I am a UFO witness...since July 5th night

So there was a possible unidentified alien submarine. An maybe a unidentifiable "craft" flying low? Ok, well then if that's the case I don't know how to help ya. But thank you for sharing. Wish it had happened to me. Seriously, it sounds interesting an very fascinating. .
:) you realized what it was.
So what is it. Youreyes!
It was kind of scary when you realized it was a million dollar question?
So we were asked for possible explanations only to be told that youreyes knows what it was, then declines to tell us what it was. Starting to think the entire experience was made up just to waste our time.
So we were asked for possible explanations only to be told that youreyes knows what it was, then declines to tell us what it was. Starting to think the entire experience was made up just to waste our time.
nah!.. just embarrassed because like I wrote in post #24 it appears he felt an emotional attatchment "to a loose stop sign"
* notes that the OP has been edited to remove what I woud have used as a quote...
Aah ok. I must have missed that part. I only commented on the light in the water portion since I had no idea about the road light and trusted that others would likely have a viable explanation.
I was very observant about the environment. Like I say whatever it was, it was not attached to any string or rod, that would just be impossible at that location on the river.

You would not have been able to see a string. And strings tend to bend- there is nowhere a fishing line couldn't get to that you described. Far, far from impossible- overwhelmingly probable.

Also at many times that thing traveled straight and made very acute angle turns, untypical to my view that a fish would make.

That's pretty much exactly what one would expect of a fish pulling against a string caught on something.
FTLinmedium, you cant have a string at that part of the river, period. I saw this light thing and the way it behaved was not in a way something on a string would have behaved. This one thing I am for certain. Whether this was a mechanical devices or some sort of a UFO or a jellyfish with fluorescence or something of a sort, that is I am uncertain of.

And to clarify to others when I say "I realized what it was" is I am describing my feelings I felt during the whole experience, I am saying that I realized that it was not a scuba diver and had no relation to a human in the water.
AND NO I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP. if you have the decency to call me a liar, than don't post here.
I said ... :) you realized what it was.
So what is it.
~ Youreyes! :D
I meant this as a joke!!
I also said ...
So there was a possible unidentified alien submarine. An maybe a unidentifiable "craft" flying low? Ok, well then if that's the case I don't know how to help ya. But thank you for sharing. Wish it had happened to me. Seriously, it sounds interesting an very fascinating. ...
I meant that...
Even though I may not be able to tell what the hell "that" was. I do think there is a "earthly" explanation.. The only thing I can think of at this time. That would be in the water, as I mentioned, is a night fishing bober.. One that lights up. An as for what's near a road could be tons of things. Because people would be near the road. Hell it could have been a guy with a flash light, looking for a spot to pee.
Welcome Manish... A UUO hu. that may be better than my unidentified alien submarine.
AND NO I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP. if you have the decency to call me a liar, than don't post here.

I don't think people think you are lying, I certainly don't, I just think it was essentially nothing and you have blown it all out of proportion in your mind.

This comment of yours is telling, "And to clarify to others when I say "I realized what it was" is I am describing my feelings I felt during the whole experience". You have shown that you have a magical belief system, that is you believe in supernatural stuff. Your feelings have a great influence over what you see. I beleive you could have seen the reflection of a planes light on the water and your feelings and belief in the supernatural was all that was needed to make it seem like you saw something amazing.
it wasn't essentially nothing, origin. I am not the kind of person who gets excited by simple things. Most things bore me, I am into extreme sports for a reason...life is dull. This thing I saw, it was real, it was bright to illuminated many waterplants in the yellowish water around it. This is not my imagination nor illusion.
FTLinmedium, you cant have a string at that part of the river, period.

There is no part of a river that a string with a fish on it can not get to, period. Water currents do strange and counter-intuitive things.

If you have faith that it was not a fishing light, that's your right and I can't argue with that. But everything you described is consistent with such a light.

If you would like, you could take a picture of the location (in day time) and post it here so we can see more clearly what you're talking about.

I saw this light thing and the way it behaved was not in a way something on a string would have behaved. This one thing I am for certain.

You shouldn't be too certain about that, but it's your right if you want to be. A string in the water does weird things. One with a fish pulling it, ever more so. Everything you described is consistent with it being on a string.

Your feelings have a great influence over what you see. I beleive you could have seen the reflection of a planes light on the water and your feelings and belief in the supernatural was all that was needed to make it seem like you saw something amazing.

I can't tell you how many times, being near sighted, I've seen somebody walking, only to get closer and realize it was a sign post. Could have sworn every time it was moving, arms swaying, etc. Our brains fill in an amazing amount of false information- it's why optical illusions work, and it's the mechanism behind hallucination.

Generally speaking, I don't trust my eyes- and nobody, no matter how good his or her vision is, should trust human eyesight. It's based more on expectation than what's actually there half the time.
there are cases of USOs. i just wish something would happen to me like this. had a small experience in comparison but in my lifetime i would love to see something not of this world. same token i go through every possibility before i come to the conclusion it is a ufo/uso
Originally Posted by Mazulu:
Telepathic ball of light makes more sense. Why do skeptics have to pull bizarre explanations out of their ass to support a world view that might be wrong?
I don't think I am overstating the situation when I say that response is hilarious.

Ohh god... I'm in tears. I feel like Ricky Gervais interviewing Karl.

Sfifreak: USO?

Like Mickey Rooney? What is USO?
Ohh god... I'm in tears. I feel like Ricky Gervais interviewing Karl.

Sfifreak: USO?

Like Mickey Rooney? What is USO?

basically unidentified object under water... it stands for unidentified sea going object.. if i remember correctly