Human Right to Brainwash and Prostitute


Opinion polls consistently show that a majority of the American public supports the death penalty. A May 2005 Gallup poll had 74% of respondents in "favor of the death penalty for a person convicted of murder". In the same Gallup poll, when life imprisonment without parole was given as an option as a punishment for murder, 56% supported the death penalty and 39% supported life imprisonment, with 5% offering no opinion.

So, 56% of Americans support the death penalty, as opposed to life imprisonment. And that's only for murder - the worst crime.

Presumably the 74% is in relation to a question like "Can you think of any circumstances where the death penalty would be justified?"

56% is hardly an overwhelming majority. I think we can let the discussion rest there.

Oh, it's not that; I don't think it's backwards. Though, you are also making another assertion: you are saying that holding on to anything from the past makes a society backwards.

No. I'm saying that persisting with outdated ideas is backwards.

Keeping some old ways doesn't make a state "backwards"...

This is a straw man.

so how about this: you can keep your Australia with no culture or interesting history whatsoever, and America will stay America.

I'm not sure what you're arguing here. But I agree with you - America will stay America. It could hardly do otherwise.

No, not better to execute them; but I asked you, IS IT WORTH HALTING THE ENTIRE JUSTICE SYSTEM FOR SUCH A SMALL RISK?

The entire justice system doesn't need to be halted. Just do the sensible thing and abolish the death penalty. Problem solved. Get it?

So, 56% of Americans support the death penalty, as opposed to life imprisonment. And that's only for murder - the worst crime.

Presumably the 74% is in relation to a question like "Can you think of any circumstances where the death penalty would be justified?"

56% is hardly an overwhelming majority. I think we can let the discussion rest there.
74% is the statistic I am looking at, and it's a decent amount.

No. I'm saying that persisting with outdated ideas is backwards.
I quite agree with you.

I just disagree on what counts as "outdated". See?

The entire justice system doesn't need to be halted. Just do the sensible thing and abolish the death penalty. Problem solved. Get it?
I just can't agree with that. We need a better way where we don't have to be lenient on criminals.
I just disagree on what counts as "outdated". See?

I know. And only one of us can be right. Unless we're both wrong.

I just can't agree with that. We need a better way where we don't have to be lenient on criminals.

If you think prison is a holiday camp, why aren't you lining up to go there?
No, I'm simply asking a question.

Do you have the right to buy?

I guess you have to read the UN Declaration on Human Rights, right James? Is it stated there explicitly or not?

Peace be unto you ;)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 23

(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.


Therefore, people have the right to choose to be prostitutes.

As for brainwashing:

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion...


So, brainwashing is out.

Therefore, people have the right to choose to be prostitutes.

See, wasn't that easy? So is there any Human Rights group that is arguing to stop this Humans Right Abuse by almost all major countries of the world?

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion...


So, brainwashing is out.


So the schooling system is out? I would think this excludes parenting as well?

Peace be unto you ;)
See, wasn't that easy?

Yes. In fact, I urged you and others to go and look at the Declaration many times, but in the end I had to dig it up for you due to your poor research skills.

So is there any Human Rights group that is arguing to stop this Humans Right Abuse by almost all major countries of the world?

Which human rights abuse?

So the schooling system is out? I would think this excludes parenting as well?

Not unless the schooling or parenting involves stifling freedom of thought.

It would appear to rule out Islamic madrassas, certainly.
Yes. In fact, I urged you and others to go and look at the Declaration many times, but in the end I had to dig it up for you due to your poor research skills.

Well you were giving me contradictory statements, you said Yes, and then you say its 'implicit' and so no one is abusing human rights as your question below is again evidence of that.

Which human rights abuse?

Is denying human rights not abusing them?

Not unless the schooling or parenting involves stifling freedom of thought.

And so you want to make them think like secularists and that is not 'stifling freedom of thought'?

It would appear to rule out Islamic madrassas, certainly.

But you are okay with everything being secularist in essence?

Peace be unto you ;)
you act as if a school is secularist that it will mean a ban of certain schools of thought, when in fact it would be ommited from a public education forum and instead could be pursued outside that institution. no problem there.
you act as if a school is secularist that it will mean a ban of certain schools of thought, when in fact it would be ommited from a public education forum and instead could be pursued outside that institution. no problem there.

So schools should be reserved to brainwash student with secularism alone... there is no room for some other ideology as a competitor because it seems there only so much room in a persons mind to brainwash :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
So schools should be reserved to brainwash student with secularism alone... there is no room for some other ideology as a competitor because it seems there only so much room in a persons mind to brainwash :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)

who is saying a school that does not teach religious doctrine would speak ill of it? noone said that but you seem to be assuming it. If those matters are left to be decided outside school then how can any brainwashing be occurring. The answer,it cant.
why shouldn't theology be studied? how would a nice overview of the world's major religions be a bad thing? religion has been a driving force in history and behind societies for as long as history has been recorded. philosophy is studied. mythology is studied. are atheists really that threatened by the concept of god? i wonder if it ever occurred to them that if religion was actually studied, that religious people wouldn't be so ignorant. as a matter of fact, it seems to me that atheists study religion more than religious people do.
Well you were giving me contradictory statements, you said Yes, and then you say its 'implicit' and so no one is abusing human rights as your question below is again evidence of that.

Is denying human rights not abusing them?

Here's your next task: Look up the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. That's what (many) countries have actually signed up to in terms of implementing the Universal Declaration.

And so you want to make them think like secularists and that is not 'stifling freedom of thought'?

I have no problem with religious people thinking religiously, as long as they don't infringe on basic human rights as a result.

But you are okay with everything being secularist in essence?

Depends what you mean by "everything". In terms of schools, yes, I'm okay with that.
I know. And only one of us can be right. Unless we're both wrong.
Neither of us are wrong. Hint: it's called an opinion.

If you think prison is a holiday camp, why aren't you lining up to go there?
I'm a law-abiding citizen; and why should child molesters get three hots, a cot, and TV for the rest of their lives?

We must be strict as a society. Break the law, and suffer the consequences; be a good citizen, and get rewarded.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 23

(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
That is politically slanted; it essentially "forces" a capitalist system, except for the last part which is politically slanted to the left (how can you be "protected" against unemployment?)

It also makes state-assigned jobs and limits on jobs not possible.