How young is too young?

im still trying to work out if that was a compliment or sarcastic
and what does "OT:" mean?
if parenting were left up to parents, we would be majorly fucked
there should be standards.
scientific not emotional.
consistency in ethics rather than inspired adhoccery

long live the state
"it takes a village..." I think children learn best when they are exposed to a lot of things, the good and the bad. People forget that kids can have opinions too. Especially when their parents aren't around. When hurricane Katrina happened the parents did not want us to discuss anything with their kids, but the kids talked about it anyway and some of the things they said really amazed us. "From the mouth of babes" :)
I think sex ed should be MORE compulsery than subjects like maths and english. The last thing we want is America where the only form of sex Ed a kid learns is "abstanace"

As if students today aren't bad enough at maths and sciences, you want to lower focus on these topics for sex ed? What's wrong with teaching abstinence? Does it make you mad that it's the only foolproof method against STDs and unwanted teen pregnancies?

Parents should have no say in wether sex ED is taught, in fact i am almost tempted to suggest that MORE classes be given to kids whos parents refuse. There is no other area of curiculam where the parents get a say and nore should there be

As long as the parents pay for and look after their kids, they have full say in their matter. If a child is sucking off his or her parents' teet, then the parents are naturally to have authority over them. What kids are being taught is knowledge that all parents should be informed about, and should have the option to filter. Not everyone wants their five-year old son, whose balls have not yet dropped, to learn about how to put a condom on properly.

As an example i know a 16 year old girl who when i met her had no idea about sex. She thought that kissing got you pregnant, that as long as a guy pulled out she was safe from pregnancy, had no idea what the morning after pill was. She has had 5 sexual partners in the last 2 years and she has NEVER used a condom or any form of protection. This includes for the guy she just met and screwed.

All things in balance, man. While I oppose teaching kids who should be playing with toys and barbies sex education, I also oppose not teaching them anything at all. What's wrong with, say, grade 6/7? Don't children naturally ascend to puberty around this time, anyway? The timing only seems logical to me.

Of all the topics taught at school sex ED is the MOST important

Yes, all of our great advances in civilization have been due largely in part to safer sex methods. :rolleyes:
So kids are there parents property?

So if you abuse your kid no one should procicute you because they are your right?


If you dont want to teach them about maths, well they are yours to do with as you please


sociaty sets standards on parenting and i fully surport it that SOCIATY belives kids should know more than the bare minium some parents want to "teach" there kids
If it helps to stop pedifiles from harming the kids wether those happen to be the parents or not i fully surport it.

(i apologise if this comes out slightly incoherant, my partner is away so i am slightly drunk:))
Firstly.. This is not about "sex ed" really, but whether the school should have sought the consent of the parents before teaching the children about inappropriate touching and behaviour.. as in who can touch where and who cannot, etc.


Your assumption is wrong however
parents dont have rights they have responcabilities
Asguard, as a parent, I can assure you, I do have rights (and responsibilities) over what my son is taught and what he participates in at kinder.

There are some things that the school needs the consent of the parents before proceeding. It is the rights of parents to know what their children are being taught in schools. You also have to remember that this class did not take place in a school but in a kindergarten.

because i know girls who have ended up pregnant because they didn't know what sex was. I have known guys who have prayed upon that lack of knowledge and claimed that the withdrawal method stops pregnancy. One girl in paticular came from a very far of right christan group, she was pregnant at 13, she had an abortion but had another kid at 14. She is now a drug adict, her family wont talk to her and she is trying to raise a kid. Why? in a country like Australia is that happerning?
We are not talking about sexually active teenagers, but 5 year olds in a kindergarten. I can assure you, no 5 year old would be able to fully comprehend sex and its dangers, be it STD's or pregnancy. Do you think a 5 year old should be taught about sex? Personally I don't. I'd rather my child remain as innocent as long as possible. That does not mean to say I would not teach them about inappropriate touching and when to tell someone. But I would want to teach my child that first, not send him off to kinder and then have complete strangers do it for me. As a parent, it is my right and my responsibility to teach my infant that.

Also i see the amount of cases of adults who were abused as children by the people they trusted INCLUDING parents. The younger these kids can be taught to protect themselves the better. If that offends some "parents" moral belifes thats just to bad, especially if the parents are the ones doing the abusing.
It doesn't matter. The parents should still have given their consent before their children were made to undertake that class. It is not up to the school to discuss sex with other people's 5 year olds. The group that runs these courses have also complained that many schools had failed to seek parental consent as well. It doesn't bother me that the school teaches that subject. It bothers me that the parents were completely unaware of it in the first place.

Parental consent is needed for everything in regards to schools. If a child has a headache, a school is not even allowed to give it paracetamol without parental consent.

The same goes for Sex ED. Its set by the department of education with advice from the health department, AMA ect rather than religious groups. That is why i belive it should be compulsery because its been set by the right people, ie those who work in the area rather than people who have an ajender to push
As far as I am aware, sex education is basically in year 7 in Australian schools. The push in Tasmania, and elsewhere, is for sexual predator awareness and to help keep children safe from inappropriate touching, etc. I'm sorry, but if my son's kinder did the same thing and did not ask for my consent, I'd be angry as well. Firstly, I think parents should also be made to attend the class with their children and most of all, parents should have been given the right to consent to it. Even the Government group that runs the classes want the parents to consent to it.
(first has i have done in every responce i have made i would like to apoligise if i seem a little incoherant)

"Parental consent is needed for everything in regards to schools. If a child has a headache, a school is not even allowed to give it paracetamol without parental consent. "

im sorry but this is for a compleatly DIFFERNT reason bell ie allergys

As for inapropriate touching ect i dont have a problem if the parents want to sit in, prepare the child whatever they feel they have to do to feel couftable. BUT if i was the teacher and you refused to give concent i would be watching your child VERY closly for signes of sexual abuse. The Australian goverment has already shown that it doesnt really give a toss about "parents rights" its parents responcibilities it cares about. Look at the NT if you dont belive me
As for inapropriate touching ect i dont have a problem if the parents want to sit in, prepare the child whatever they feel they have to do to feel couftable. BUT if i was the teacher and you refused to give concent i would be watching your child VERY closly for signes of sexual abuse. The Australian goverment has already shown that it doesnt really give a toss about "parents rights" its parents responcibilities it cares about. Look at the NT if you dont belive me

You are approaching this as though abuse is already an issue. Parents do have a right to consent to extra-curricular activities their children may be subject to. It is their right. This class was not the norm in this Tasmanian kindergarten. It was an extra-curricular activity, whereby the child's normal day to day activity has been stopped and she has been made to sit in that class. As far as I am concerned, any extra-curricular activity that goes on in my son's kindergarten, I am well within my rights to demand I consent to it. Hell, even they demand I consent to it. An animal handler comes to the kinder for a couple of hours and I need to give consent for my son to attend the session with his classmates. That's how it goes.

The Government does not have the right to do whatever it wants to or with our children. If there is abuse or they suspect abuse, the children's right to safety will take precedence while an investigation takes place. If a parent fails in his/her responsibility in protecting and caring for their child, then their rights are virtually suspended and they are denied the right to the custody of their child. You need to approach this from a standpoint where there is no abuse and where a parent has been kept out of the loop in regards to her 5 year old's education, resulting in her child being taught about sex without her knowledge. She now has to deal with the fact that her daughter's classmates then went on to inappropriately touch her daughter and the teachers did nothing about it when her daughter reported it. If that were my daughter, damn right I'd be angry and be demanding explanations left, right and center. I have a right to know what goes on in my son's school while he is there.
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