How would "freethinkers" deal with children who turn religious?

Both of my children have gone to church. My son quit going when they couldn't answer his question in a logical manner.
My daughter still goes and loves it.

I let my children choose their own path. Considering we all end up the same, I don't see that it matters.
From your link:

"Daddy, why did Jesus invent butterflies if they die after two weeks?"

I just about hit the panic button when my six-year-old son Theo put this question to me not long ago. His mother, who is a Christian, had taught him that Jesus was God."

It appears these kids were indoctrinated. The children didn't "turn" religious but were brought up with it.

Q and a christian woman? Q, what in the hell were you thinking? i mean, Q, what in the hell were you thinking with?
You mate with Christians? How absolutely ironic! :D

Well what do you expect? If the mother is christian the child is bound to pick up on some of these beliefs.

Q and a christian woman? Q, what in the hell were you thinking? i mean, Q, what in the hell were you thinking with?

It appears you both have reading comprehension issues. The Christian woman is in the article linked by Sam. In other words, Sam put forth a bogus article to make her point. The children were already indoctrinated by their Christian mother. Kapeesh?
Both of my children have gone to church. My son quit going when they couldn't answer his question in a logical manner.
My daughter still goes and loves it.

I let my children choose their own path. Considering we all end up the same, I don't see that it matters.

And, it doesn't bother you that your daughter will end up being indoctrinated into a cult, brain dead and deluded?
It appears you both have reading comprehension issues. The Christian woman is in the article linked by Sam. In other words, Sam put forth a bogus article to make her point. The children were already indoctrinated by their Christian mother. Kapeesh?

well darn, cause that would have been funny. :p
And, it doesn't bother you that your daughter will end up being indoctrinated into a cult, brain dead and deluded?

Nope. You see religion as being evil. I see religion as being a choice. As long as she isn't harmed, why would I care about it? I have seen religion do many wonderful things for people. Salvation Army comes to mind.
Nope. You see religion as being evil. I see religion as being a choice.

Indoctrination is not a choice.

As long as she isn't harmed, why would I care about it?

Let me repeat; indoctrinated, brain dead and deluded. That is serious harm to your daughter.

I have seen religion do many wonderful things for people. Salvation Army comes to mind.

So, you believe a charitable organization has the requirement for cult belief in order to be "wonderful?" Ever hear of the Red Cross?
Indoctrination is not a choice....

No, so. Since birth my children have been told what to eat, how to behave, how to dress. How is this not indoctrination? Its not as if they are forced to go. If they don't want to, they don't have to. But if they want to, I support them in their choice.
No, so. Since birth my children have been told what to eat, how to behave, how to dress. How is this not indoctrination? Its not as if they are forced to go. If they don't want to, they don't have to. But if they want to, I support them in their choice.

Obviously you don't know the difference between indoctrination and teaching.

You are supporting her indoctrination. That's your choice. Sad, indeed.
Obviously you don't know the difference between indoctrination and teaching.

You are supporting her indoctrination. That's your choice. Sad, indeed.

I'm not narrow minded I guess. Its her path to make
all things are possible with god.

That is absolutely false, Lori. So far, after repeated requests from me, you have yet to have your god visit me. It would appear not very much is possible with god. ;)
....She's not making it, the cult is.

The isn't forced to go to church. She isn't forced to read a bible. She isn't forced to be in a choir. They are all things she enjoys. No different than going to cheer-leading practice, learning cheers, going to camp. Its what she enjoys.

I'm not a 'my way or the highway' kind of parent. What kind of parent would I be if I forced her to be an atheist when she didn't want to be?
That is absolutely false, Lori. So far, after repeated requests from me, you have yet to have your god visit me. It would appear not very much is possible with god. ;)

you have to request this yourself! :wallbang:
The isn't forced to go to church. She isn't forced to read a bible. She isn't forced to be in a choir. They are all things she enjoys. No different than going to cheer-leading practice, learning cheers, going to camp. Its what she enjoys.

Fine. She enjoys the indoctrination... but, she probably doesn't know she's being indoctrinated. Neither do you if you believe what she's doing is relative to cheer-leading or going to camp... unless it's a Christian camp. ;)

I'm not a 'my way or the highway' kind of parent. What kind of parent would I be if I forced her to be an atheist when she didn't want to be?

No one is asking you to force her to do anything. But, most certainly, you should at the very least, teach her something about what she's getting into. But, I fear you don't know the difference.
you have to request this yourself! :wallbang:

Yeah, we've already been down that road, Lori. And, since your god has refused or ignored my pleas, it's up to you to talk with him and convince him to visit me.

Don't you think that act would be worthwhile for you? If you did as I requested and your god visited me, you would have a seriously huge victory on your hands. Think about it, YOU would have changed an atheist like me into a Christian.

That doesn't entice you in the least?
Yeah, we've already been down that road, Lori. And, since your god has refused or ignored my pleas, it's up to you to talk with him and convince him to visit me.

Don't you think that act would be worthwhile for you? If you did as I requested and your god visited me, you would have a seriously huge victory on your hands. Think about it, YOU would have changed an atheist like me into a Christian.

That doesn't entice you in the least?

no. but i'll pray for you anyway. grrrrr....

what pleas? you don't even believe in the remote possibility of his existance. so, why would you plead with god? that makes no sense.