how would you live if God doesn't exist?


a realist
Valued Senior Member
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone

There are folks who believe they know beyond reasonable doubt that
God does not exist, why don't ask them?

question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc

It would be second nature, kill everything in sight. Not having to worry about judgment or hell. Nothing could hold me back. Murder, rape.... just name it and I would do it.:rolleyes:
It would be second nature, kill everything in sight. Not having to worry about judgment or hell. Nothing could hold me back. Murder, rape.... just name it and I would do it.:rolleyes:


God will supposedly only judge us at the end of our lives, others are more eager to do so while we are still alive.
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone

Some 'christians' do a lot of number one anyway.

And if all the law-abiding athiests on this planet can live a fruitful, moral life, why wouldn't Christians be able to?
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone
I would simply accept whatever is agreeable to meet the demands of sleeping, eating, mating and defending within the medium of society, friendship, fame etc
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone

Christians and other religions all lie cheat and steal with God at their side while putting on a honest, kind and nice front to fool others with.
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone

Of course #1. We would go on a murderous binge and looting every home on the way, because theists don't lie and kill. Oh wait.....
Yeah, I agree with most of you. Religions like Chritsianty and Islam are unfortunately mostly BS. But just because those God-based, man-corrupt-power based religions are very inadequate, doesn't mean we should then stop searching for the OPTIMUM path to take in life.

I consider myself mostly a Buddhist/Taoist (I don't really see the point in Confucionism) after growing up Christian, and like most of you, seeing through the BS and political game of my church from ayoung age. I urge all of you atheists to look into these eastern religions, they can really help us on our paths (waaaayyyy more than Christianity and Islam, which dont even scratch the surface of reality).

Common guys, we all know this world this fake and an illusion. There is another world/realm beyond this one. Look at all the near-death experiences and people's experiences on heavy psychedelics like DMT where they enter this other realm, if only for 5 minutes.

When we die, we will leave our bodies and go into this realm. SO STOP WORRYING ABOUT GOD AND THE BIBLE and whether or not he exists, and start worrying instead about the OPTIMUM path we can take to prepare for the afterlife.

Think about it, when we have bad trips on psychedelics it's because our minds are not pure. They are corrupt and full of desires, cravings, guilt from past deeds, etc. The Bhagavad Gita mentions that the state of our minds at the moment of death will determine whether we have a "bad trip" in the afterlife.

So our goal should be to become as enlightened as possible as to the nature of self and of reality through 1) meditation and possibly some heavy psychedelics like DMT, Salvia, etc.

I've tried Salvia, but not DMT and don't remember much of what happened, but by simply going on these intense 5-10 minute trips if only a few times in our lives, we will not be utterly shocked when we die and enter this realm and we will be able to let go and become part of that realm.
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One more thing. I think the main problem with Christianty and Islam is that they try to make life too simple. "Do this cause God said so" and "Just Believe."

Blind faith is useless. What does it accomplish? How does it improve us or enlighten us? It doesn't. I feel like Christians and Muslims are in a way missing out on the great insight some of these eastern religions have (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism) into who we are and what we should be doing to prepare for when we die. I'm fortunate enough to have been influenced by people like LG and my religions of Asia professor and now I at least have a chance at achieving true enlightenment (though I'm very far away from that. I don't even know how to properly meditate.)

And don't be deterred from researching the insights of the Buddah and the I-Ching and the BG and stuff like that because you think there is too much info. Simply reading a few texts will really get you on your way. But like texas Hold 'Em, it takes 5 minutes to learn, and a lifetime to master. It is the practice that is tough, not the technique.

All that said though, I still love Jesus for some reason and some of his words and still feel a connection to him. I think he, like the Buddah, had some ery good insights. Besides the words Jesus said, we can throw out the rest of the Bible.
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There are folks who believe they know beyond reasonable doubt that
God does not exist, why don't ask them?

Theists would never answer that question honestly. Jan appears to have taken the fifth.
Actually, if everyone in the world believed God didn't exist, there would be no war in the middle east. The entire world would be a better, more peaceful place.
This is actually an impossible question to answer. You would have to assume that there never was any concept of or belief in any gods of any kind; no religions, no moral codes rules or regulations. As that is not and never was the case then no human is untainted by spiritual or religious philosophy and therefore could not answer the question with any degree of certainty.
All that said though, I still love Jesus for some reason and some of his words and still feel a connection to him. I think he, like the Buddah, had some ery good insights. Besides the words Jesus said, we can throw out the rest of the Bible.
do you even know your Jesus?

Family values?

In the last few years, Christians have pushed a political agenda for the concept of "family values." Nowhere does the Biblical Jesus ever mention the phrase "family values" nor does he even mention the word "family." On the contrary, it appears that the life style of Jesus contradicts the concept of modern Christian "family values." According to the Bible as well as Christian apologists, Jesus never raised a family, and never married or fathered children. Clearly, Jesus had no personal experience of a family. Furthermore, the words of Jesus expressed variance against family members:


-Matthew 10:35-36

Not only does the Bible claim that Jesus came to set man at variance against members of the family, but he demanded that anyone wishing to become a disciple must hate them:

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

-Luke 14:26
Actually, if everyone in the world believed God didn't exist, there would be no war in the middle east. The entire world would be a better, more peaceful place.
Its not clear what is the inextricable, monopolizing connection between religion and violence ..... unless you are arguing that its simply because we are yet to see a truly atheistic society that one can drive home whatever issue they like (such as the absence of religion greatly diminishes car crashes and ingrown toenails too ...)
Considering that historically, Christians have been some of the most savage killers and destroyers on the planet for 2000 years, they tend to act as if God doesn't exist. If JC ever does come back, he's going to lose his lunch when he sees what some people have done in his name.:eek::bugeye:
question for theists
if you knew beyond reasonable doubt that God doesnt exist,

1- would you steal,lie,cheat,kill etc
2-would you be honest,good,nice to everyone

I wouldn't want to live if God didn't exist. If that's not an option, then I'll choose #2, since living life any other way would be unbearable for everyone.

Shalom Aleichem - Jesse.
do you even know your Jesus?

Family values?

In the last few years, Christians have pushed a political agenda for the concept of "family values." Nowhere does the Biblical Jesus ever mention the phrase "family values" nor does he even mention the word "family." On the contrary, it appears that the life style of Jesus contradicts the concept of modern Christian "family values." According to the Bible as well as Christian apologists, Jesus never raised a family, and never married or fathered children. Clearly, Jesus had no personal experience of a family. Furthermore, the words of Jesus expressed variance against family members:


-Matthew 10:35-36

Not only does the Bible claim that Jesus came to set man at variance against members of the family, but he demanded that anyone wishing to become a disciple must hate them:

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

-Luke 14:26

Evening Scorpius!

Picking a Scripture and ignoring its context isn't instructional, and indeed misrepresents the speaker.

When Jesus was talking about the separation of family members, He was telling us that some would follow Him and some would not. He went on to say later that children would 'Give up their parents to the authorities' and worse. We're seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy in our time. The 'Sword' that divides the sheep (teachable, followers of Christ), and the goats (stubborn, rebellious opposers of Christ) has already come down and is quickly separating one group from the other.

Christ is 'raising' every follower He has (teaching us, molding us, guiding us), and that's one third of the population of this planet - rather a large family wouldn't you say? That He also Created humankind puts Him in a rather unique position as a parent too. I don't know about you, but I've had eight children and I still don't know how to make them, I only know how to get them started. ;)

Jesus is also a Son, the Only Begotten Son of our Father in Heaven. I hardly think Jesus is lacking in knowledge or experience when it comes to the family unit. Technically, he's your Elder Brother and YHWH is your Father. Are you quite certain *you* know Jesus?

Love - Jesse.
If I knew for certain without a doubt that God did not exist, I guess it would just give me more free time to ponder about other things I can't comprehend. Other than that life as normal.