'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers'


Registered Senior Member
'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers'
A key to the abduction phenomena

Abductees, contactees or experiencers - regardless of the terminology applied - are not just ordinary people who happened to get caught up in the abduction phenomena. They are hybrids, genetically designed prior to their inception to be what it is that they are – genetic couriers.

Rather than abducting ordinary people, those creatures of a higher order, those so-called aliens, are simply monitoring, programming and guiding their genetic creations.

When instituting a genetic variable into a populace, one need not institute the desired variable throughout the entire populace to achieve the intended results. Rather, a better way is to institute the desired variable within a sampling or small percentage, say 5% of the populace and then simply allow the inherent characteristics of human reproduction to play itself out over time – over generations. Of course this takes many generations to accomplish, but it is indeed the better choice given the alternative - providing that time is an acceptable consideration.

Hybrids, or abductees as they are more often referred to, function or perform their task as a point of origin, a point at which genetic variables are introduced into the general populace. The result of this introduction is the propagation, over subsequent generations, of those desired genetic variables or traits (as determined by those beings of a higher order) throughout the general population.

This very scenario has been played out countless times, throughout man’s history.

Hybrids are nothing new; they have been around since man’s inception and have existed throughout human development. This is how the human genetic pool has been, and continues to be, progressively enhanced according to parameters set by those beings of a higher order.

This then is the key through which the abduction experience should be seen.

With this in mind, all of the pieces to the puzzle form a much clearer picture of the events themselves, that is to say, of those extraordinary events to which so many have diligently been probing.

Once again, contrary to what most people think, abductees are not just regular people who have had the abduction experience. Apparently being selected at random to partake in the so-called abduction experience. They are genetically altered human-alien hybrids who having been bred by those so-called aliens, are continually being monitored on an ongoing, continual, basis; instructed via their programming at the hands of those same alien creatures who bred them originally.

They are not just ordinary people who are being abducted – they are not just ordinary people who just happen, by some fluke or chance, to be getting abducted. They are human-alien hybrids being monitored and programmed as an ongoing process or procedure because of who and what they are, e.g., genetically engineered hybrids.

Abductees are hybrids, living out their lives as hybrids, continually being placed in direct, and oftentimes traumatic, contact with their breeders.

Being an abductee is not just an experience; it is not simply about the abduction experience alone. It is about living out one’s life - day-in, day-out - as a hybrid, as the possession of those creatures often referred to as aliens. The abduction experience is simply one small facet, aspect or consequence of being a hybrid.

People (specifically, those not having participated in the abduction experience), for the most part, think that abductees are like them, save for the fact that they have experienced the abduction phenomena – that could not be further from the truth. What they don’t realize is that abductees are actually genetically altered hybrids, programmed by their keepers, those alien creatures that have had such regular and intimate contact with them, throughout their lives.

Abductees are human-alien hybrids, unlike others within the general population in many profound and fundamental ways.

For the most part, these hybrids, of which I am one, are simply living out their lives – unnoticed, undetected and unimagined – which of course is the way it was always intended to be.

To be honest, what surprises me about all of this is that ordinary people, those people not being so-called abductees, are not afraid of us, those people being so-called abductees, or what we represent.

I presume this is due in large part to ignorance.

Alien creatures genetically engineering and programming a large portion of the general populace – this should raise a few red flags – no?

Maybe it is best to simply deny our existence – thereby assuring one a safer, more socially acceptable worldview.

No need to stretch anyone's view of reality – is there?

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Oh, you're so special, you alien/human hybrid you! So, so special! We should be afraid of you, because you're a hybrid! Because you're special! So, so special! Such a hybrid! And so special! Oh you! With your alien DNA! OH!

Or, maybe, you have a sad unfulfilling life and have to make up such preposterous stuff about yourself to have self worth.

Hmm, alien/human hybrid, or loser?
I don't think generating a personal assault on someone to state they area loser is going to deal with what ever problems they might be ailing.

It seems to the most part that some people suffer a communication problem with those that would be classed the concensus, Personally attacks add to the communication blockage through a mixture of an individual becoming both stuborn and resentful towards everyone from peoples personal attacks.

Saying all this though I don't suggest that Jocariah's claim is in any way feasible, due to the lack of evidence. If a person is truly sure they are a hybrid then why don't they get their DNA checked out? Okay you could say "It's expensive to have a DNA sample analysed for personal reasons" however the reality is that if a person truly contained alien DNA then I'm sure they would make their money back if they would allow themselves to become a study subject.

However the question here would be "what if a person has the DNA test and they find nothing unusual?" Some might realise their error and perhaps even succumb to rationalisation of a divergent state, others however will not take *no* for an answer, they will suggest the test was rigged, that MIB's lurk round every corner and that it's all a blatent conspiracy. (Although as I mentioned if it was to be an interesting find, expect alot of people wanting to examine you since they won't exactly cover that up.).

So Jocariah, I apologise for Phlogists non-tactile methods of suggesting that you are generating falsities to sensationalise your life, but if you are true to your claims you will seek medical professional evidence to back them up.
Not afraid of us per se – but rather afraid of what we might represent, or the process at hand: “Alien creatures genetically engineering and programming a large portion of the general populace – this should raise a few red flags – no?”

RE: ".... but if you are true to your claims you will seek medical professional evidence to back them up. "...Stryderunknown

I have all of the evidence I need - I have no need to prove anything to the world, and why would I want to - what might my motivation be to undertake such an endeavour.

I'll stay off the radar screen of the general public ... thank you very much.

Stryder, don't you DARE apologise for me. If you don't like what I post, moderate it, THAT is your job, but apologising for people certainly isn't. I'm only ever going to apologise to Jocariah when they prove their case, until then, I'm not going to apologise for my choice of words. He makes no apology for assuming his audience are gullible simpletons who will accept what he has to say without proof. does he?

I didn't make a personal attack either, I said 'maybe', get that? Not you ARE a loser, but I questioned whether it's more likely someone is an alien/human hybrid, or self delusional. Now, there's an easy way to settle it, proof.

Of course, the conspiracy theorists wouldn't accept any test, so that wouldn't work. What we have here is a fixation. Even psychotherapy might not work if the subject fixates that people here to help them are part of the the conspiracy. How many times have we heard that? Norval claiming information control at SciForums, that debunkers are part of the conspiracy, and all that tedious, groundless BS?

Oh btw Stryder 'non-tactile'? GROUP HUG for poor old 'special' Jocariah!!!! ;-) Or did you mean 'tactful'?
phlogistician said:
Stryder, don't you DARE apologise for me. If you don't like what I post, moderate it, THAT is your job, but apologising for people certainly isn't. I'm only ever going to apologise to Jocariah when they prove their case, until then, I'm not going to apologise for my choice of words. He makes no apology for assuming his audience are gullible simpletons who will accept what he has to say without proof. does he?

I didn't make a personal attack either, I said 'maybe', get that? Not you ARE a loser, but I questioned whether it's more likely someone is an alien/human hybrid, or self delusional. Now, there's an easy way to settle it, proof.

Of course, the conspiracy theorists wouldn't accept any test, so that wouldn't work. What we have here is a fixation. Even psychotherapy might not work if the subject fixates that people here to help them are part of the the conspiracy. How many times have we heard that? Norval claiming information control at SciForums, that debunkers are part of the conspiracy, and all that tedious, groundless BS?

Oh btw Stryder 'non-tactile'? GROUP HUG for poor old 'special' Jocariah!!!! ;-) Or did you mean 'tactful'?

I might tend to agree – save for all of the ferocity and superciliousness.


I think it may be that all people carry within them the result (the genetic effects) of hybrids being introduced into the general populace during prior generations – this same thing taking place over and over again throughout our (man’s) history upon this planet.

Remember a hybrid human is still human – a hybrid rose is still a rose.

Ah but a Hybrid Rose (for instance a black one) would have genetic differences in regards to the rest of the Roses, this is what makes that specific difference.
(Another point is a Roses genetic substance isn't exactly the same as that of mankind due to it being more simplistic in design)

If you are suggesting that all humans are hybrid, then what your basically suggesting is their are no hybrids, since there is no difference in all humans since they are all the same.

As for Phlogist, It's all very well deleting peoples threads if they step out of line but sometimes it can be similar to plagurism in the sense that you could be accused of saying something behind someones back because I've deleted what you said before the person that was suppose to read it, has read it.

So leaving your post intact deals with that problem. As for "Tactful" or "Tactile", both are similar in this case in the way they can be used. "Tactful" for better tactics, "Tactile" for 'Being more sensitive'. (Just don't get to fluffy with it.)

The only potential gullible people that frequent this board are admittedly the young, but thats only through both the lack of training and the fact that sometimes they look up to people older than them for the answers.

So if you are really concerned about the Gullible you mearly have to point out that: 'you should never except anything at face value if it doesn't have at least three pieces of corresponding evidence'.
Hello Stryderunknown,

Thanks for taking time to comment. I appreciate, as well, you taking time to administer this forum.

Not that all people are hybrids – rather hybrids are systematically introduced into the general populace over the course of subsequent or ensuing generations, providing a gradual change in our (basis or underlying) genetic structure – arrived at by way of the use of hybrids being introduced over generations – continually upping the ante if you will.

We as a species are being gradually and systematically altered.

Evolution, while indeed an aspect to all genetic life, is not responsible for taking us where we are headed. If genetics alone could accomplish that – apes (who have been around as long as, if not longer than us) would be our counterparts – but of course they are not.

If evolution itself endeared greater intelligence simply by way of time – all creatures would evolve into greatly more intelligent creatures – as has man. But that has not been the case.

Man has evolved via genetic manipulation over time.

That is as simple an example as I can tell.


The underlying concept here is that this genetic manipulation via the use of hybrids has taken place continually over countless generations – all the while raising the bar if you will – for each successive generation.

An ongoing process - throughout the history of man.

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I think it important to note here that I don't sit around all day theorizing from one concept to the next - I was programmed with this information.

If it aligns with the ideas or teachings of others, it is not my concern.

These are simply things, which I have been taught - whether they adhere to current scientific dogma, knowledge or doctrine is of no difference to me whatsoever.

I am merely stating what I know.

Keep up the good work Jocariah.
I'm all ears until you ask me for a cashiers check for only $19.99 lol
Stryderunknown said:
. As for "Tactful" or "Tactile", both are similar in this case in the way they can be used. "Tactful" for better tactics, "Tactile" for 'Being more sensitive'. (Just don't get to fluffy with it.)

So says you. I say different. Tactile refers to the sense of touch. It deals with tangibles. Not abstracts like 'being more sensitive'.

You are making it up as you go along Stryder, like the rest of the conspiracy theorists on this page.
Actually I'm not making up the use of Tactile, obviously you being of a different nationality you have had it used in that context before which is understandible I suppose since your not exactly "a ray of sunshine".

I know phlogistician you are still upset that Apologised for you in another thread, it's just your attitude can be seen as disruptively negative when dealing with people (take my word for it never get a job where you have to interact with people, unless your pseudonym portrayal is really some sort of netvert reality.).

I haven't really ever concerned myself about your arguements, just the way you attempt to stir temperament in those you target.

By all means continue to 'discuss' (not argue) your points with people, but just remember that some people post here not to stir people up, but mearly to discuss their opinion.
Stryder, just where do you get the 'different nationality' crap from. I'm English, I speak English, and I have a far better command of it that you demonstrate, and yes, you ARE making up the definition of words.

Tell you what Stryder, you know I like proof? Well, show me a link to a web dictionary that _proves_ your definition of 'tactile'. If you are right, it will be simple.

As to your advice about etting a job that interacts with people, well, I get paid a fair amount to do exactly that. I'm a tecchie, and I have to tell people when they are wrong, and why, and ask them for data, and point out their misinterpretations of that data. It is what I do for a living.

My attitude is not 'disruptively negative' either. I just ask for proof. I suggest _you_ never get a job where you ever have to justify your actions, and keep throwing things in that incinerator, or whatever it is you do for a living.

Meanwhile, did you ever learn why freezing doesn't cause molecular damage, or why you can't push water uphill using an arrangement of hoses? Two things you've claimed on SciForums, been corrected, and never had the good grace to admit.
phogistician said:
My attitude is not 'disruptively negative' either. I just ask for proof. I suggest _you_ never get a job where you ever have to justify your actions, and keep throwing things in that incinerator, or whatever it is you do for a living.

Look very carefully at your statement.... Could it not be seen to be a *Little* negative in how you are attempting to imply that I throw things in incinerators. (Proof enough)

As I mentioned I have had Tactile used in that manner on more than one occasion by others around me, Not everything makes it into the dictionary that is proven. (check for "Bling Bling")

As for the other two points Phlogistician, Firstly freezing was still bound to molecular fragmentation no matter however you describe it. You can turn around and say that all molecules involved work with a thermal dynamic constant but the fact is that all objects that I know of are made from molecules, ergo "Molecular damage" as apposed to what you stated as "Cells" (since Cells are made of Molecules). The fact is that discussion was done to death since you create the perspective that you think the universe is made up in some other form than atoms and molecules.

As for pushing water up hill, that wasn't the task in depiction, the item in question was to attempt to create an unbalanced closed system that would generate cyclic motion. The idea was that the face value of "It will not work" was discarded, not to "Prove the old adage wrong" but in an attempt to prove "Why thoughts of perpetual motion are wrong". Okay so I didn't exactly explain that in full detail back then but thats purely because at the time I was more interested in if anyone could place forwards something that was self-evident to suggest it wouldn't work other than "It won't work you woo-woo".

I was quite suprised with the little experiment I did though, Admittedly it did not generate free flow of the liquid, However my suprise was that the liquid did not retreat back to the source like others had suggested. In fact my experiment showed the liquid to stay motionless throughout the pipework and must have been held their by the very tension of the liquid. (Okay my experiment was uncaliberated in the sense that no mathematics had been applied to the pipes diameter, the length of pipe, the nature of the container from where the pipe was taking liquid from, the position of the output from the recepticle, the angles used in the coil, the length and height of the coil... the list could go on).

The shear reason I didn't output my findings was the fact that I need to do a caliberated varient to really create a definitive output.

As for your clain of being a Techie, well that would explain the superior complex and attitude. Ever read BOFH? You wouldn't happen to be a BT Techie would you? Heck you'll probably turn up to one of my 2600 venues.
So Stryder, no link to a dictionary, just a tangential reference to something unrelated. The _only_ thing that will prove you right is a link to that online dictionary illustrating your usage. Do it. Don't wax lyrical. Prove it.

A string of pseudoscience about freezing without admitting you were wrong, you are just trying to twist definitions. Freezing DOES NOT cause molecular damage, period.

Pushing water uphill. Perpetual motion of the kind you described is getting water to move contrary to the conservative energy field it is in. That is _exactly_ pushing water uphill. You didn't achieve it, and you weren't man enough to admit you were wrong.

As to the incinerator comment. Well you started handing out careers advice. Maybe now you see that it can be construed as inflammatory, and _you_ started that one, so get off your high horse.

Meanwhile, don't waste words with pseudoscience, get me those proofs.
For the most part, these hybrids, of which I am one, are simply living out their lives – unnoticed, undetected and unimagined – which of course is the way it was always intended to be.

If intended, the question begged, "Why bother?"