissue of Star Wars etc.

But death itself... I won't be around to experience it, as I'll be non-existent. ;)
It's an arcade and you are a game player. You put your quarter in and get one human lifetime to play with. When it's game over, you get another quarter and play another life. Eventually you will tire and leave the arcade for something more.

Approach it that way.
Agreed, You assume you cease to exist because that makes sense to you, but in reality death is a passage, it's a door, assuming that what you fear is on the other side of that door is foolish and a waste of time. You should consider life and how wonderful it is and delve deeper into just what made life and creation, understanding death is only possible if you can understand life, you obviously understand neither.

this is just a pep talk, has no substance or basis in reality. also, life is not wonderful for everyone. it's a game of chance, some end up in good situations and some don't. it's kind of like pets, some end up in good homes and some very few lucky ones end up rich where the owner leaves them money to be taken care of and some end up with bad owners, some end up on the street or tortured, starving and diseased or in a poor country, some will end up being factory farmed for food etc, some will get love and some will not. it has nothing to do with what one deserves, it's just chance. and if there is life after death, probably similar odds.
understanding death is only possible if you can understand life, you obviously understand neither.

So you mean I must understand Life so that I am ready to face death?
How do I know death is a door to another "world",
death could mean End of Life, ultimate ending, no more story.
If you would live as the way you want to live you should be more involved with life than what happens after. Who cares what happens after we die anyway, the whole deal is living life to the fullest today and trying to help others along the way if you can. I don't fear death either because I am enjoying life today and I cannot control what happens afterwards so I just stop worrying about that.
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Pray for serenity

Grant me the serenity;
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage, to change the things I can;
And the wisdom, to know the difference.
It is best to confront the fear and overcome it.

You seem to think that there is nothing, no consciousness after. That is the most correct assumption based on all evidence we have.

So considering what that means will be the best way to overcome your fear. I suggest reading Nietzsche, should you start to descend into nihilistic thought.
So you mean I must understand Life so that I am ready to face death?
How do I know death is a door to another "world",
death could mean End of Life, ultimate ending, no more story.

i don't think your fear is realistic, even from your perspective.

if death really is the end, then there is nothing to fear is there?

if life goes on after death, then there is a whole new can of worms or possibliities which not all of them may be good.

think about it, one can't suffer or even be conscious of or feel fear unless one is alive. afterlife would still mean alive. understand?

taken another way, some people's fear is that death is not the end and they are forced to relive life over and over. that can be a hell of it's own, do you not see that?

why do you think some people commit suicide or people with terminal illnesses in great suffering want to die?

it all depends on the circumstances one is in and for some people life is what is hell. don't you understand that? get out of yourself for a moment and pay attention to the news or lucidly recall that there are people who suffer in horrendous situations from birth to death. some are starving, diseased, outcast, ridiculed etc. the list of cruelty and suffering is endless and myriad.

seriously, one has to be really self-centered or dumb to not realize this. one only need to read a history book, look around you at others in life, watch the news etc. life is not all roses and peachy either. like, duh??
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we can enjoy life now, but it is short.

As compared to what? Certain animals live only minutes, hours or just a few days so humans have very long life spans compared to those animals. As I stated before you live as best you can today for that is what life is for, not worrying about what is going to happen but what is happening to you today. Just get out there and live as best you can and don't dwell on what is going to happen, it will happen and there's nothing you can do about it. Help others and do something good with your life however long you live, live to the quality you can excell with.