how would God look alike?

According to The Holy Babble, Moses did not see the god's face, only the hind parts.

Yeah he only saw God's back. God said His face would be to much for Moses to handle and he would like die on the spot or something. But after seeing God's back his face glowed for the rest of his life.
According to The Holy Babble, Moses did not see the god's face, only the hind parts.

Exodus 33:11(numerous versions)......Yahweh speaks to Moses face to face. It's just one of many contradictions in the Holy book. Did He or didn't He?

Even if God doesn't want anyone to see His face then it means He does have one. But it is good to know that He has a backside too.
M*W: Interesting, but isn't that an image of the Sun above and behind the guy in the fancy robes?

All Praise the Ancient Sun's Rays

Not surprising since Amaterasu is the Sun Goddess.:p

Amaterasu is described in the Kojiki as the sun goddess who was born from Izanagi's left eye. she was also accompanied by her siblings Susanoo, the storm deity, and Tsukuyomi, the moon deity. In the Kojiki, Amaterasu is described as the goddess from which all light emanates and is often referred to as the sun goddess because of her warmth and compassion for the people who worshipped her. Some other myths state that Amaterasu was born from water.
In an episode of Star Trek TOS, they encountered a small cult of supposed sun worshippers on another planet but in the end found they were SON worshippers. A low point in science fiction.
how should God look like ? He should look like he exists.

how do they know They havnt seen him? They would if he existed

WHAT does he have to do to prove himself? Exist

what kind of qualities he need to convince a human being? Existence

and what do you look for in a God? Existence

Existence is key, evidently.