human level artificial intelligence

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Human level Artificial Intelligence

this technology will allow us to:

1. cure cancer, HIV, and all human diseases

2. create automated cars

3. create robots with human intelligence

4. create technology to protect america from terrorism.

please follow the link below to read more about this new invention. this can make an interesting story to cover.
You want someone to fund your "research" that costs "anywhere from 200 to 500 billion dollars".
i know. how ridiculous. but quess what? if i had 1000 of me i can build this thing myself. the fact is money is needed to hire thousands of computer geeks to finish the programming codes. this thing is 100s of times longer thanthe windows operating system.

and this is no joke either.
maybe but i have to make some money first. whats the point of spending all that money if i don't make anything from it.

by the way, what do you think about the technology? winner loser?? any comments friends and i have been talking about AI for the longest (myspace) and we don't know if this is a good thing. seriously.
i know. all the benefits of it are enormous. but has anyone stopped to think about the pitfalls of this? have you taken the time to iron out all the "bugs" with such a monumental undertaking. we're not talking about a new game system. these things will eventually interact with society and that's no small thing. not to mention all the applications the military would be itching to use them for. as a rule, all ground-breaking technology is used first for war, then for the people. :( and someone somewhere will find a way to use it for war.
now i'm not a treehugger by any means. i like my paper towels. i demand paper bills even though i have internet. and i like old cars with eight - count 'em, EIGHT - :cool: gas-guzzling cylinders working hard to make my speed happy...but the kind of change this technology will bring about is ginormous.
hey, i'm all for the benefits. bring it on. i am not looking forward to the tumultuous(?) power struggles that will ensue over it or the probable outcome of said conflicts.
but, hey. that's just me.
the question you have been asking has been on my mind for a long time. but we have to wiegh out not only the bad but the good. don't listen to hollywood because they are a bunch of idiots. they make movies to put down anything they don't understand.

first of all i'm not lying when i said i can build these things. second, the book has the proof, so if you are skeptical go and read the book. Third is the codes to human intelligence is in our dna and evetually we would of figured it out.

people are afraid of this technology because hollywood brainwash them into thinking if you build robots that are smarter than mankind they will somehow wipe us out. thats not true. these things are empty containers, we can build whatever we wnat to build. we can build machines to kill people or we can build machines to help people; its really up to the computer scientists. (just because human beings are smarter than animals doesn't mean we are going to kill them all)

i mean if god was afraid of free will put into human beings then why create human beings in the first place? they eventually will reverse engineer the brain and find out how to put it into a software and use the technology to build smarter things.
one thing about God. he doesn't care about the robots because he's not the one that's going to be screwed by their onset. :p
as far as hollywood goes, nearly every bit of technology we have today was once a dream.
and lastly, this AI will be exactly that: intelligent . sure, it won't go around killing people offhand at first. however, this intelligence will probably have the capacity to learn. then it will do one of three things. continue it's "benevolent" coexistense with mankind. discover that others are a threat to it's creators and decide to take them out. decide that mankind is more trouble than we're worth and annihilate us all.
a simple machine can be safely programmed to do only as it is told. but when you add the word "intelligence" to it, it becomes a whole new kettle of fish. intelligence is a very weighty term and full of all kinds of implications and they all point in the same direction: awareness. you cannot expect to build a truly intelligent machine and have it remain clueless to the world, it's habits, it's struggles, it's complexity and not adapt to it in some way. and that's just if this technology is left to it's own devices.
now you have to consider it's interactions with the world playing a part in it's "behavior". it could very well be great. it has the potential, i can't argue with that. but there ARE people that won't like it. there are people that will want it gone. and anything with any amount of intelligence is going to want to...well, survive for lack of a better word. just because it is made of synthetic materials doesn't mean that it will be passive to outside aggression. and there will be outside aggression, my friend. ;)
in any case, these are just my concerns. it's not that i'm uncomfortable with the technology. i'm uncomfortable with the world's reception and ability to adapt to the technology. 'cause somebody's gonna do some crazy sh-...junk, and the next thing you know we're going to have a whole bunch of pissed off robots or whatnot on our hands. and that's not cool.
mack1234 said:
maybe but i have to make some money first. whats the point of spending all that money if i don't make anything from it
You certainly won't get any funding by staying on geocities. Spend a little bit of money on a website with an actual domain name, like and maybe you'll get more credibility.
You won't get any funding full stop. There's no evidence that you've either done any of the things you claim, such as "reverse engineering the human brain", or that the predictions you've made are reliable. There are no details on any step of the procedure.
Finally, your budget, which exceeds the GDPs of all but 20 countries, is about sixty times that of the ITER.
"the more things change the more it stays the same" that statement comes to mind when i think about it. guns are used to hurt people, then why not get rid of all the guns in the world? because if the good guys (cops) don't want guns, the bad guys will (robbers)

we either do it the right way (build technology to help people). or we do it the wrong way (suppressing the technology and letting bad people get a hold of it).
mack1234 said:
"the more things change the more it stays the same" that statement comes to mind when i think about it. guns are used to hurt people, then why not get rid of all the guns in the world? because if the good guys (cops) don't want guns, the bad guys will (robbers)

we either do it the right way (build technology to help people). or we do it the wrong way (suppressing the technology and letting bad people get a hold of it).
Oh, that totally made me change my mind.

Keep on topic please. How do you expect to get any funding at all when you won't even pay for your own website?
Communist Hamster said:
Oh, that totally made me change my mind.

Keep on topic please. How do you expect to get any funding at all when you won't even pay for your own website?
...uuh...i think he was talking to me...
but i still disagree. :D
you sound like every government official i've ever heard. "we have to have it first so that we can possibly save millions of lives." what they really mean to say is, "we have to have it first so we can possibly save millions of the lives we deem worthy ie. ours."
we are not mature enough as a society/civilization to deal with AI at the present. yeah, we have nukes. and look at the way we're holding our own world hostage with them.
look, i admit it i did exaggerate what my program does. when i say human intelligence it means human intelligence. a baby has human intelligence, a teen has human intelligence, and an adult has human intelligence. (the truth) my program certainly has baby intelligence, but its not capable of going to adult intelligence. and beyond.

you have to understand even if a program does reach human intelligence, our computers today aren't capable of running such a program. its like running a 600 meg movie on a 1 megahertz computer; its not possible. the storage space to store even baby intelligence is very great and even the most powerful computers today can't handle that.

i apologize to some people here for misleading them on what i was trying to present.
mack1234 said:
Human level Artificial Intelligence

this technology will allow us to:

1. cure cancer, HIV, and all human diseases
If intelligent humans can't do this yet, why would a computer with human-level intelligence be able to? Wouldn't the computer have to be substantially more intelligent than a human to accomplish this?
Nasor said:
If intelligent humans can't do this yet, why would a computer with human-level intelligence be able to? Wouldn't the computer have to be substantially more intelligent than a human to accomplish this?

totally switching sides here and sorry for it but...
a human mind isn't capable of this undertaking because there's only so much a human mind can do. now a computer with human intelligence could process the date much more quickly and efficiently making a cure a very feasable possibility. yes, a computer only outputs what is input. however, whatever can be input can be analyzed, tested, models made, whatever and a solution reached. also, we could already have all the necessary data to come up with a cure. we just don't know how to put the pieces together. a computer would be able to put the data together in different ways until an appropriate conclusion has been reached.
it would be kind of like you not knowing the sqare root of some obscenely large number. you could, in theory, find it for yourself. however, the computer would find it faster and with much less error involved. it's not the we can't. it's that it would be very, very, very, very, very, very, veeeeeeeery hard.

as far as baby intelligence goes. well, babies learn. quickly. imagine a computer that can learn only at a much more accelerated rate. not pretty. talk about the pupil smarting off to the teacher.
If you can not do it for $100,000 - then forget it. That is how much the grants are available for Phase one.
I agree that AI will eventually surpass human intelligence, but what's the deal with cars? Are we all so brainwashed by car culture that we can't see any future without them? AI would likely take a greater role in zoning and urban planning so that the artificial need to drive all over the place constantly is minimized.
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