Huge Earthquake this month JULY 08

The day is not over Draqon!

the breath is not out...the candle is still burning....the pigeon is still afloat....the clouds are still going...the life is still breathing....the sun is shining...the ants are still crawling...the cars are still rolling...the boys are still drooling...the world is still spinning...the song is still singing...the music is still playing...the girls are still flirting...the market is still working...the kids are still screaming...the gangstas are still messing...the eyes are still looking...
Sadly, that wasn't it.. I suffered another eight years. I hope it'll be over now.

dude...we humans will reign upon this universe. Our power is unsurpassed by anything, anytime. We will survive and we shall reign and all will bow before us!