Humans of the future

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
aaarg and you call your self a doctor.
1. At our population size and reproductive rate evolution is now going to be very very VERY slow on us from here on.
2. Yes decay of the human genome is a fact and because of the wonders of modern technology people that would have die off naturally are now living lives long enough to have equally (if not more so) dysfunctional children.
3. With the emergence of genetic manipulation, Biotechnology and Cybernetics: people will soon be able to evolve Lamarckian. This means evolution that would have taken millions of year naturally will now take only decade and we will be able to evolve in what ever direction we see fit. As a species of homo sapiens we only have centuries left if not decades as the dominate life form
I whole heartedly agree with everything you said, my questions were hypothetical, how WOULD have the ways we live affect natural evolution if genetic technology's progression halted and if we WEREN'T going to be wiped out within the next thousand years? You're right about everything though so I guess my questions were pointless, but I still find it to be an interesting thought.
Well in that case I don't think we would change much over the next million year as long as a population stayed high and interbreeding.
bio machanical internet
protein slitting wires that allow the doctor to insert extra nerve endings and wires directly into the body
nanite waffers that make it imposible for people to od
biomechanical interface complex for multimedia internet
touch internet and com access
we can have it in 30 years if somebody was serious in bring it to real life
x-men theory

i would just like to add i think this entire X-Men theory that we will all have powers and what not is extreamly unreal and will never happen as much as some would like it to it wont we will i think be able to add certain abilitys to ourselves but not that gerastic

maybe some day far far down the evolutionary line it will but we cant prove it so dont hoild your breath.

Cybernetics is our future! Kids, I would watch a movie like “Ghost in the shell” best prediction of the future I have ever seen! The comic though is much better, both you can download off KazaA or DC... Oh lets not forget the GitS TV series.
I still say make something sapient that is a big improvement over us (dosnt matter if it is biological or mechanical) and just let it outcompete us.

Bit smarter, more foresighted, less nutty, with more self control, and still capable of enjoying artistic things.
If intelligence is so good (and I think it is) why are we the only species to have developed it? And how can you say it will shorten our dominance instead of lengthaning it or even not affecting it if you have no past creatures with it? All other dominances have only ended because of major geological disaters, why will ours be different? On one hand you could say we will have caused the disaster (e.g create a disease), on the other hand we could avoid the disaster (e.g. blow away an incoming meteor).

why are we the only species to have developed it?

Depends on how you view intelligence. I do think that animals share a limited form of intelligence, hell you can even say humans are lacking intelligence. The whole issue is relative. We are basing the idea of intelligence on OUR capacity for thought. Maybe an alien race would think we lack intelligence because they are so superior to us, this is sort of like what we do to animals. Its a relative issue.

All other dominances have only ended because of major geological disaters, why will ours be different?

The world has never seen organisms with our capability for invention and thought. If we are able to avoid a catastrophic event long enough, then with the current trend of growth that humans are exhibiting, we might be able to do something to avoid eminent death. We are currently a type zero civilization.

A type one civilization controls all forms of planetary power. They control the weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and the ocean. A type two civilization controls the power of a star. They can manipulate and play with stars.
A type three civilization is galactic. They have colonized most of the stars in the galaxy. On this scale, we are type zero — we get our energy from dead plants, i.e., oil.
We physicists believe that in a hundred to two hundred years we will attain type one status. However, to have warp drive, you must be an advanced type two, or type three, civilization.
-Michio Kaku

- Michio Kaku is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of the City University of New York. He graduated from Harvard and received his Ph.D. from Berkeley.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Well in that case I don't think we would change much over the next million year as long as a population stayed high and interbreeding.

This addresses both this post and Dr. Lou's post. Think seriously about who is reproducing the most in the human population. Is it the smartest people, is it the prettiest people, is it the most educated people? No, it is the opposite. Educated people curtail their reproduction far more than the uneducated. THis will eventually (or has already) lead to the majority of the population deriving from actually the least evolutionarily "fit" individuals. Theoretically, evolution could receed.
It's kind of scary when you think about it.
but should we?

Perhaps I would be percieved as one of those people who would interfere with all these grand possibilities that humans could "evolve" to become with the help of technology.

For me it comes down to the realization that just because we can do something, does not necessarily mean we should do something.
Originally posted by wrmgrl
This addresses both this post and Dr. Lou's post. Think seriously about who is reproducing the most in the human population. Is it the smartest people, is it the prettiest people, is it the most educated people? No, it is the opposite. Educated people curtail their reproduction far more than the uneducated. THis will eventually (or has already) lead to the majority of the population deriving from actually the least evolutionarily "fit" individuals. Theoretically, evolution could receed.
It's kind of scary when you think about it.

Hence the human race would remain in the same pathetic state that we are in now! :D
Nobody would ever make you get an enhancement. You would be free to stay the same while everyone else change. Its just like the Amish: Nobody makes them use cell phones.

I am sure humanity will fracture into numerous sub-species. Those that are "better" will outcompete those that are "worse".
I dunno about the human race dieing out. I mean Smart people don't reproduce as much but smart people tend to reproduce with other smart people. So eventually down the line there will be a few like SUPER smart people and a bunch of well...

Exactly! Thank you for saying it in a way that I have failed to, I got to learn how to convey ideas better.


Demands on the common redneck's brain and on that of a Cro-Magnon 70,000 years ago are nearly the same, and cranial capacity is still virtually equal! Hence as long as the world is populated with these kinds of people brainpower is not going to go up, but it won’t go down either, or else people of the future wont even be able to live.
Everybody tends to have the same amount of brain power, except in extreme diseased cases. Doesn't matter whether you lineage for the past 10,000 years has come from australia or africa or europe. For some reason genetically our brains are capable of the same capacity, unchanged by other mutations. This goes for class as well. It just that some people like to use there neurons and the majority of people don't. And of course in that respect your first 3 years will affect you for the rest of your life too.

My point is, A couple of stupid people can have a child that is smart and a couple of smart people can have a child that is stupid.

Another thing, what does "wrmgrl" mean? warm girl? war mongrel?
I think it means worm girl... about as sexually appetizing as me!

Yes I to believe that human intelligence is affected by environmental factors, but genetics does play a role as well, let worm girl get into this because I have to leave in 30min and she will just bi7ch at me if I give a quick 4ss response.
i think we should stay the same as we are right now. well guess what im not really impressed if that guy got a ph.d....people thought 50 years ago we would have flying cars. we will never be able to control the weather and that stuff. and what do u mean by smart. are you calling the people living in africa stupid? what if they dont have the resources to learn. ignorance and being "stupid" have nothing in common. a "dumb" person can be "smart" if they try hard.
Originally posted by rayzinnz

Another thing, what does "wrmgrl" mean? warm girl? war mongrel?

Wellcooked is right, it is short for worm girl, though I like the warm girl interpretation, and war mongrel cracks me up. I do reasearch on a small nematode (a type of worm) called C. elegans (you know, those worms that survived the space shuttle crash).

Besides I don't disagree with you entirely. The thing is de-evolution happens. The most intelligent, most complex organisms are not always the best able to compete. This is why bacteria are so sucessful, relatively speaking. It takes a lot of energy to maintain those complex brains of ours, and if they don't offer a substantial reproductive advantage there is no reason to expend our resources maintaining them, things may revert, entropy is always acting upon us. For this reason, de-evolution could happen, but I think an earlier post was more correct in thinking we'll probably be in the same state we are now for a long time, unless a severe selective pressure acts upon us.

As for the genetics of intelligence versus environment, it is clear that both play a role. Besides the real value of intelligence is that you use it. I know a lot of really smart people who don't make use of their intelligence, and a bunch of average people who excel and have vast knowledge because they work hard. Like most things, you get out of intelligence only what you put into it.