human level artificial intelligence

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nubianconcubine said:
totally switching sides here and sorry for it but...
a human mind isn't capable of this undertaking because there's only so much a human mind can do. now a computer with human intelligence could process the date much more quickly and efficiently making a cure a very feasable possibility.
I doubt very much that all the needed information to cure cancer is already floating around and no one has happened to put the pieces together yet. The information needed to cure cancer most likely simply isn't known yet - we don't yet know enought about biology in general and cancer cells in particular. It doesn't matter how "smart" the computer is if the data needed to come up with a solution hasn't been collected yet.
The information needed to cure cancer most likely simply isn't known yet

Abott Lab uses combinatorial chemistry using computer software....The information needed to cure cancer is available but has not been correlated yet. It would require an advanced computer to do so.

For example I am working on an algorithm that can create the face from only a person's DNA. I do not excpect any great results until the next generation of Paracel computers. Right now, it is like predicting weather using an Abacus.

BTW: Paracel Computer is used for drug is cool...
That's amazing mkguru. To think it could be possible to infer a person's actual physical features by examining their genotypes (with the exception of those with Down's Syndrome, of course).

I've been under the impression that the information contained in DNA are highly contextual. That what they actually mean in the real physical world are contingent on the information contained in the machinery that act upon it and make it do what it does (ie. divide and differentiate).

Does that mean that the software you are writing is able to circumvent/contain that huge lump of intuition that our contextual machinery uses to interpret that DNA?

How does that work?
Consider the DNA as the blue print to build a house that describes in detail where each brick is placed. I am ignoring the mechanism that tells how the organic machine operates...that would be too complex at this time of our technological level. I am focusing on the area that expresses the cell mapping system which defines the structure in 3-dimesional space. The cells have that information which comes from the DNA.

I got this idea from the organ growth of Salmanders when one is cut or lost.

It is no cake walk...and needs a lot of computing power plus visualization software that can translate a mathematical model to a relief representation.

That is why I will take some time....I am just scratching the surface.

Whether I do it or someone else does it... someday....the principle is the same
kmguru said:
Abott Lab uses combinatorial chemistry using computer software....The information needed to cure cancer is available but has not been correlated yet. It would require an advanced computer to do so.
The main thing holding back comptational biology is lack of computing power. I don't think you would really need "intelligent" computers to slog through the math, just really really fast ones.
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"The information needed to cure cancer most likely simply isn't known yet"

That statement is true. the fact of the matter is that the entire medical community don't know how to cure it and probably never will (without computers). if they continue their research they won't find the solution. it is through computers that the cure can be found.

i don't know if you ever heard of "intelligent drugs" before but it is a combination of nanotechnolgy and computer software. It uses cell machines to create an antibody for any virus. The cell machines are programmed to do specific things in the human body such as search for cancer cells, search for Aids virus, destroy cancer cell, destroy AIDs cell etc. It modifies its composition based on the virus and adapt with the virus so killing it is very easy.

Now, with this intelligent drug all human diseases including cancer and HIV are solved. Any epidemic can be cured because the drug adapts. Although my human level artificial intelligence program don't have anything to do with this intelligent drugs, the components that make up my program can help in the technology.
Technically Cancer is a mutation of cells, so you are really asking "How do we cure Evolution?" since afterall it's like the controls for how cells evolve have distabilise, become damaged and then spun out of control. (This is both Evolution in the broad sense and localised to just cell changes by RNA)
mackmack said:
Although my human level artificial intelligence program don't have anything to do with this intelligent drugs, the components that make up my program can help in the technology.

May I suggest that you offer the program (for a fee ofcourse) to NOAA to predict weather and Hurricanes and Tsunamis....that could save a lot of lives and make you rich in the process.
mackmack said:
Now, with this intelligent drug all human diseases including cancer and HIV are solved. Any epidemic can be cured because the drug adapts.
Just out of interest - what's to stop the drug adapting into something harmful to humans - a type of virus of parasite itself?

(This is a question that comes up when dealing with any technology utilising evolution; especially if it replicates. If you build in any directive more important than survival, then should a random copying error remove that directive that strain will outsurvive the others and eventually the directive will be lost entirely...)
you mean creating your own virus??? that is a very difficult thing to do and require lots of amount of money and scientists. The intelligent drug is programmed by software and it functions the way its suppposed to. for example if it was programmed to kill cancer cells then it will kill cancer cells only and leave the healthy cells alone. if the cancer cell mutates then the computer will determine that its still a cancer cell and it will adapt and kill it. all the other healthy cells are left alone. the mutation is a guided thing and isn't random.

on the other hand you could be talking about buggs and glitches on a software system. the computer might malfunction and do things that it wasn't suppose to. This is why the technology must be tested over and over again and it will handle the problem under "all situations". This is why computer scientists must prove the program works 100% using mathematical equations. fail safe is the key. i'm sure the scientists will make this thing fail safe before it is tested on animals or humans.
We are looking for a few smart programmers who already have tinkered with open source AI programs. Send us your resume and let us work on some fun projects.
You offering a job guru? i can help your company build things like:

1. intelligent operating systems -- machines capable of understanding and communicating through spoken langauge.

2. intelligent search engines -- capable of searching images/movies/and other media. currently search engines only use text matching.

3. automated cars -- cars that can drive safely from one destination to the next in the fastest and safest way possible. follows all traffice laws too.
I am sure you can. Have you done anything for a company or institution, so that that can be used as a basis for the client to agree to do the project. Perhaps in 6 months or so we hope to engage in an interesting project. Then we can talk.
nope never done any "big" projects for a company. Most of my work is application and database. on my free times i work on the UAI program. i have the program partially done and it can play simple games like atari and gameboy/nintendo games. I have put up some demo programs on my website to look at.

if you would like to work together, i can use the existing UAI program as the basis for the project. Maybe improve the program to the point where it can play complex games such as x-box 360 or playstation 3. Then we can move on to things like automated cars/planes. I have the computer codes all mapped out, but brain power and computer scientists are needed to complete the program.
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