How would the world be different if we never had religion?

We are going off on a tangent here, but perhaps if you knew the Christian religion better you could make a better assesment of your position on the topic.

I know the Christian religion better than most Christians, you included.

Still, regardless of the religion, if we all followed it, the world would be at peace. It is our debates on the issues, namely our religion, that fuels the wars.

We've given religion thousands of years to bring the world to peace, that has not happened. How much more time does religion require, several more thousand years?

It is certainly not the debates, it is the religion itself that fuels wars. They diametrically oppose one another. Why do you think there are thousands of versions of Christianity alone?

I think if the morals were set in stone and could not be changed easily, there would be peace.

Morals don't need to be set in stone, a simple education in the art of rationale and reason would suffice.

Religion is a deterrent, only if you can get everyone to agree on it. So, again I say that religion has the potential to benefit mankind in a better way than today, and that without it, we will always have crime.

Complete nonsense. Religion is no deterrent, the prisons are full of religious people who have not the ability to reason. If they did, they most likely wouldn't be there.