how would God look alike?

WHAT??? Something's existence is proof it exists?

Yes. the proof of the existence of A is A's actual existence.

Claim you have a rock, produce the rock, the rock is known to exist and be in your possession.

Claim to have a god, fail to produce the god, we know your claim is unsubstantiated.
No. The proof is producing the rock.
There could be unicorns on another planet but there's no proof until someone finds them & shows them to enough others that it is accepted.
God SPAKE a whole lot more than he did anything else.
He may have been low on visibility back in Old Testament times, but he was high on acoustics.
Maybe we should be more concerned what he sounded like.
He SMOTE rather a lot, too. The various methods employed may yield anatomical clues.
Yep, it's a pretty good quality of being. :D

I think jag was on to something there.


thats what i wanted people to discuss
thank you

nobody have seen Newton today,because he is dead.

proof of his being is his WORK.

So if a dead man is recognized because of his work,why do we have to SEE God ,his CREATION is his proof of being.if not,then sumone ELSE can create something similar and prove its not God :)
thats what i wanted people to discuss
thank you

nobody have seen Newton today,because he is dead.
proof of his being is his WORK.

So if a dead man is recognized because of his work,why do we have to SEE God ,his CREATION is his proof of being.if not,then sumone ELSE can create something similar and prove its not God :)

God is dead?
nobody have seen Newton today,because he is dead.

proof of his being is his WORK.

So if a dead man is recognized because of his work,why do we have to SEE God ,his CREATION is his proof of being.if not,then sumone ELSE can create something similar and prove its not God :)

Newton WAS alive and people knew he existed because they saw him. Proof of his being WAS his being.

Fallacious argument, jag.

thats what i wanted people to discuss
thank you

nobody have seen Newton today,because he is dead.

proof of his being is his WORK.

So if a dead man is recognized because of his work,why do we have to SEE God ,his CREATION is his proof of being.if not,then sumone ELSE can create something similar and prove its not God :)

Where's the proof in his "work"? Or even proof that he did any work.