I am a UFO witness...since July 5th night


amorphous ocean
Valued Senior Member
So long ago I remember my fascination with all the UFO's and the stories, but truly in my heart I never believed such a thing, until it happened to me. Basically at 10:30pm'ish I was walking alone in a large park, as I was passing on to the pedestrian bridge which is wide enough for a car to pass but is only meant for bikers and people to cross, which crosses a river...well I saw with corner of my eyes light in a river.

So I stopped in the middle of the bridge and looked over the edge, there below me 10 feet approximately was light coming from something that was moving slowly with the river current. At first I thought it was a scuba diver looking for fish or just simply doing some night diving...but as I watched it move I realized after about a minute that something was wrong...with this thing. It did not move like a human at all. I often pass this bridge over the river and I know how fast the stream of the river is, this thing...whatever it was it was moving steadily and smoothly much slower than the pace of the river, without any sound, no bubbles at all.

Now the thought that it is not a human at all...it brought great fear to me. Because I realized that the light that came from it was not directed along the river or down or to the sides, it was omnidirectional...coming into all direction and nothing held to it. This ball of light appeared to be slightly yellow because of the river's yellow water color from all the silt. The diameter of this thing was 8 to 10 inches. I could say this with certainty because it illuminated the water plants of the river and I could judge it's size by the size of the water plants. When I first saw this 10 inch sphere of light that was traveling right in the middle depth of the river, it was moving away from me, it passed under the bridge when I first saw it and was moving along the stream down the river.

I felt regret that I cannot see it better, and the thing stopped moving, it started to come back, but it did not return too close below of where I was standing on the bridge. It kept its distance at about 20 feet from me. I stood there motionless, 5 or so minutes has passed. The thing also did not move much, it sort of hovered in there in the river behind the silhuette of the water plants. I noticed soon enough that it's light was fading, at first I though it was just it moving away but than it was apparent, the thing was loosing its luminocity.

In about less than a minute it's light was very faint and I could barely distinguish it, there in the river. Than suddenly it "turned off", the light just turned off and the river was dark as ever before. Now at this location there are no street lights...nothing...so I was staring for a minute into this dark river, trying to make sense of what exactly I have seen and what it could have been. I remember that at one time when I was looking at it, I thought that maybe its a fluorescent fish or a fluorescent jellyfish...the thing as I call it, did sway a bit 3 times like it was a fish...but all other times for many minutes it was just steady very smooth motion that seemed to be not affected by the river stream at all! this was the most remarkable thing for me...Now once the light dissapeared and I had nothing to look at, I just left.

But it worried me, it scared me, because this thing it felt like it was intelligent, but I had no idea if it was communicating with me or what it was even doing there in first place. It seemed like it felt what I was thinking. For example when I felt regret that this ball of light was moving away from me along the river stream, it stopped and came back. When I started thinking that it was a fish perhaps, it started swaying from side to side to imitate a fish. When I started having fears about it and me being along and whether I should dive into the river to catch it perhaps (which was absurd idea) well it started fading in light, like it felt that it was not being liked. As I walked in the park I was thinking about the whole episode and I looked around me and in the sky to spot anything. In the distance I saw car lights, the usual two lights from headlights you would expect...except that these two headlights started "hopping" from the ground and than went up behind a tree where I could not see them. I saw this and the lights where about 3/4 of a mile from me, so it was far enough.

I don't know what to think about the night, no I was not drinking/drugs. I did not report this to some UFO site nor did I really tell anyone about it. I simply do not know what to think about it at all. I can however add that this sphere of light that I saw inside the river it was exactly the same size as the two balls of light I saw above the ground later on, also inside the sphere I saw other much smaller spheres of light rotating chaotically like I would imagine electrons would be around an atom, these faint spheres of light would sometimes fade or reappear inside the main sphere of light of 10 inches in diameter. Again do not judge me, I did not make this up, I swear. I am however writing this and sharing it because I have witnessed it and I wish to understand what I saw more, if I ever could.

It looked something like this:
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It looked something like this:

Nice Picture!!

That appears to be a Correlian Battle Cruiser. You can tell by the overall length and the insignias on the aft sections near the antimater combustion chamber. You don't generally see the big cruisers in this sector. If you look closely you can see a Gamadian waving his tentacle from one of the forward bay windows.

Again great picture and now we have absolute proof that aliens are visiting us.:D
Nice Picture!!

That appears to be a Correlian Battle Cruiser. You can tell by the overall length and the insignias on the aft sections near the antimater combustion chamber. You don't generally see the big cruisers in this sector. If you look closely you can see a Gamadian waving his tentacle from one of the forward bay windows.

Again great picture and now we have absolute proof that aliens are visiting us.:D

come on :p don't be so rediculous. I did not have a camera, all I saw was literary a ball of light, no it wasnt saucer shape, no i didnt see mini aliens inside. its just plain and simple ball of light. No Dark Star battleships or a Corsair battleship...just light.
I am however writing this and sharing it because I have witnessed it and I wish to understand what I saw more, if I ever could.

Many people today have cell phones that have cameras in them. Don't you have one like that and if not you could get one in case something like this happens again so that you could actually prove what you say instead of only telling us about it.:rolleyes:
Many people today have cell phones that have cameras in them. Don't you have one like that and if not you could get one in case something like this happens again so that you could actually prove what you say instead of only telling us about it.:rolleyes:

In future yes...I don't really carry electronics on me, except for a very simple Nokia cellphone that has no camera. But even if I did, it would be very hard to see...I would need something of professional quality to capture that which I saw.
In future yes...I don't really carry electronics on me, except for a very simple Nokia cellphone that has no camera. But even if I did, it would be very hard to see...I would need something of professional quality to capture that which I saw.

Even a cell phone cameras blurry picture is better than no picture at all. With todays technology even a very blurred or distorted picture can be made much better with the use of electronics, programs and other things that improve what's wrong.
Thank you for sharing, youreyes, and as one who dabbles in photography with some fairly decent equipment, I know that it is not easy to get distinct images of luminous objects in low light or dark conditions, even if you had possessed a phone when you had this experience.

I'm inclined to think that there is a logical explanation for what you encountered yet I can completely understand that you would be apprehensive to be alone with an ambulatory light of undetermined origin. UFO simply means unidentified flying object, of which there are plenty, until we identify them. Could be a lot of rather everyday things, someone playing a prank, new technology being tested etc.

It doesn't change the fact that you saw 'something' which was beyond your previous experience. :)

I have some questions.

Basically at 10:30pm'ish I was walking alone in a large park, as I was passing on to the pedestrian bridge which is wide enough for a car to pass but is only meant for bikers and people to cross, which crosses a river...well I saw with corner of my eyes light in a river.

Was it a cloudy night or clear?

Was the moon up?

Were there any bright stars or planets in the sky (e.g. Venus)?

Were there any light sources that could have been reflected off the water?

Were there any other people in the general area - especially upstream from where you first saw the light?

So I stopped in the middle of the bridge and looked over the edge, there below me 10 feet approximately was light coming from something that was moving slowly with the river current. At first I thought it was a scuba diver looking for fish or just simply doing some night diving...but as I watched it move I realized after about a minute that something was wrong...with this thing. It did not move like a human at all. I often pass this bridge over the river and I know how fast the stream of the river is, this thing...whatever it was it was moving steadily and smoothly much slower than the pace of the river, without any sound, no bubbles at all.

How deep is the river?

How far beneath the surface was the light? Could you tell?

Could you clearly see where the water surface was?

Was the light moving upstream or downstream?

Why would you expect a light in a river to move like a human?

This ball of light appeared to be slightly yellow because of the river's yellow water color from all the silt.

Could it have been a white light above the water, reflected in the water surface? How about a high-flying airplane, for example?

Did the light change direction at all, or keep moving in a straight line in the same direction?

The diameter of this thing was 8 to 10 inches. I could say this with certainty because it illuminated the water plants of the river and I could judge it's size by the size of the water plants. When I first saw this 10 inch sphere of light that was traveling right in the middle depth of the river, it was moving away from me, it passed under the bridge when I first saw it and was moving along the stream down the river.

So it was moving downstream. How can you be sure it wasn't being carried along by the current, bearing in mind that rivers usually flow slower at the bottom than on the surface?

Was this thing getting close enough to touch the water plants? Could they have slowed it down or changed its motion in some other way? What kind of water plants were they?

I felt regret that I cannot see it better, and the thing stopped moving, it started to come back, but it did not return too close below of where I was standing on the bridge. It kept its distance at about 20 feet from me. I stood there motionless, 5 or so minutes has passed. The thing also did not move much, it sort of hovered in there in the river behind the silhuette of the water plants.

Could it have become caught up in the plants?

In about less than a minute it's light was very faint and I could barely distinguish it, there in the river. Than suddenly it "turned off", the light just turned off and the river was dark as ever before. Now at this location there are no street lights...nothing...so I was staring for a minute into this dark river, trying to make sense of what exactly I have seen and what it could have been. I remember that at one time when I was looking at it, I thought that maybe its a fluorescent fish or a fluorescent jellyfish...the thing as I call it, did sway a bit 3 times like it was a fish...but all other times for many minutes it was just steady very smooth motion that seemed to be not affected by the river stream at all! this was the most remarkable thing for me...Now once the light dissapeared and I had nothing to look at, I just left.

What makes you so certain that it wasn't a fish? (Are there any freshwater jelly fish? Was this a fresh water river?)

But it worried me, it scared me, because this thing it felt like it was intelligent, but I had no idea if it was communicating with me or what it was even doing there in first place. It seemed like it felt what I was thinking. For example when I felt regret that this ball of light was moving away from me along the river stream, it stopped and came back. When I started thinking that it was a fish perhaps, it started swaying from side to side to imitate a fish. When I started having fears about it and me being along and whether I should dive into the river to catch it perhaps (which was absurd idea) well it started fading in light, like it felt that it was not being liked.

This sounds a lot like you projecting intelligence and emotion onto the thing you saw, rather than an objective assessment of it.

As I walked in the park I was thinking about the whole episode and I looked around me and in the sky to spot anything. In the distance I saw car lights, the usual two lights from headlights you would expect...except that these two headlights started "hopping" from the ground and than went up behind a tree where I could not see them. I saw this and the lights where about 3/4 of a mile from me, so it was far enough.

This sounds like a separate event from the thing in the river.

How do you know these lights were 3/4 of a mile from you? How did you judge the distance?

Was it a warm night, or cold?

I can however add that this sphere of light that I saw inside the river it was exactly the same size as the two balls of light I saw above the ground later on, also inside the sphere I saw other much smaller spheres of light rotating chaotically like I would imagine electrons would be around an atom, these faint spheres of light would sometimes fade or reappear inside the main sphere of light of 10 inches in diameter.

How did you judge the relative sizes of the thing in the river and the lights you saw later through the trees? You say one was 10 feet away, and the other was 3/4 of a mile away. How could you compare the sizes?

It looked something like this.

A photo of a fuzzy blob of light which is not the thing you saw is unlikely to be helpful here.
Reply to James R:


I have some questions.

Was it a cloudy night or clear?

I looked up the weather data from the weather channel for the city at that time of evening.

76 F, partly cloudy, sunset was at 9:09pm

Was the moon up?

Yes I could see the moon clearly, it was in my view.

Were there any bright stars or planets in the sky (e.g. Venus)?

The stars were there, but not really that bright, they were faint, and I can't distinguish Venus.

Were there any light sources that could have been reflected off the water?

Yes I saw the reflection of the Moon and the stars in the river, it looked exactly like all previous night before that I looked into the water.

Were there any other people in the general area - especially upstream from where you first saw the light?

No I was the only one, which is why I got scared a bit...I was hoping someone would come up so I will show them or ask them to take a photo.

How deep is the river?

At that location the river is about 15 feet deep

How far beneath the surface was the light? Could you tell?

The light was right between the surface of the water and the bottom of the river

Could you clearly see where the water surface was?

Yes I could see the faint reflection of the stars and the general sky, but just faint.

Was the light moving upstream or downstream?

it was moving downstream at first, however stopped and moved upstream towards me and than it just stood in one location

Why would you expect a light in a river to move like a human?

I did scuba diving myself and I also had many friends swim in the another river, so at first I thought that if there is light, than it must be human. This light was very bright, it was bright enough to illuminate couple of very long waterplants in the river.

Could it have been a white light above the water, reflected in the water surface? How about a high-flying airplane, for example?

No defenitely not. I looked above the river and there was nothing there. This thing was passing in between the waterplants, I could see the silhuette of the waterplants and the other waterplants it illuminated.

Did the light change direction at all, or keep moving in a straight line in the same direction?

The light moved along the stream for some time, not in a straight line, but in a slight curver, than it stopped and started going back upstream also in slight curves, than it made a slight turn towards my direction and stopped in one location of the river.

So it was moving downstream. How can you be sure it wasn't being carried along by the current, bearing in mind that rivers usually flow slower at the bottom than on the surface?

Because during daytime I saw the fish swimming, they struggle with the current, and I watched this river before its current is very strong. Even if it did swim with the current, it stopped at one point and started going back against the current, at roughly same speed too...which is just plainly unnatural.

Was this thing getting close enough to touch the water plants? Could they have slowed it down or changed its motion in some other way? What kind of water plants were they?

I believe it did not touch the water plants, it kind of went through the spaces where they did not grow, and since the current is strong and those waterplants are at a good angle, it was following a path to avoid them. I am not sure what kind...but they are very long waterplants brownish greenish color about 15 feet in length too, they dont reach the surface of water thou.

Could it have become caught up in the plants?

No, because I could see that the waterplants were not really entwined around it, it remained right next to them, but not close enough for some sort of contact.

What makes you so certain that it wasn't a fish? (Are there any freshwater jelly fish? Was this a fresh water river?)

Yes this is a fresh water river that flows from the lake that is filled by a stream from the mountains close by. I thought that it could perhaps be a fluorescent fish or fluorescent jellyfish...but this thing was just way too bright to be just fluorescent. Also it moved like it did not have inertia...it moved at same speed downstream as it went upstream. Plus I looked closely, I could not see any sort of belly or fins, it was just sphere of light...

This sounds a lot like you projecting intelligence and emotion onto the thing you saw, rather than an objective assessment of it.

I know how it sounds but it is very hard to describe something that does not fit into the normal scientific explanation I would think of. Plus it is a bit coincidental, perhaps I am projecting my emotions and basing it too far, there is no proof, it is just how I felt at that moment.

This sounds like a separate event from the thing in the river.

Yes I did not expect to see the lights again at all.

How do you know these lights were 3/4 of a mile from you? How did you judge the distance?

I walked in this park many times and I could judge based on the size of trees and the location of trees those two lights were passing by.

Was it a warm night, or cold?

It was a warm night, however at 10:40 after standing there looking at that thing in the river...I started feeling cold.

How did you judge the relative sizes of the thing in the river and the lights you saw later through the trees? You say one was 10 feet away, and the other was 3/4 of a mile away. How could you compare the sizes?

I judged the first one based on the size of the waterplants, I judged the second ones based on the size of the trees. Granted the second time I saw them that far, my estimation error is higher than the one I saw closer to me in river.

A photo of a fuzzy blob of light which is not the thing you saw is unlikely to be helpful here.

I know I am sorry, I could draw it perhaps...I did not have a camera at that time.
Nice Picture!!

That appears to be a Correlian Battle Cruiser. You can tell by the overall length and the insignias on the aft sections near the antimater combustion chamber. You don't generally see the big cruisers in this sector. If you look closely you can see a Gamadian waving his tentacle from one of the forward bay windows.

Again great picture and now we have absolute proof that aliens are visiting us.:D

lol, u rock.

Thanks for your answers.

Without more information, I don't think I can go any further with this. Certainly, you saw an object you couldn't identify. What it was will probably remain a mystery.
yeah I know...I come back to the same place now and nothing =/ I keep wishing I could see it again, but I realize this was probably a one time deal.