How would the world be different if we never had religion?


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Valued Senior Member
What are your thoughts? I find this an interesting question but also a very diffculty one to answer.

*I have already posted this on the Sci/Society forum I am sorry if I am breaking any rules by re-post this, but I didn't know this forum was here*
You need to look no further than the comments that the athiest make. They almost seem barbaric to me. The foul language, insulting others that dont have the same belief. It saddens me to see the hatred that they have over somthing as simple as a belief. Athiest really have a true hatred for christians. No matter color, race or, religion,
I would never turn my back on my fellow man.
but you have and you will.
if it was'nt for religion we as a race would have advanced science forward by a least a hundred years, without religion there would be almost no conflict, until the religious realise there is no afterlife, then they may respect life more, as this is you one and only go at it. at least 90% of murderers believe in god.
it god where they get the bad examples from, if you believe the bible.
no believe a respect for life, a believe no respect.
so therefore you make it the best you could possibly for yourself and you fellow man.
Hostile said:
You need to look no further than the comments that the athiest make. They almost seem barbaric to me. The foul language, insulting others that dont have the same belief. It saddens me to see the hatred that they have over somthing as simple as a belief. Athiest really have a true hatred for christians. No matter color, race or, religion,
I would never turn my back on my fellow man.

I do not have the experiances with Athiest as you as I have not often encountered them.

However I would have to disagree with your line of thinking in relation to the question. Because if God created the christians etc then God also created the Athiest's. You cannot have one without the other.
geeser said:
but you have and you will.
if it was'nt for religion we as a race would have advanced science forward by a least a hundred years, without religion there would be almost no conflict, until the religious realise there is no afterlife, then they may respect life more, as this is you one and only go at it. at least 90% of murderers believe in god.
it god where they get the bad examples from, if you believe the bible.
no believe a respect for life, a believe no respect.
so therefore you make it the best you could possibly for yourself and you fellow man.

I agree with the Science aspect 100% we would definitely be more advanced. As for the conflicts I am sure that certain conflicts would not be around today but are so called Religions conflicts really about Religion? In many cases I don't think they really are. I think that we might still be faced with conflict today but with other excuses labelled to them.

I do like your think about the “best you could do for your fellowman” In fact this was the point of my post to explore what other collective belief system would now be in place if Religion was not around. I believe that we would have created a Godless Religion. But what form would this have taken? Also I believe that the Godless religion will come about one day.
alexb123 said:
I do not have the experiances with Athiest as you as I have not often encountered them.

However I would have to disagree with your line of thinking in relation to the question. Because if God created the christians etc then God also created the Athiest's. You cannot have one without the other.

Yes, god did create the person. However, its up to you to choose to accept God or not. So no, god did not create the disbelief in himself.(athiest) And, as far as a christian, thats a word used to describe your belief.This is my belief. God did create the heavens and earth and all that exist on it. Jesus died so we may live and be forgiven.There were non-believers 2000 years ago, just as there are today.Very simple. Do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior? I do. But, its your choice.
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How would the world be different without religion?

Probably overpopulated by the people and their decendents who died for their religion.
Hostile said:
They almost seem barbaric to me.
Maybe you missed, like, the first month of history class, but HUMANS ARE BARBARIC! IT'S OUR NATURE! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BARBARIC!
Hmmm... well thought out replies I notice... [hint hint]

Let me see if I can add my bit...

Relgion appears to have developed with man's appreciation of that which is greater than he and his aspiration to better himself through such appreciation.

Most likely we'd still be swinging through trees in Africa if things didn't go along the religious path.

To be human is to be religious.
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dont talk like an ass, marcac.

to be human is to be a social animal, religion was only used by the powerful over the weak, to control the masses, a lie told often enough, mimics truth, especially for the weakminded who believe it to be the gods honest truth.
we would be living among the stars now if it was'nt for religion, but the religious would like it, if we were still swinging in the trees, easer to control and cage.
lucky over the last 150 years we've questioned more and the tides rushing in for religion, it wont be long before it's irradicated from society, it might take another 150 years, I wish I could be here to witness it.
at least my great great grandchildren will.

However, its up to you to choose to accept God or not

Bull fucking shit. It's up to god to make it clear, not just to the stupidest segment of the population (95%) but to the rest of us who actually have a brain. He's succeeded in recruiting an army of morons. Good job there god.


And religious belief is now obsolete. Yes we may have needed it to cope when we thought that the stars were spirit beings stuck in the "firmament" and that by cutting open goats and chickens we might make them happy so they'd make the river flood again this season (idiots).

Wake up and smell the advancement. God is obsolete.
I think it is a veritable impossibility to decide actually what the world would be like if there had never been religion. We have no point of reference really. There has never been a time in recorded human history in which a civilization was purely non-religious. Religion has permeated every society that we know exists here on earth, or has. Even today, a world of technological marvels, can't be considered a realistic point of reference, since nearly ever facet of todays world has been influenced in some way by past and present religions.

I don't know if it's really possible to imagine a world without religion/religious influence, since one has never been experienced.
What is religion but a system of beliefs? What is humanity without beliefs? Well stated beyondtimeandspace [BTAS next time ;)]
beyondtimeandspace said:
I think it is a veritable impossibility to decide actually what the world would be like if there had never been religion. We have no point of reference really. There has never been a time in recorded human history in which a civilization was purely non-religious. Religion has permeated every society that we know exists here on earth, or has.
sorry I dont agree with permeated not when you consider the bloody crusades, torturing inquisitions, mass-murdering conquistadors, culture-destroying missionaries,
beyondtimeandspace said:
Even today, a world of technological marvels, can't be considered a realistic point of reference, since nearly ever facet of todays world has been influenced in some way by past and present religions.
not influenced, interfered, legally enforced resistance to each new piece of scientific truth until the last possible moment.
beyondtimeandspace said:
I don't know if it's really possible to imagine a world without religion/religious influence, since one has never been experienced.
I can envisage this utopia.
Hapsburg said:
Maybe you missed, like, the first month of history class, but HUMANS ARE BARBARIC! IT'S OUR NATURE! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BARBARIC!

Being 16, you should be in history class.
If there was no such thing as religion, there'd be no wars or murders and we'd be off flying around in space with aliens :D
What is humanity without beliefs?

1: Insane

What is humanity without beliefs?

2: Sane