How will religion handle this.......


Registered Senior Member
Just a quick one to gather some ideas:

If man sent a mission to Mars, and life was discovered under some frozen water. How would the religions of the world cope with the problem of:

After the 7th day, god decided he would keep going for a while longer, and create the marziens of Mars. Would the religions of the world have to release a supplement reading:

"In addition to creating all life on earth, god also created life on several other planets, that will become known to use as we explorer our universe, which was also created by god"

Why can't we get on with things and leave god as the great unknown....WE WILL NEVER HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!
The bible never said he didn't create other worlds with other life, in fact(can't remember exactly where), He says he has "created worlds without number, which would indicate that there are other worlds. whether or not those planets have intelligent life, and what their theology is, would be the problem. In Joshua, God tells Isreal that he would gather them even if they were scattered to the stars. Something to point out is that while God said that He created the earth, and probably the sun, moon, and a fair number of stars, the actual universe still is open for claims of credit.
Shouting ... haha... punch.. Probably he is shouting at the atheists to leave god alone! He got a point. :p
Religions will adapt to the new discoveries as they have always done when reality is revealed, and they will consequently continue to lose credibility as they always do when they are shown to be wrong.

Religions are built on ignorance. As real knowledge becomes available then the basis for religion is eroded.
New religions would arise to account for this. Old religions would attempt to adapt and explain, but would probably lose members.

Although the 'first church of christians on mars' would probably be a hit.

So do you see a conflict in what I said? I can't see it.

A basis for religion is ignorance - i.e. lack of real knowledge so they create their own fantasies to explain things.

A basis for religion is fear of death - so they create the fantasy of souls and gods.

I have noticed there has been very little response to my post from the usual religious fanatics? Are you all pleeding the 5th on this one???

Someone mentioned that new religions would be created.......would that fact alone not seal the faith of people would finally see religions are not divine...just a cope out for people frightened of death and an eternity spend rothing in the ground...rather than swanning around paradise?

I think my solution of releasing a supplement to the bible and the koran might just work.......Maybe call it the "Even Newer Testament"?
I think that as long as some basic questions are left unanswered, there will always be religion. The fear of death is definately a major reason why religion is so popular today. If this fear were eliminated, religious numbers would decline. But it is also the fear of the unknown that contributes to religion. Unless some basic questions, such as how the universe came to be, are answered...religion will be around to try and provide explanations. Some questions may never be answerable so we may always have religion...I hope I am wrong...
Originally posted by jusmeig people would finally see religions are not divine...just a cope out for people frightened of death and an eternity spend rothing in the ground...rather than swanning around paradise?
Well, there are plenty of new religions that surfaced in the last few decades and they don't seem lack any followers.
In response to daktaklakpak and fadingCaptain:

If it is a healthy fear of death, spiritual satisfaction, and the unknown that keep religion fueled....well then it seems that there is never an answer to be found to this riddle. As far as organised religion: (ie Christianity, Islam etc....)

I do not understand why people need to turn to religion in face of death, I feel that death is the one constant in life....not to be pondered during life! Could it be that simple to simply say......well you will find out when you die? Why then all the stories and fables about water walking and prophets. Can people not drop the fear and misconceptions of religion, and simply live a good life content in the knowledge....that one way or will find out when you die?
Originally posted by jusmeig
Just a quick one to gather some ideas:

If man sent a mission to Mars, and life was discovered under some frozen water. How would the religions of the world cope with the problem of:

After the 7th day, god decided he would keep going for a while longer, and create the marziens of Mars. Would the religions of the world have to release a supplement reading:

"In addition to creating all life on earth, god also created life on several other planets, that will become known to use as we explorer our universe, which was also created by god"

Why can't we get on with things and leave god as the great unknown....WE WILL NEVER HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!
thats if a life was discovered!!!!

I am of course speaking hypotetically. I cannot be sure than we will find life in my life time, however I hope we do so I get the absolute satisfaction of seeing people all over the world....go:....."Ahhh crap!".

However I think it very very ingnorant of people to count out the chance of there being other life. There are billions of stars in the milky way that could support life, not to mention all the other galaxys. In my opinion the chances of us not finding other life are really low.

we have enough argument and and different pionts on earth to discuss in.and i think we cant bear more proplems from another planets
mohamed/friends and members of other religions please answer me this:

How would the stories of creation, from your respected holy books (Bible/Koran etc...) deal with the discovery of another life form on a planet other than earth?

Please avoid ranthing about how god created all and loves all equally etc... If you believe these books as proof of your faith then they must account for major events such as....the hundreds of millions of years that the dinosaurs were hanging about.
we have enough argument and and different pionts on earth to discuss in.and i think we cant bear more proplems from another planets
Hey good posts jusmeig!

CA i cant see any contradiction in Chris's post either.

If man sent a mission to Mars, and life was discovered under some frozen water. How would the religions of the world cope with the problem of:

After the 7th day, god decided he would keep going for a while longer, and create the marziens of Mars.
i dont think it would affect all of the major religions, i think it's only Christianity and other closely related religions that says the world was made in 7 days. Plus even if all of the known religions were proven wrong this does not deny the existence of God, it just proves that mankind was wrong about the creator.

P.S And why are you shouting?! :rolleyes:
mohamed, Answer the question or leave the forum. How would Islamic/Koranic teaching deal with the hypotetical situation above, bearing in mind that this situation will more than likely occur.

Does it state that in addition to creating the universe, god then filled it with millions of different races?