humans are animals, or not

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if humans were animals, we would give animals human rights.

So you are claiming:

1. Humans are not animals
2. If humans were animals we would give them human rights

Firstly, can you back up claim 1. ?

Claim 2. is more of a philosophical or an ethical one.
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humans are animals. they have the same basic functions as all other mammals, function to the MRS NERG basis... oh i love prep school science, the only thing that sets us apart is our thought process. Which has evolved and will continue to do so. For example, dolphins are the next most intelligent animals on our planet, they may be a different shape and not speak in a language we understand, but they have a very complex though process, they name each other, feel compassion, hunt logically and are the only other animal on the planet that has sex for pleasure and not just reproduction. We are not all that much different to animals if you take away our technicological advances.
Go back to trekkie threads, you sound much more lucid there.

what does trekkie mean?

Non sequitur. While all humans are animals, not all animals are human.

so A equals B, but B does not equal A?

So did African Americans only become human when white Americans finally gave them equal rights?

no, they were humans all the time. but animals will never become humans, even if we would give them human rights. if intelligent aliens came to earth, many people would probably be racist towards them too, but after a while, we would give them human rights, because they are human, even though they come from another planet.

but they have a very complex though process,

dolphins can't think philosophical thoughts.

are the only other animal on the planet that has sex for pleasure and not just reproduction.

i've never quite understood this statement. in reality, animals only have sex for pleasure, because they don't even know that sex causes them to reproduce, so they can't have sex for reproduction. humans are the only ones who have sex to reproduce.

We are not all that much different to animals if you take away our technicological advances.

technology is a byproduct of our ability to think consciously with free will. without this ability, we would BE animals.
i know it's just a matter of definition. but a definition should match reality. though it probably matches reality at the moment, at least for scientists... materialists... atheists...
So did African Americans only become human when white Americans finally gave them equal rights?
What makes you think African slaves have rights? Rights come from God, not white Americans. What are you some kind of racist? And if God doesn't exist then there is no such thing as rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
Spain has extended human rights to the great apes.
Ridiculous. Do the apes in Spain have the "right" to be taxed at 45% like the Spanish? Does the Spanish government come and take away half their bananas on April 15th? I guess that makes sense though since apes are already running the Spanish government.
Har har. What it means is that killing one is considered murder.
Even if it's an accident? What if it's in self defense?

Regardless, everyone should protect apes except Africans who should be allowed to do whatever they want and get away with it because they are black, e.g. rape, murder, torture, slavery, bush meat, etc.
Obviously, there is some problem with jurisdiction, as most great apes are not in Spain. In most places in Africa, killing a great ape is a crime, but enforcement is difficult.

We're better animals than the animals, all right? We're like them, sure, but we have air hockey and ray guns. So we're better, ok?

Curiously, I wonder if this is how aliens would see us. Of course: no air hockey, so we're still #1.
killing any animal is wrong, unless you have a good reason like food or selfdefence. but maybe it depends on the person... for me it feels wrong even if a kill an insect. a few days one of those big thin flying insects with long legs (like a mosquito) came to my room, and i had to kill it. before i used to just let them out of my room, but nowadays i've become evil, so i kill them, because they bother me... because they look scary. i hate killing them too because it's scary. i'm not afraid of ordinary mosquitos, and i don't feel wrong if i kill them because it's self defence.

but thos big 'mosquitos' or whatever.... they're so freaky... if they lose a leg, the leg might still be alive and move. they're robots.

i also saw a bug today when i was walking. i hated it. i shouldn't, because if i do, they bother me even more
that being said, i think insects and spiders are still pretty cool and fascinating in their own way.

Curiously, I wonder if this is how aliens would see us. Of course: no air hockey, so we're still #1.

aliens would see us just like i see the aliens. i see them as fellow human beings. because we are both equal. but yes.... for advanced human beings, we materialist human beings can almost seem like animals....
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killing any animal is wrong, unless you have a good reason like food or selfdefence. but maybe it depends on the person... for me it feels wrong even if a kill an insect. a few days one of those big thin flying insects with long legs (like a mosquito) came to my room, and i had to kill it. before i used to just let them out of my room, but nowadays i've become evil, so i kill them, because they bother me... because they look scary. i hate killing them too because it's scary. i'm not afraid of ordinary mosquitos, and i don't feel wrong if i kill them because it's self defence.

but thos big 'mosquitos' or whatever.... they're so freaky... if they lose a leg, the leg might still be alive and move. they're robots.

i also saw a bug today when i was walking. i hated it. i shouldn't, because if i do, they bother me even more

Wow.. the adventures of Yorda.. cool.
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