How young is too young?

Well they (education boards etc.) teach the mechanics of sex which is something i never needed to be taught. At least that can be taught in 10-15 minutes and it has no value unless you want to become a doctor. It is the psychological aspect that needs to be taught because most do not learn this until later in life and by that time it is too late.

Rape\Date Rape
Teen Pregnancy

The numbers dont lie.

I remember little from my own sex ed classes except that the teacher would sit on a desk in front of the class and had really nice legs but that was all i really paid attention to.

So basically they teach kids how to use equipment and then bombard them with sexual imagery in the media...very effective:rolleyes:
Hell no, im sorry i missread your post the first time.
To be perfectly honest i dont know what to say. I am not in favor of parents choseing whether to let there kids learn sex ed because i dont think the religious nuts should be able to keep that knowlage from there children but when the religious right has infected the whole system i dont know what you do. I would say you will just have to teach that yourself. Maybe you should let your kids go and see how nutty the religious right is (after you talk to them first)
... i dont think the religious nuts should be able to keep that knowlage from there children but when the religious right has infected the whole system i dont know what you do. I would say you will just have to teach that yourself. Maybe you should let your kids go and see how nutty the religious right is (after you talk to them first)

What knowledge? Do you teach a 5 year old how to do a root canal?
we learned starting in primary school (and its years since i did this so i may miss some stuff)

How to say no
stranger danger
Rape and sexual assult
different methods of conctrceptive (NEVER use that copper wire, thats evil)
choices for unwanted pregnancy
Homosexuality and Homophobia

Edit to add i suggest you have a look at the ciriculam on the sHine page i posted
Jozen-Bo said:

They don't need to know how to have a 8 hour orgasm or too much about what an orgasm is- but they should know about their bodies as soon as possible. That other stuff should come later!!!

You know, I think specific pleasure-enhancement techniques are one aspect of sexuality that should definitely be kept out of the hands of the public-education bureaucracy. These people have a hard enough time teaching basic math and writing skills without screwing up. They can't seem to put together a decent history education.

Certainly, the details of technique should come later, like when people are old enough to go out and read a proper book on the subject.
thats why i belive in a system where things like this are decided between the education department, the child wealfare departments and the health department.

I dont belive parents should have ANY input, but they are welcome to knock on doors and be ignored

Are you a parent, Asguard?

As a parent I am the final arbiter of what my young children should and should not be exposed to. As a former elementary school teacher I did not feel it was my place to be in loco parentis on such a personal matter as sex education of the very young. When children are very young, ie. below the age of seven or eight it is the responsibility of the parents to decide just how much sex education they will receive, not of the state.

"I dont belive parents should have ANY input, but they are welcome to knock on doors and be ignored."

I find this statement to be particularly ludicrus. Perhaps we should extend that to, the parents should have no say in what their children eat, who their children play with, what their children watch on television, what books they read, whether they go to church or not.

Just where do you see the rights of the parents ending and being superceded by the state?
"rights of the parents"

No i am not a parent yet (hopefully in the next couple of years i will be)
Your assumption is wrong however
parents dont have rights they have responcabilities
The responcability to send there kids to school for example which if not followed will force the state to remove your child and\or santion you
the responcability to feed and cloths your child
the responcability to love your child


I am training to work in the health care field and you know what? we see more kids of right wing christians with unwanted pregancy's than we do non christan familys

I dont know what countrie you live in but Australia puts the rights of the parent WAY below the rights of the child
...Your assumption is wrong however
parents dont have rights they have responcabilities....

LOL, the parents have rights. Its their tax dollars that pay for the schools. It was parents that put a stop to this. Should they have minded their own business and let the schools do what they have always done?

The Harnett County School system, under pressure from a national civil rights group, has halted the long-standing tradition of allowing the Gideon organization to distribute Bibles to elementary students.

Harnett County Superintendent of Schools Dan Honeycutt said his system had little choice but to stop handing out Bibles to young students.

"The American Civil Liberties Union contacted us and said it was a violation of Constitutional rights," Mr. Honeycutt said. "They asked us to stop handing out the Bibles

If their child has to sit through a sex ed class that they don't morally think is right, then my child should have to take a Bible, which I don't think is morally right. My beliefs are not their beliefs and vice-versa.

Why does it bother you so much? :shrug:
because i know girls who have ended up pregnant because they didn't know what sex was. I have known guys who have prayed upon that lack of knowledge and claimed that the withdrawal method stops pregnancy. One girl in paticular came from a very far of right christan group, she was pregnant at 13, she had an abortion but had another kid at 14. She is now a drug adict, her family wont talk to her and she is trying to raise a kid. Why? in a country like Australia is that happerning?

Also i see the amount of cases of adults who were abused as children by the people they trusted INCLUDING parents. The younger these kids can be taught to protect themselves the better. If that offends some "parents" moral belifes thats just to bad, especially if the parents are the ones doing the abusing.
Schools are not kids parents, but sex ed should be mandatory in at least junior high. And parents should have no say. At my kids school they have alcohol and drug lectures all the time at elementary schools (D.A.R.E) and red ribbon week and they never ask the parents permission if they think their child should be hearing about things like that and similar to drugs and alcohol, sex can effect a child's life just the same and sex ed is more important because your kid may choose whether to give alcohol or other drugs a try or not, but unless they become a nun or priest right out of high school they are going to have sex one day and with all the ignorant adults I see something needs to be done.
Parents should ALWAYS have a say. If my kids school taught creationism, I damn well better have a say in whether or not they are taught it. If the sex ed class teaches that homosexuality is a mental illness, I better have a say in that as well.
They would not teach creationism because it is not considered a science. at least here in California and homosexuality is just described not judged. I sat in on both my son's and daughter's class, so I could hear what they were but I guess things are different in other parts of the US or wherever. Parents no longer have a say if their school teaches evolution. Its important for parents to teach their kids what they believe and what their moral standards are, but ultimately its up to the kid to decide what they want to believe. least here in California and homosexuality is just described not judged. I sat in on both my son's and daughter's class, so I could hear what they were but I guess things are different in other parts of the US or wherever.....

why did you sit in? What if homosexuality wasn't just described but judged?
Orleander i have been thinking about your point and comparing the US system to the Australian one

In australia the states decide the ciruluam although there is a lot of cross hashing in our system than in yours (actually there is a push for a national curiculam)

I think the main problem with the US system is that the religious right has already infected it. Creation is not science and was NEVER taught at any Australian school i know of, some religious schools may chose to mention it but it would go against the ciriculam to teach it rather than evolution (they would lose there licence to teach at all if they did)

The same goes for Sex ED. Its set by the department of education with advice from the health department, AMA ect rather than religious groups. That is why i belive it should be compulsery because its been set by the right people, ie those who work in the area rather than people who have an ajender to push

One difference between the US and Australia seems to be that as a general rule we can trust our goverment departments to act in a way that benifits sociaty as a whole. Maybe you should move countries
Sometimes I feel out of place when the kids at the daycare center ask me questions about sex. Its my job to teach them but at the same time I not sure what is okay to tell them and what isn't. One time a little boy told me that his friend said that a baby came from a mother's vagina and was never in her stomach. He is only four but I told him that he should ask his mother and he got mad at me. So I told his mother about what he had asked and she got mad at me and told me I was running some sort of sick establishment and she pulled him out for a week. I guess the news got around and another boy asked the same question so I told him it was true and then he was satisfied and his parents never said anything. What should i do in cases like that?
there is a really good book called "where do babies come from", its a piture book (cant rember the author) my parents bought it when i was quite young and put it on the book shelf. They told us to read it when we wanted to and to ask them any questions we had. As for questions like that in daycare why dont you get in touch with the Department of Education and see what they sugest?
I went to a christian elementary school and when they talked about Mary Magdelene(sp?) and we would ask what a prostitute was and they would say it meant that she sold her body and we all that she was selling her organs to people.:roflmao: and we couldn't figure out why everyone wanted to stone her. I thought organ donors were all bad people and that they to hell for quite a few years after that. :D
there is a really good book called "where do babies come from", its a piture book (cant rember the author) my parents bought it when i was quite young and put it on the book shelf. They told us to read it when we wanted to and to ask them any questions we had. As for questions like that in daycare why dont you get in touch with the Department of Education and see what they sugest?

OT: Asguard, i love the way you write. Its very natural.