I am a UFO witness...since July 5th night

I met a guy once that did night fishing. He had a string of locking hooks that he would put his catch on then put them back in the water. The string of locking hooks prevented the fish from getting away but they stayed alive because they were in the water they normally lived in. attached to one end of the string that was supposed to be attached to shore or boat, he had a waterproof light. It was just a ball that gave a glow and lit up where his fish were. The ball usually floated but he told me if he had a big enough fish on there and the string got detached from it's anchor point, the fish could possibly drag the light under.

I had never seen a light like this before but I don't fish much. Maybe someone upstream had a fish on a line like this and it was a big fish. I can imagine the fish dragging this ball around until the battery eventually dies. if the fish stayed close to the bottom the string may not have been long enough to allow it to surface.

As far as the lights on the road are concerned, I think you may have been so freaked out by the idea of what you think you saw in the river that you became delusional and your eyes began to play tricks on you.
Light has some fascinating properties and humans are not the only species that can be freaked out by an unusual observation. The following took place in daylight and is the only time I have ever observed this phenomenon.

I was riding an experienced horse one spring afternoon on a very windy day, the sky cover mixed sun and cloud. As we approached a road crossing near a T intersection, my horse suddenly stopped and I could feel her body tense and her ears locked forward as did her gaze, yet there was nothing visible in any direction. With my seat and legs in a defensive position, I scanned the area for the 'threat' that my horse perceived and a gust of wind brought a flicker of motion to the corner of my vision.

About twenty yards ahead of us was a large pink glow on the snow and it was moving, sometimes just trembling and occasionally twitching dramatically. WHAT ON EARTH? :confused: My horse was staring at this manifestation in obvious distrust of what her senses were observing.

I looked to the right and 20 yards away, the very large stop sign that marked the intersection was glowing brightly and reflecting the afternoon sun. The wind was strong enough that it was making the sign wobble and causing the movement of the reflection on the snow. I have ridden this route many times and there must have been a contributing factor in the sky conditions otherwise I should have encountered something similar before.

After reassuring the horse that I, too, saw her concern, she did proceed to walk gingerly through this strange trail class 'obstacle'. :)
Telepathic ball of light makes more sense. Why should it be the observers mistake, fault or error every time a rare phenomena is observed? Why can't phenomena exist that is rare and undocumented? Why do skeptics have to pull bizarre explanations out of their ass to support a world view that might be wrong? Maybe telepathic balls of light exist?
yeah I know...I come back to the same place now and nothing =/ I keep wishing I could see it again, but I realize this was probably a one time deal.
this emotion of wishing to see it again... can you explain a little about it. I get the impression some pretty intense emotions are involved here and that may prove a clue to the reality of what you experienced as in the case mentioned by Scheherazade, one does not fall in love or feel affection towards a loose stop sign blowing in the wind. Your story is very suggestive that an emotional bond had formed between you and what ever it was.
Seagypsy could you tell me more about the device of water proof light for fishing? do you have a picture of it? I kind of doubt it...but who knows.
Seagypsy could you tell me more about the device of water proof light for fishing? do you have a picture of it? I kind of doubt it...but who knows.

I wish I could but it was many years ago. Have you ever seen a hamster ball? If you have, the ball was about that big. I would guess it was some sort of waterproof flashlight thing encapsulated in this plastic ball. The plastic of the ball was a hazy translucent white so that it gave a soft glow when the bulb was lit. I can't find an exact picture but I found something that seems similar to it.


This is what it may look like when in use.

Telepathic ball of light makes more sense. Why should it be the observers mistake, fault or error every time a rare phenomena is observed? Why can't phenomena exist that is rare and undocumented? Why do skeptics have to pull bizarre explanations out of their ass to support a world view that might be wrong? Maybe telepathic balls of light exist?

Well in terms of this forum, this is a science forum not a wishful thinking forum. So rules of science apply when explaining things. The possibility of it being a fish light (something that has plenty of scientific evidence to exist) is far less bizarre an explanation than the possibility of telepathic ball of light (something that has no scientific evidence of existing). You may want to get a better understanding of the term "bizarre".
Telepathic ball of light makes more sense. Why do skeptics have to pull bizarre explanations out of their ass to support a world view that might be wrong?

I don't think I am overstating the situation when I say that response is hilarious.
You came up with a interesting opinion. I have heard of those. An I have also heard of bobbers used for fishing at night, that have lights to help determin, when a fish is caught.
You came up with a interesting opinion. I have heard of those. An I have also heard of bobbers used for fishing at night, that have lights to help determin, when a fish is caught.

Well...it could very well be it, however to be absolutely sure I would need to see how the light, that flashlight thing produces, dies when its batteries run low. Also when the fish moves wouldn't the light sway from side to side, especially when the fish moves upstream? Because what I saw did not sway, it moved in ellipses or straight.
I wish I could but it was many years ago. Have you ever seen a hamster ball? If you have, the ball was about that big. I would guess it was some sort of waterproof flashlight thing encapsulated in this plastic ball. The plastic of the ball was a hazy translucent white so that it gave a soft glow when the bulb was lit. I can't find an exact picture but I found something that seems similar to it.


This is what it may look like when in use.


Those pictures were clearly photo-shopped. Underwater fish-lights don't exist.
Well in terms of this forum, this is a science forum not a wishful thinking forum. So rules of science apply when explaining things. The possibility of it being a fish light (something that has plenty of scientific evidence to exist) is far less bizarre an explanation than the possibility of telepathic ball of light (something that has no scientific evidence of existing). You may want to get a better understanding of the term "bizarre".

Superstrings are science too. Maybe what she saw was a super-string? No wait, nobody ever sees a super-string because they don't exist. "Bizarre" is just a point of view. To a normal person, a superstring is this bizarre hyperdimensional object that nobody has ever seen.
Well...it could very well be it, however to be absolutely sure I would need to see how the light, that flashlight thing produces, dies when its batteries run low. Also when the fish moves wouldn't the light sway from side to side, especially when the fish moves upstream? Because what I saw did not sway, it moved in ellipses or straight.

Long before there were batteries or underwater light-bulbs, there were wilowisps. Here is a picture.
I was going to say, based on the description it sounds almost exactly like a light on a line, possibly being reeled. Seagypsy beat me to it with more details.

Well...it could very well be it, however to be absolutely sure I would need to see how the light, that flashlight thing produces, dies when its batteries run low. Also when the fish moves wouldn't the light sway from side to side, especially when the fish moves upstream? Because what I saw did not sway, it moved in ellipses or straight.

Well, when the batteries were dying, first it would start to dim for a bit, then when the voltage dropped low enough it would suddenly go dark. Your explanation of its behavior (both in movement, and the light dimming and going dark suddenly) made me believe it was a light on some kind of drag line.

What a fun experience though! :)
As soon as someone says they saw an UFO, people go nuts over the thoughts...does that mean, the real Government UFO protectors go crazy on this???That is how it comes out....and no replies to this please...
As soon as someone says they saw an UFO, people go nuts over the thoughts...does that mean, the real Government UFO protectors go crazy on this???That is how it comes out....and no replies to this please...

the problem is, when the real UFO from space actually comes, the reputation has been depleted so far that no one believes, thanks to wackos in Area 51 selling alien goo.
Those pictures were clearly photo-shopped. Underwater fish-lights don't exist.

You're being sarcastic and funny right? Because the pictures I gave are from sites where you can buy these things. I'm pretty sure if they didn't exist someone would be shutting these sites down as scam sites pretty darned fast. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are pulling our leg and just pretending to be a complete nut job that probably wears a tin foil hat. You can go to any bait and tackle shop or even a pet store and get underwater lights.
whether or not it sways back and forth would depend on the speed of the current, the shape of the light, the swimming pattern of the fish, etc. There are just too many variables that can affect that to make a determinations about how the light should have moved if it were attached to string. But I am sure anyone could recreate what you saw to your satisfaction in regards to the light in the water. I don't know about the lights you saw on the road. To me it would seem reasonable to be just about anything, but I would need so much more information to make any solid suggestions and it would be unrealistic to expect you to have been observant enough at the time to remember enough details about the environment to say for sure.
You're being sarcastic and funny right?

I think he's criticizing one of the responses of UFO skeptics (that the pictures are fake), by using it in a context where the pictures are obviously true.

So, I don't think he's being funny; but neither is it a sincere accusation.
whether or not it sways back and forth would depend on the speed of the current, the shape of the light, the swimming pattern of the fish, etc. There are just too many variables that can affect that to make a determinations about how the light should have moved if it were attached to string. But I am sure anyone could recreate what you saw to your satisfaction in regards to the light in the water. I don't know about the lights you saw on the road. To me it would seem reasonable to be just about anything, but I would need so much more information to make any solid suggestions and it would be unrealistic to expect you to have been observant enough at the time to remember enough details about the environment to say for sure.

I was very observant about the environment. Like I say whatever it was, it was not attached to any string or rod, that would just be impossible at that location on the river. Also at many times that thing traveled straight and made very acute angle turns, untypical to my view that a fish would make.